




由于玻璃陨石在很多特征上与火山玻璃相似,故早期曾被称为黑曜岩。1900年F.E.Suess据其熔融的特征,由希腊语“τηχτοξ”(意谓“熔融”)将之转译命名为英语“Tektite”,并一直沿用至今。本世纪初,由于这种天然玻璃被认为是地外成因的,也曾被称为“Glasys Mete-orite”,“玻璃陨石”这一中文译名即源于此。



Glass meteorite, full name glass meteorite. Glass meteorites are natural glass that condenses rapidly after the surface target material melts when the extraterrestrial object violently impacts the Earth. Glass meteorites are formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: high purity and no impurities inside, the whole body is full of compact small bubbles, and there is a melting shell outside, and a flow pattern on the melting shell. The glass meteorites found on the surface are mostly blocky, brown and black to light green, generally centimeters in size, and the surface is mostly covered with aerodynamic etching marks. Long-term studies have proved that glass meteorites are obviously different from earth volcanic glass in chemical and structural characteristics, and are not the products of geological processes.

Glass meteorites were called obsidian in their early days because they resemble volcanic glass in many features. In 1900, f.E. Suess, based on its melting characteristics, was translated from the Greek "τηχτοξ" (meaning "melt") into English "Tektite", which has been in use ever since. At the beginning of this century, the natural glass was called Glasys mete-Orite because it was believed to be of extraterrestrial origin, hence the Chinese translation of the term "glass meteorite".

Human understanding of glass meteorites can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago. From the excavation and archaeology of tombs, it is found that in ancient times, people used glass meteorites as weapons, tools, decorations and even talismans. In modern Times, in Europe, jewelry merchants used to collect them as gemstones. As early as the middle of the 10th century, Liu Xun of the Tang Dynasty described "Lei Gong Mo" (the ancient name for glass meteorites) in his book "Ling Biolu Yi", which is recognized as the earliest written record of glass meteorites in history.

The color of this glass meteorite is black and green, and it is extremely precious. The price has risen all the way, and it has become the most expensive stone and diamond in the antique collection market. It is also difficult to compare with the precious glass meteorite. Glass meteorites can remain essentially unchanged for billions of years. Researchers can learn more about the early universe by studying these meteorites. The scientific research value is very high. Some developed countries will fight for things.



标签:陨石   希腊语   棕黑   玻璃   地表   火山   迷人   特征   地球   人类   发现

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