


I wanted to reach out personally to share my motivation in acquiring Twitter. There has been much speculation about why I bought Twitter and what I think about advertising. Most of it has been wrong.我想亲自接触,分享我收购Twitter的动机。关于我为什么购买Twitter以及我对广告的看法,有很多猜测。大部分都是错误的。

The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence. There is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that generate more hate and pide our society.我获得Twitter的原因是,对于文明的未来来说,拥有一个共同的数字城市广场是很重要的,在这里,可以以健康的方式辩论各种信仰,而不必诉诸暴力。目前,社交媒体将分裂成极右翼和极左翼的回声室,产生更多仇恨,分裂我们的社会,这是一个巨大的危险。

In the relentless pursuit of clicks, much of traditional media has fueled and catered to those polarized extremes, as they believe that is what brings in the money, but, in doing so, the opportunity for dialogue is lost.在对点击率的不懈追求中,许多传统媒体助长并迎合了这些两极分化的极端,因为他们认为这就是赚钱的原因,但这样做的话,对话的机会就失去了。

That is why I bought Twitter. I didn't do it because it would be easy. I didn't do it to make more money. I did it to try to help humanity, whom I love. And I do so with humility, recognizing that failure in pursuing this goal, despite our best efforts, is a very real possibility.这就是我买Twitter的原因。我没有这样做,因为这很容易。我这么做不是为了赚更多的钱。我这样做是为了帮助我爱的人类。我怀着谦卑的心情这样做,认识到尽管我们尽了最大努力,但在实现这一目标方面的失败是非常现实的可能性。

That said, Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences! In addition to adhering to the laws of the land, our platform must be warm and welcoming to all, where you can choose your desired experience according to your preferences, just as you can choose, for example, to see movies or play video games ranging from all ages to mature.这就是说,Twitter显然不可能成为一个人人免费的地狱景观,在那里,任何话都可以说,没有任何后果!除了遵守国家法律之外,我们的平台必须热情欢迎所有人,在这里,您可以根据自己的喜好选择您想要的体验,就像您可以选择观看电影或玩视频游戏一样,从各个年龄段到成熟。

I also very much believe that advertising, when done right, can delight, entertain and inform you; it can show you a service or product or medical treatment that you never knew existed, but is right for you. For this to be true, it is essential to show Twitter users advertising that is as relevant as possible to their needs. Low relevancy ads are spam, but highly relevant ads are actually content!我也非常相信,如果做得好,广告可以取悦、娱乐和告知你;它可以向你展示一种服务、产品或医疗服务,你从来都不知道它存在,但它适合你。要做到这一点,就必须向Twitter用户展示尽可能与其需求相关的广告。低相关性广告是垃圾邮件,但高相关性广告实际上是内容!

Fundamentally, Twitter aspires to be the most respected advertising platform in the world that strengthens your brand and grows your enterprise. To everyone who has partnered with us, I thank you. Let us build something extraordinary together.从根本上讲,Twitter渴望成为世界上最受尊敬的广告平台,以加强您的品牌并发展您的企业。感谢所有与我们合作的人。让我们一起创造非凡的东西。



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