Unit 18 Finding Jobs

             unit 16 finding jobs
i. 单元教学目标
技能目标skill goals
discuss jobs and career plans
talk about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations
integrative language practice
write a personal statement
ii. 目标语言

talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations
i’m good at ... because ...
i’m not very good at ... because ...
i’m interested in ...
i most enjoy ... because ...
i expect to be ...
词 汇 1. 四会词汇
barber, chef, accountant, adviser, typist, receptionist, greengrocer, astronaut, adore, vacant, outstanding, assess, salary, occupation, amateur, instant, flexible, shortly, nevertheless, drawback, applicant, personnel, accommodation, addition, qualification, modest, arithmetic, paperwork, punctual, tournament, draft
2. 认读词汇
diana, old trafford, trainee, devil, pitch, scout, maintenance, competitive, gerry archer, significant
3. 词组
in touch with, up to date, hold back, send off
4. 重点词汇
adviser, adore, outstanding, occupation, salary, instant


式 1. david’s career took off almost immediately when he was part of the manchester united’s youth team that won the fa youth cup in 1992, and he was chosen to play for the red devils’ senior team in the same year. p138
2. many countries have set up programmes to encourage and develop young footballers, and this is where the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future. p139
3. from this point on the success of their career and how much they earn depends on their performance and how many matches their team wins. p139
4. you need to convince the reader that you understand what the company or organization does, and what the job or course will involve. p143
5. then show that you have the ability to be successful by giving evidence of how your interests, qualifications or experience prove that you have the necessary skills. p143
iii. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元以finding jobs为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生正确认识自我并懂得要想成就一项事业,实现人生理想,需要付出不懈的努力;能灵活运用所学知识描述社会上的不同职业,描述自己的特长以及未来的职业理想;能根据一些建议和要求,表达自己的优势,阐述求职理由,并能写出一封成功的求职信。
1.1 warming up 提供了四幅有关理发师、餐厅服务员、厨师和会计工作场景的图片,让学生运用已有的知识和经验,想象并描述他们的日常工作内容、职责和义务并以全班讨论的形式,发表自己的观点。
1.2 listening是三位学生谈论有关择业问题的听力材料。要求学生听前以小组合作方式预测听力内容。
1.3 speaking提供了职业顾问的部分调查问卷,要求学生以小组合作形式,谈论自己的喜好、不足之处,并就课本所供几种工作类型进行讨论,从而让学生客观地认识自我,并训练自己的表达能力。
1.4 pre-reading部分要求学生首先通过阅读标题来预测文章内容,而后通过阅读每段首句和结论部分归纳全文中心思想、揣摩作者观点。
1.5 reading是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。通过贝克汉姆的事例讲述了英国职业足球运动员的艰辛以及来之不易的成功。
 1.6 post-reading第一个训练题要求学生从文中找出相关信息完成表格中内容;第二题要求学生利用文中信息比较足球职业与其它职业的不同之处;第三题要求学生从文章的字里行间读懂作者的弦外之音,推断作者的写作意图。
1.7 language practice 共三部分且均为主观题。第一部分要求学生对一篇关于网上办公的文章先就其中的语言错误进行更正,进而讨论teleworking这种工作的缺陷。第二部分要求学生运用所学词汇描述不同职业、身份的人的特征。第三部分要求学生先对三种职业招聘广告展开讨论,然后选择自己喜欢的职业并陈述自己的观点和理由,最后要求学生列出在假定情景下求职面试时可能提出的问题、对这些问题的应对措施,并以pariwork的形式表现该场景。
1.8 integrating skills要求学生完成两个任务:1. 列举写求职申请应注意的事项;比较说明两封求职信中那一封效果会更好;2. 要求学生根据自己的职业理想并结合文章首段中所列问题写一份求职申请。
2. 教材重组
 2.1可将warming up,speaking和workbook中的 reading and speaking整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。
 2.2 可将课本listening 和workbook中的listening整合在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。
 2.3 可将pre-reading, reading和post-reading三个活动整合成一节“精读课”。
 2.4 可将language practice 与workbook中practising部分的语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。
 2.5 可将integrating skills 中reading 和workbook中reading、cloze test整合为一节“泛读课”。
 2.6 可将integrating skills 中的writing和workbook中的translating 和writing部分整合成一节“写作课”。
 3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完。)
 1st period  speaking
 2nd period  listening
 3rd period  reading
 4th period  language study
 5th period  extensive reading
 6th period  writing
iv. 分课时教案
the first period   speaking
teaching goals   教学目标
1. target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
barber, chef, accountant, a careers adviser, typist, receptionist, greengrocer, astronaut
b. 交际用语
talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations
i’m good at ... because ...
