


“We wanted to create a film full of joy, with the story based on the real experiences of 'League of Legends', allowing players to find similar gaming fun in the animation.” The director of the animation, Salarey, explained the creative idea in an interview. “The team has been looking for a piece like this, originating from the game but not limited to it in content, capable of reproducing the gaming joy for the players. Now, we are fortunate to have found it!” Stone Bear, the popular game video creator on the internet and the main creator of the "Lala Demacia" project, is confident. Over the years, adapting a popular game in a reasonable way has generally been well-received by players. The rich background story of "League of Legends," the varied gaming fun, and the fiery game IP attributes ensure that the film will undoubtedly be warmly welcomed upon release.

Adhering to the Core Values of the Game

The values conveyed by "League of Legends," such as "teamwork and win-win cooperation" and "a true master always has the heart of an apprentice," are preserved in the animation. It makes each player in the game shoulder a mission. In the animation, each character corresponds to the game's features, with their own role positioning. For example, Demacia's Might, bearing the heavy responsibility of the front-line charge, protects the team by absorbing enemy damage to ensure the safe output of their own team. In the animation, Demacia's Might, like a tank in the game, charges forward with the motto "people in the tower," protecting teammates and blocking enemy attacks. Similarly, as the Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman, strives for continuous self-improvement, honing his skills in the face of failure and mockery, eventually laying the foundation for the victory of his team in battle.

In the game, the 5v5 setup requires a multi-role positioning, with close coordination between team members to win the game. The animation reflects this by assigning specific roles to each character, just like in the game. The value of being needed in the team, giving each player the thrill of becoming a hero, is embodied in both the animation and the daily gaming experience. Whether in the game or the animation, it is emphasized that every hero should adhere to their duties, showcasing the importance of teamwork. The essence of a game and its soul lie in its values, and whether an adapted work can inherit the essence and soul of the game depends on whether it upholds the core values of the game.

Recreating Iconic Game Elements

Renowned media personality Yu Hangying, in an interview on "Analyzing TV with a Cold Eye," mentioned that when attempting to adapt "King of Glory" into a variety show, Tencent conducted a large-scale data survey with the theme "What elements do users care about the most." The results of the survey showed that players were most concerned about significant elements such as crystals, defense towers, monsters, red and blue buffs, which were most indicative of the game. Although this survey data is not directly from "League of Legends," it serves as a valuable reference for determining adapted elements.

Firstly, character personality restoration is crucial. "League of Legends," as a MOBA game, has 148 characters with distinctive personalities, each having unique skills and in-game voice lines. These traits are well incorporated into the plot of the animation. For instance, in the opening scene of the first episode, the three most popular heroes in the game, Garen, Xin Zhao, and Jarvan IV, nicknamed the "Bush Trio," are humorously introduced. They lie in wait in the bushes, ambushing passing enemies, a common tactic in the game. These three heroes, known as the entry-level heroes in "League of Legends," are familiar to almost every player. Their introduction, coupled with humorous elements, triggers scenes commonly seen in the game. Furthermore, instances of teammates teasing and trolling each other, a common occurrence in the game, are also integrated into the plot. For example, in the second scene of the animation, Jarvan IV from Demacia often makes unreasonable moves with his ultimate ability in the game, causing harm to his teammates. In the subsequent scene, Jarvan IV's imprudent ultimate ability results in a disastrous defeat for his team, and Xin Zhao, the Demacian Grand General, taunts him with, "They say there are ten Xin Zhaos, nine of them are feeders, but Jarvan is the real team killer!" This seemingly funny dialogue not only incorporates common game scenarios but also rapidly enriches the characters' personalities, staying true to the essence of the game.

Secondly, costume and prop restoration is essential. Costumes and props are the most obvious symbols of heroes, with each hero having unique attire and equipment. Occasionally, new skins are released in the game, giving players a feeling of encountering a "new hero." The highest recognition among players is often for the original skin, so the animation's heroes are recreated with reference to the original skin. This includes the attire of the soldiers; allied minions wear blue armor, while enemy minions wear red armor, in accordance with the routes set in the game. The entire animation meticulously reproduces the details of the characters. The costumes, unique weapons carried, and even the walking postures are consistent with the game. For example, the sword of Demacia's Might, the spear of Demacia's Grand General, and the flying knives of Katarina are all faithfully reproduced. The attention to detail in character attire and props aims to give the audience an authentic gaming experience.

Thirdly, sound effects restoration is vital. The animation features voice actors from "League of Legends" to ensure a highly faithful reproduction of sound. Whether it's the background music from the game or the characters' monologues, the original game soundtrack is used. Alongside familiar sound effects, the audience experiences a feeling of being immersed in the Summoner's Rift. The characters' dialogues often include classic lines from the game, such as Demacia's Might always saying "people in the tower" when selected to stand and Jarvan IV exclaiming "To those who defy Demacia, they will perish" when selected. The familiar shouts, reminiscent of joining forces with every player, bring gaming emotions into the animation. The game's sound effects not only make the audience enthusiastic but also easily draw them into the plot of the animation.

Lastly, hero skill restoration is crucial. In the game, each hero possesses unique skills, with each skill having its own special effects. In the animation, every hero releases their skills in battles, with complete consistency in terms of skill names, effects, and sounds. Everything is faithful to the game, from the names of the skills to the special effects and sound effects. In fact, whether it is the restoration of scenes, skills, costumes and props, or sound, the goal is to provide the audience with an authentic gaming world. The world created in this animation is one that the audience is familiar with, leveraging the emotional connection between the game and the players, seamlessly transforming players into viewers of the animation.



标签:剧情   英雄   动画   游戏   密不可分   西亚   路径   模型   动作   模式   人物   玩家   联盟

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