Beyond Betrayal 超越背叛(1)

Beyond Betrayal



Christine Michels



译文 雨尘


Chapter One



Montana Territory, May 1887



Immune to the soothing clackety-clack rhythm of the train, Delilah Sinclair tightened her black-gloved fingers on her reticule as she fell prey once again to anxious thoughts. The paper on which her sister’s letter had been written crinkled beneath her grasp. She’d read it so many times she had it all but memorized. Still, with disquiet in her mind and a chill in her heart, she removed it and read it again.



Dearest Delilah,



I hope this letter finds you well. It seems that it has been much more than a year since we last saw each other, though I know it has not. I think of you often, and miss you dreadfully.



I wish I could tell you that good news had prompted the writing of this letter, but I cannot. Although the hellish winter is thankfully over, the recovery process continues. The brutal winter hit us hard here in <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">Montana. We lost much of our stock. Some of the cows calved too early, and Tom broke his leg badly when he and some of the men were out trying to rescue the little beasts from the terrible cold and waist-deep snows.



Then, a couple of weeks ago, we lost to rustlers a number of the cattle that had survived the winter. These were cattle that we had planned to sell ourselves. Many of our neighbors have suffered similar losses. The sheriff is investigating, but thus far the rustling continues.



In addition, the annual mortgage payment is due on the ranch in June. Having already spoken with the banker on numerous occasions, I can tell you that he is not in the least sympathetic to our situation. There are simply too many others whom hardship has hit as severely. In fact, some of the larger ranchers, not having any hay stores at all, are even worse off. So I guess I shall be grateful for small blessings.



I despise the necessity for asking, dear sister, but I must, though I do so without Tom’s knowledge. If you have any means of assisting us, your kindness would be greatly appreciated. You know that I will repay you as soon as I am able.

Your loving sister, always, Eve.



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Delilah closed her eyes briefly as she considered the implications hidden between the lines of script. Eve had as much pride and independence as any Sinclair. She’d never ask for help unless there was dire need of it. And, although she’d alluded only to the need for financial help, Delilah couldn’t shake the certainty that there was something her sister wasn’t saying. Regardless, the problem that Delilah faced at the moment was that she wasn’t much better off financially than Eve. Yet somehow, in some way, she had to find the means to aid her. She’d promised Daddy long ago that she’d always look out for her younger sister.




With single-minded intensity, Delilah stared at the passing landscapes as though the answer to her problems lay out there somewhere. Perhaps in the lee of a hillock or boulder where, in the higher altitudes, dirty clumps of snow still battled the inevitable onslaught of spring. Perhaps beneath the warmth of the sunlight in the greening meadows, where the spring warmth had coaxed the tender young grass and crocuses to the surface. Or perhaps in some of the more distant mountain peaks, where the snows receded, crowning the peaks while leaving vast valleys free at last for the cattle that had survived the winter to graze upon.



But she saw no answers there. With a sigh, she returned her gaze to the nearer landscape, and stared sightlessly at the newly emerged tender silver-green leaves on the sagebrush lining the railroad. In the seat across from her, she heard the rustle of Mrs. Higgins’s skirts as the lady shifted position. She was no doubt settling her three-year-old daughter’s head more comfortably on her lap; the child had been asleep for some time.



Mrs. Higgins was young—certainly no older than Delilah’s own twenty-two years—and, Delilah had noted, she seemed rather naïve.



On the seat next to Delilah sat a man who’d gotten on the last stop—continuing a journey he’d begun some time ago, according to his initial conversation with the man across the way. From his direction came the periodic crackle of paper as he sorted through a sheaf that he’d pulled from a worn leather satchel shortly after seating himself.



“Are you a bounty hunter, sir?” Mrs. Higgins’s quiet voice attracted Delilah’s attention, the question piquing her own interest, and, despite herself, she listened for the reply.

“Yes, ma’am.” The man’s drawl was definitely southern in origin, diluted by years in the West. “Joseph Pike’s the name.”

“Mrs. Higgins. Clara Higgins,” Clara introduced herself. “This is my daughter, Sarah.”

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” Pike cleared his throat. “I’m looking for these here three men.” More crackling paper. “Heard they’d been seen up this way.”

Her attention captured, Delilah looked. Noting her regard, Pike tipped his hat and introduced himself again. “Mrs. Delilah Sterne,” Delilah offered with a nod, the lie coming easily to her lips after years of use. She’d been only seventeen when she’d claimed it as her own.




“希金斯夫人。克拉拉 希金斯,”克拉拉介绍自己道。“这是我的女儿,莎拉。”


黛利拉的注意力被吸引过来,也转来头来看。注意到了黛利拉,派克微触帽沿打招呼并再次介绍自己。“黛利拉 斯特恩夫人,”黛利拉点头回答。用了多年以后,这句谎话很容易就从她的嘴里滑了出来。当只有17岁的时候,她就开始把它作为自己的称呼来使用了。


“It’s right terrible to see such a young woman dressed in black. You been widowed long, ma’am?”

“Not long enough forget him,” she replied in a suitably subdued voice, as her blue eyes misted. Her statement confirmed her widowhood even as it erected a barrier against unwanted male attention.





“My sympathies, ma’am.” Pike returned his attention to the WANTED posters and angled them so that both she and Clara could see them. “These here are the men I’m lookin’ for. You jest let me know if you’ve seen any of ’em. Murderers and thieves, the lot of them. Butch Morgan, here,” he said, pointing to the first poster, “is a rustler and a bank robber.” The rendering on the poster revealed an inpidual with a long narrow face, unshaven appearance, and cold eyes. Pike slid Morgan’s poster behind and revealed the next man he hunted. “This here’s George Clark. He’s wanted for robbin’ a bank and killin’ the clerk in Pine Bluffs. Word is he’s travelin’ with Morgan now.” George Clark was a clean-cut-looking man with a large walrus mustache. Had it not been for the scar on his left cheek, he would not have appeared dangerous in the least.






标签:日志   网友日志   派克   夫人   妹妹   克莱   克拉克   告示   汤姆   乔治   声音   注意力   斯特恩   亲爱   银行   男人   约瑟夫

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