i’m not very good at ... because ...
i’m interested in ...
i most enjoy ... because ...
i expect to be ...
i would like to ...
i suggest that ...
2. ability goals 能力目标
enable the students to talk about different jobs and their own career plans with the target language.
3. learning ability goals 学能目标
help the students learn how to express their likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations.
teaching important points  教学重点
enable the students to talk about different jobs and their own career plans.
teaching difficult points 教学难点
how to describe the duties and responsibilities of different jobs and their future career plans.
teaching methods  教学方法
inpidual work;
teaching aids  教具准备
1. a computer.   
2. a projector.
teaching procedures & ways  教学过程与方式
step i  revision
ask the students to check their writings with each other.
t: good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! please check your writings with each other first.
step ii  warming up
ask the students to talk about the pictures then discuss the two questions on page 136.
t: look at the first four pictures on page 136 please. work in pairs and talk about the four different jobs, including their duties and responsibilities.
sample dialogues:
s1: the barbers are busy cutting hair for their customers. as barbers, in my opinion, they should have friendly personalities and fashionable oppearances. what’s more, they should have good cutting skills and are always ready to design various haircut styles. only in this way can they satisfy the different customers. 
s2: yes. please look at picture 2. a waitress is standing by the table waiting for the guests politely and we can see that she is making an obeisance by crossing one hand with the other before her chest. it’s important for her to keep a smile and be attentive in order to offer good service to the customers. s3: i agree. in the third picture the chef in the kitchen is showing up the dishes newly prepared by him with great satisfaction. in order to make every customer have a good appetite in his restaurant, he has to be smart and creative enough to make clean and delicious food.
can you imagine the scene when a customer sees a fly in the soup?
s4: aha, i see. well, the accountant in the last picture is busy keeping accounts. she has to be very careful and honest in performing her official duties. she should be responsible for the financial affairs in the work unit and it’s her duty to always keep her hands clean.
offer some help as follows, if necessary.
t: well, from these pictures we can see that every day different people are doing different jobs and people in different fields have their own duties and responsibilities. thanks to the hard work of people from all walks of life, our society has been making progress so rapidly. do you agree? well, can you think of any other jobs besides these?
ask the students to answer the other three questions on page 136.
t: ok, let’s go on with some other questions of this part. you may talk with your partners first before we have a check five minutes later. 
s1: i know many other jobs such as teacher, doctor, nurse, manager, shop assistant, operator, driver, and so on. i would like to be a teacher when i grow up. i’m determined to devote myself to the basic education of our country and try to train as many teenagers for professionals as i can. if necessary, i’ll be glad to go to the mountainous areas to help the poor students there. i don’t know the exact number of jobs in the world and i guess there may be several thousands jobs altogether in the world.
s2: besides the jobs mentioned above, i also know some other jobs like engineer, conductor, professor, inventor, judge, adventurer, traveler, businessman, bookseller, scientist, captain. i would like to become an adventurer who leads a dangerous but exciting life and can travel around to see the world and make great discoveries for human beings. i guess maybe there are more than 10,000 different jobs in the world.
