



Traveling China's Silk Road is a journey into China's ancient history and perse culture quite unlike any other. It's a journey of contrasts: Han and Uyghur ethnicities, Buddhist and Muslim religion, Eastern and Central Asian culture, natural and man-made wonders, dry desert and Alpine mountain scenery.穿越中国的丝绸之路是一次与众不同的探寻中国古代历史和多元文化的旅程。这是一段对比之旅:汉族和维吾尔族,佛教和伊斯兰教,东亚文化和中亚文化,自然景观和人造奇观,干燥沙漠和高山风光。

The best time to travel to the Silk Road is from May to October. Weather conditions are pleasant from late spring to early autumn with an average temperature of 15 C. Although summer weather can be hot, the weather is dry and much more comfortable than hot days in the humid tropics. We recommend this time because the scenery is ideal when the fruits ripen, the flowers are in full bloom, and green grass covers the plateaus.去丝绸之路旅游的最佳时间是五月到十月。晚春到初秋这段时间天气宜人,平均气温为15摄氏度。虽然这里的夏季可能很热,但天气干燥,比潮湿热带地区的炎热天气要舒适得多。我们推荐这个季节去旅游是因为此时风景正好,水果成熟,鲜花盛开,绿草如茵。



Located in south western Gansu province and the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Gannan has both Tibetan culture and stunning plateau landscape.甘南地处甘肃省西南部、青藏高原东北部,既有藏族文化,又有迷人的高原景观。

This area is famous for having a similar feel to Tibet but doesn't require a travel permit. With the average altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level, you can experience Tibetan culture and enjoy the plateau scenery in comfort and without the risk of altitude sickness.该地区因其旅游体验与西藏类似而闻名,但不需要旅行许可证。平均海拔3000米,可以体验藏族文化,感受高原风光,舒适且无高原反应。

Here you will see grand prairies, scattered lakes, monasteries, Tibetan villages, unique mountain peaks, and hidden wonderlands. 在这里,你会看到大草原,错落的湖泊,寺院,藏族村庄,独特的山峰,和隐藏的仙境。



Where is the mystical Shangri-La? The answer is hidden in the wrinkles of the Hengduan Mountains in the northwest of Yunnan province.神秘的香格里拉在哪里?答案就藏在滇西北横断山脉的皱纹里。

Shangri-La can be found in the chanting of the monks and lamas of Songzanlin Monastery. It can also be seen at the top of the Meili Snow Mountains, which have never been summited. You may find it in the valley of the Three Parallel Rivers or in the forest where the Yunnan golden monkeys live. 香格里拉就在松赞林寺僧人的诵经中,在从未有人登顶过的梅里雪山的山顶上,在三江并流区的河谷或云南金丝猴栖息的森林中。



游客在拍摄新都桥景色(2019年10月17日摄)。新华社记者 唐文豪 摄

Autumn is a perfect season for outdoor activities and is when you can enjoy the fresh air and cool weather. How about taking a hike through tall mountains and rolling fields? The western part of Sichuan offers routes with stunning natural scenery and minority cultures that are popular with photographers and outdoor lovers alike.秋季是户外活动的完美季节,您可以享受清新的空气和凉爽的天气。徒步穿越高山和起伏的山野怎么样?川西一些旅游线路拥有迷人的自然风光和少数民族文化,深受摄影师和户外爱好者的喜爱。

The golden fall colors in Daocheng are gorgeous. Especially when put together with the white snowy mountains and different varieties of plant life. Daocheng is a popular stopover point on the journey to Yading, a place where you can gain insight into the nature of the Tibetan minority culture. In autumn, the red bushes of Hongcaodi combined with the yellow foliage under the clear blue sky are believed to exhibit the colors of heaven. The temples in these mountains represent the local Buddhist culture.稻城的金秋色彩绚丽。尤其是当覆盖白色的山脉和不同种类的植物同时映入眼帘。稻城是前往亚丁的热门中转站,亚丁是可以深入了解藏族文化的地方。在秋天湛蓝的天空下,"红草地"的红色灌木与的黄色树叶相互映衬,呈现出天堂的色彩。山中的寺庙是佛教文化圣地。



