



1.Being a role playing point guard (< 6'3) would be the best IMO. You still get a multi million dollar salary and get to hoop for a living, retire at 30. But you can also blend in with regular people for the most part, and you're not so tall that people ask if you play basketball every time they meet you.


2.It’s pretty crazy to imagine having that life tbh. He hasn’t had a normal day like most of us since he was probably a teenager


3.Having strangers take pictures of you when you're a 16 year old before you've made any money must have been a craaaaazy experience. He was a child star basically.


4.One of the saddest stories ive ever heard is the one where Michael Jackson bought out an entire shopping mall and hired people to be pretend shoppers who didnt know him so he could experience what it was like to just be a regular guy at the mall shopping


5.Honestly LeBron’s a very well-adjusted person for someone who’s every move has been under a microscope since he was 16 years old. A lot of people with that sort of attention end up being kinda nuts.


6.The fact the man has not been involved in any controversies or big scandals while being one of the most recognizable sports celebrities and being in the constant limelight for 22 years is nothing short of extraordinary.


7.He effectively lives in isolation. Granted he has a great family and friends to share it with but having to do everything super quiet and spend extra money on security to follow you everywhere can't be a good existence sometimes. And he's famous enough where he can't simply to go Europe in anonymity like other NBA players could.


8.I can’t imagine how this could get any criticism outside of trolls and haters. This is one of the most rational and mature things King James has ever publicly said.


9.“really, I want to know what it’s like to be a billionaire basketball star, if only there was some way we could (at the same time) trade lives with each other!”

This summer, can lebron handle his biggest challenge yet, 9-5 office job and rent? Lebron James stars in: Traded.





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