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By Wang Wen

American rhetoric about the threat of China and attempts to counter its power are both bewildering and frustrating for ordinary Chinese.

A population that once looked up to the US now looks on aghast at the violence perpetuated both within and outside its borders.

The US’ perception that China is a threat runs contrary to empirical evidence, is mired in ossified ideological thinking and is unacceptable to Chinese academia. To see just where potential evil lies here are the facts.

China has not been at war in more than four decades. It doesn’t send destroyers and bombers to cruise the Florida Straits, just to test Washington’s tolerance.China’s military spending isn’t even a third of the US, which spews more of its wealth on its military than the next 10 powers combined.

China’s managed economy wasn’t ruptured by a financial crisis, caused by sheer greed and lack of oversight. Chinese citizens don’t have to arm themselves with firearms, and China’s local constabulary don’t even carry guns.

The US government’s never-ending threats and the outrageous depiction of socialism by American politicians, leaves Chinese people feeling confused and even angry.

In many ways, the US is a beneficiary of China’s bounty and struggle. US consumers save hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars each year buying Chinese products and commodities, then if they were made there. The flow of China-made consumer goods to the US isn’t about to change even as more Chinese companies build plants in the US, and US companies grab a greater share of the Chinese market.

China holds more than a trillion dollars in US treasury bonds, which helped it survive the 2008 international financial crisis. Still a decade later the US has the temerity to launch a trade war against China, which only hurts US consumers who are paying the tariffs. Contrary to their own best interests, blockheads in Washington have now blocked better technologies from China, why? just because it’s from China.

China didn’t instigate any of this, but it rightfully invoked countermeasures.

China's population is four times that of the United States. There are more people in China than all the countries of North and South America combined. It’s inevitable that China’s GDP will exceed that of the US. Trying to suppress China’s growth makes Chinese people think the US in standing in the way of a better life simply out of spite. Economic growth is not a sporting event, there are no trophies hand out at the top of the pyramid.

China has signed more international treaties and joined more international organizations than most of countries. It passionately defends the international order centered on the UN, which was established under the leadership of the United States in 1945. China isn’t the only country that continues to benefit from the stability of the post-WWII international order, and sees no need to subvert this system.

China does not accept the holier-than-thouaccusations from the US against Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Opportunities for Uygurs and Tibets continues to improve and expand as has their population. Hong Kong’s economy is pegged to grow fast then most developed countries.

Chinese people want the moral crusaders in the US, to take a look inward at improving their own grief-stricken, drugged-out communities. In May it was Buffalo and Uvaldes. Chinese travelers in the US have posted videos of miles-long lines of roadside tents the homeless call what, their home? The current state of affair in the US is shocking to Chinese people. The prevalence of violence in US cities, and that which it has perpetrated beyond its borders, has collapsed the hearts of Chinese people.

How did this happen in a country that Chinese people had once held in such high regard? In many ways Chinese people saw the US as their tutor. They wanted to emulate its success, and we learned very well how to follow instructions. The “student” has now grown up, and is a teacher in its own right – there could not have been any other outcome.

The shattering of the American myth has prompted a political awakening and self-confidence in China. Chinese people have turned to their 3,000-year-old culture to find wisdom and ways of making greater contributions to the world.

Chinese are entrepreneurial in spirit but we resist unfettered capitalism. We know instinctively that capital flows must be regulated and its key goal is to contribute to measured improvements in social equality and national well-being. This is how China has been able to alleviation poverty and rebuild its infrastructure, bringing a tsunami-size wave of improvements across the country.

This is the difference between how China and the US are proceeding; one has buckled down in near unanimity in order to move up, while the other appears hopelessly sinking into two solitudes led by elites or brutes.

Of course, both China and the US need to evolve. There is serious undue political correctness on both sides. It now borders on the taboo to say something good about the other. Learning from each other's strengths and making common progress will surely go a long way in easing tensions between the two countries.


// 人大重阳





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