Guizhou province is home to many of China's minority groups and Kaili is one of the best places to use as a base for exploring these minority cultures. In Kaili, the museum, the Sunday market, and the villages nearby with their unique culture and architecture are all worth a visit.贵州省是中国许多少数民族的聚居地,凯里是探寻少数民族文化的最佳地点之一。在凯里,博物馆、周日集市,以及附近有着独特文化和建筑的村庄都值得一游。

It is said that in Kaili "grand festivals occur there every three days, while minor ones occur every day."据说,在凯里,"大节日每三天有一次,小节日每天都有。"

6. 内蒙古,欣赏稠密的胡杨林


October is a great time to visit Inner Mongolia autonomous region. At this time, travelers can go to the quiet Ejina to enjoy the wonderful scenery of the area's unique populous Euphratica forest.十月是去内蒙古自治区的绝佳时机。此时,游客可以前往安静的额济纳,享受那里独特而又稠密的胡杨林的美妙风景。

The particularity of its geographical position has blessed Inner Mongolia autonomous region with rich travel resources including plains, deserts, sparkling lakes, and massive herds of cattle and sheep. You can even experience the Mongols' ancient sporting traditions like horse racing, wrestling, and archery.由于地理位置特殊,内蒙古有着丰富的旅游资源,不仅有平原、沙漠、波光粼粼的湖泊,还有成群的牛羊。你甚至可以体验蒙古人古老的体育传统,如赛马、摔跤和射箭。



If you have a craving for pure and stunning natural scenery and don't want to be disturbed by crowds, Qinghai province in the northwest of China may be just the place for you.如果你渴望纯净迷人的自然风光,又不想被人群打扰,那么中国西北部的青海省可能正合你意。

Qinghai Lake is the sparkling jewel of north west China. Although autumn is not said to be the best time to visit the lake, the season offers a different kind of beauty well-worth seeing. The lake is quieter and more peaceful in autumn when it is decorated with yellow grasslands and snow-capped mountains. Standing on the banks, you will have a wide view of the scenery. This huge lake and quiet environment will make you feel at peace and engulfed in natural beauty.青海湖是中国西北部一颗璀璨的明珠。虽然秋天不是游览青海湖的最佳季节,但秋季青海湖的另一种美非常值得一看。在秋天,青海湖的湖面上倒映着黄色的草原和白雪皑皑的山峰,显得更加宁静祥和。站在湖岸上,眼前风景一片辽阔。巨大的青海湖和周围的静谧会让你心绪平静,沉浸在自然美景中。



The crowds during China's golden week have little impact on the fixed-number-per-ship Yangtze River cruise. However, booking the cruise during the National Day holiday is much more difficult than normal and we recommend you book at least two months in advance.十一黄金周期间的人潮对限定了乘客人数的长江游船影响不大。然而,在国庆节期间预订船票比平时要困难得多,我们建议您至少提前两个月预订。

The Yangtze River cruise is the most popular cruise in China with beautiful natural landscapes and places of cultural interest to be seen along the way. The ship frequently stops and you can stretch your legs while exploring the attractions along the river banks. The Yangtze River in October is painted with bright fall colors. Also, the weather in October is quite comfortable and cool, making it a pleasant time to stand on the deck and survey the scenery.长江游船是中国最受欢迎的游船,沿途可以欣赏到自然美景和文化名胜。游船经常停下来,你可以在沿岸活动活动身体,顺便探访景点。10月的长江映出明亮的秋色。而且,十月秋高气爽,站在甲板上欣赏风景令人心旷神怡。

编辑:彭娜 许雅宁来源:Chinahighlights.com




标签:凯里   亚丁   青海湖   藏族   香格里拉   高山   长江   游船   人潮   中国   假期   旅行   文化

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