Unit 5 My Future  (冀教八年级上教案)

unit 5       lesson 33


step 1: discuss the questions in “think about it “.

step 2:ask the students to listen to the tape with the question :what are li ming and wang mei going to be in the future ?then check  the answer .

step 3:ask the students to read the dialogue silently , then read aloud in pairs .

step 4:have a further study of the dialogue .

step 5: pide the class into groups and let the students play the guessing game . (guess what am i going to be when i’m older ?)

step 6:come to “let’s do it”.

lesson 34


step 1:discuss the questions in “think about it “.

step 2:ask the students if they know what a yearbook is . explain or demonstrate the meaning of yearbook either in chinese or in english .

step 3:ask the students to create a kind of yearbook .

step 4:talk about the picture to see what the students understand about the picture . ask question like :what is li ming holding up ?

step 5:play the tape for the students to listen .

step 6:have a discussion about the text .

step 7:ask the students to work in groups .predict their future . use the sentences like :i want to ---i hope to ---i hope that i will .

step 8:begin unit project  1. make sure the students fully understand what the project requires them to do .

pide the class into small groups . each group then chooses a partner group . students in each group make predictions for the future about students in the partner group . they should make one prediction for every person in the partner group . ask students to refer to lesson 33 in this unit for proper wording . they should also be encouraged to experiment with the language by writing in their own ways . instruct each group to write a list of their predictions .

ask the class to break into its groups . each group exchange its list of predictions with its partner group . every group should now have a list of predictions from another group . one student from each group can read the predictions aloud , or students can take turns reading predictions one by one . every group will then discuss whether they agree with the predictions .

tour the classroom as the students talk . if many groups are having trouble expressing themselves in english , stop the class and brainstorm useful vocabulary with students . you may wish to make a list on the blackboard . for your reference , here is a list of useful words .

might ,maybe , hope , want , right , wrong , going to (not going to ), may (may not ),,will would , but , sometimes , usually , surprise

i want to      

i hope to       

i think       /i don’t think    

give each studenta piece of paper , all of the same size . have the students draw a picture of themselves in the future –how they think they might look as an adult . each student will then write a prediction for his or her own future . at the end of this session , collect these papers . put them into a binder of predictions for the class . leave this binder of predictions out where students may look through it .

if the project cannot be finished in one lesson , it can last for two or three lessons .

lesson 35

 step 1:great your students ,help the students respond in an appropriate way .

ask ,’who’s on duty ?’ listen to the students’s report . make sure the next student for “who’s on duty ?”knows who he or she is for next time .

if you have time , you might ask the class to try the following tongue twister :a big black bug bit a big black bear , made the big black bear bleed blood . (to save time , it is advisable for you to write it on a large sheet of paper and bring it to the class .)

step 2:give your classmates or friends some advice by saying imperative sentences .

step 3:come to project 2.what’s your advice ?let’s make an advice diamond . explain that advice diamonds are popular in north america . students there enjoy playing with them .use a big piece of paper , so that all the students can see what you are doing . help the students to write the advice down .

begin unit project 2 . instruct the students how to make an “advice diamond ”.refer to the illustrated instructions on the next two pages 。

lesson 36

class opening

greet your students . help the students respond in an appropriate way .

ask “who’s on duty ?” listen to the student’s report .make sure the next student for “who’s on duty ?”know who he or she is for next time .

step 1:study the new words of this lesson . as a class , read the lyrics for the song in the student book . this song has several common english expressions :no matter what , in        more years , somewhere between and know for sure . translate these expressions into chinese .

step 2:read the lyrics for the song in the students book .

step 3:explain the common english expressions.

step 4:play the audiotape .ask the students to just listen .

step 5:teach the first verse of the song , line by line . after the students know the first verse , they should be able to follow along with the other verses.

step 6:practise the song a few times , with and without the audiotape . step 7:come to “let do it ”.

lesson 37

class opening

greet your students . help the students respond in an appropriate way .

ask “who’s on duty ?” listen to the student’s report .make sure the next student for “who’s on duty ?”know who he or she is for next time . sing “no matter what”.

step 1:come to “think about it”. students can talk in groups .

step 2:get some students to give their answers .

step3:the students listen to the audiotape with the question :what makes lucas happy?

step 4:have the students listen to the tape a second time .then have a discussion .

step 5:have the students read the text . then have a further discussion .

step 6:come to “let do it ”.pide the class into small groups . ask each group to make a chart that compares lucas’s ambitions with their own ambitions . the chart can have as many columns as there are students in your class, as well as one for lucas.

if you have time , end the class by singing the song “no matter what ”.

lesson 38

class opening

greet your students . help the students respond in an appropriate way .

ask “who’s on duty ?” listen to the student’s report .make sure the next student for “who’s on duty ?”know who he or she is for next time .

step 1:come to “think about it”.

step 2:ask the students to read the text silently .

step 3:have a discussion :ask some questions according to the diary to make sure that they understand the diary .

step 4:tell the class that keep a diary in english is not very difficult .for example , wang mei has written one by using words , phrases , expressions and sentence structures that they have already learned .tell the class to pay attention to the mechanisms and wording in wang mei’s diary .

step 5:let the students read the passage a second time then have a further discussion .

step 6:play the audiotape .

step 7:come to “let do it .”

lesson 39

step 1 :play the audiotape and ask the students to listen and answer questions :

do you know the word “famous”?

do you want to be famous ?

step 2:ask the students for questions . encourage other students to try to answer . this is good reading to point out that some english verbs follow some special grammar rules . for example , you can say :

i/you /they want to be      .

i/they hope to be      .

i’m going to be      .

you can also say :

my mum wants me to be      .

in these cases , before the second (non-predicate)verb used in the sentences is the word to , indicating that the verb that follows is not the main verb . this is a general rule .

but with verbs like let and make , the rule is different .for instance , with these verbs you have to say :

let’s (let us ) go to a movie tonight .

she makes us work very hard..

in these sentences , the second verbs ( go , predict and work )do not have the word to before them. ask the class to make a note of this structure for these verbs.

step 3:review “be going to ”and “might”.

step 4:have the students read the text and discuss in groups .

step 5:come to “let’s do it”.



标签:教案   数学   初中数学   八年级数学

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