s3: as far as i know there are many other jobs such as farmer, worker, doorkeeper, soldier, officer, guard, guide, film director, actor, actress, street cleaner, bank clerk and so on. i have always been dreaming of being an army officer like my father serving in the air force in beijing. i hope one day i can also fly a plane in the blue sky wearing uniforms and do some research for the military purposes. in my imagination, there are maybe thousands of different jobs in the world.
s4: there are many other jobs like instructor, writer, lawyer, detective, politician, musician, dancer, receptionist, moneylender, gymnasts, athlete, trainer, coach, policeman, postman. in the future i would like to become a great film director like steven spieberg who has created a lot of great works for us film fans. as to the last question, i think there are so many different jobs in the world that the total number may reach up to 20,000.
t: very good!i am glad to see that all of you have great ambitions and i sincerely hope one day your dreams will come true through your hard work. as for the last question, experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of jobs in the world. so choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself.
step iii   speaking
t: next, please look at part of the questionnaire the careers adviser gave james on page 137. i’d like you to answer the questions and then discuss the answers with your partners.
show the slides of the questions and then get the students to work in pairs.
t: now, who’d like to begin the talk? try to use the useful expressions in this lesson, please.
s1:  let me try.  i’m good at chinese painting, handwriting, folk music because i love chinese culture and have been making progress with the help of my teacher mr. lu. i’m also good at playing football and table tennis because i practise them almost every day and “practice makes perfect.” i’m not good at housework such as cooking dishes, washing clothes, cleaning the windows, sweeping the floors and dealing with waste because my parents always do everything for me and i have no chance to do it myself. i most enjoy surfing on the internet because i can get a great deal of information from it and can make many friends by chatting on the qq! i expect to be operating my own company and making a lot of money in five years’ time. from answering these questions i have learnt more about myself. i think i have to work hard because there are still many things for me to learn in order to achieve my ambition. my partner introduces many jobs to me such as chef, waiter, receptionist, shop assistant, travel guide and so on. i’m only interested in the job of the receptionist listed below. if i can’t start my own company, maybe i’ll try.
s2:  i’m good at playing the piano, the guitar and the violin because when i was very young, i began to learn it from my uncle, a music professor in beijing. i’m also good at singing and dancing because they have something to do with music. i’m not good at communicating with others such as chatting online, discussing questions, giving advice, speaking in public and offering help to others because i always feel timid and ashamed when talking with others especially those of the opposite sex. i most enjoy staying alone in my room and doing whatever i like without being disturbed by the outside world. i expect to be designing fashionable dresses for some pop stars in five years. from the above questions i come to realize that i have to be more cheerful and open-minded in order to make my dream come true in society. my partner suggests that i can work as a worker, barber, typist, zookeeper or the mother superior. i’m not interested in doing any of the listed jobs at all and i’m determined to be a designer in the near future. 
s3: i’m good at persuading others such as making comments and giving suggestions because i think i have a gift for logical reasoning which can easily talk people into doing whatever they should. i’m also good at playing cards, chess and video games because i often play against my brother in my spare time and i’ve learnt a lot from him. i’m not very good at speaking and writing english because i often have difficulty spelling some words and i don’t have a good knowledge of grammar. i’m not good at singing or dancing because i have a bad voice and a terrible sense of music. i’m not very good at cooking dishes because i’m not patient enough to prepare various food. i enjoy sleeping at weekends because as a senior three student, i have to work hard during the weekdays and a sound sleep can make me relaxed and energetic for the following week. i expect to be working as a careers adviser in five years’ time. now i have learnt from these questions that i have known more about my strong points and weak points. i will work hard to improve my english a lot and make best use of my advantages. my partner thinks that i’m suitable to serve as a careers adviser, a teacher or a lawyer. i agree with my partner and i have no interest for the listed jobs.
step iv  reading & speaking
ask the students to do some practice work as required on page 267.
t: now there is little time left. let’s deal with reading and speaking on page 267. i’d like you to work in groups of four and talk about exercise 1 first. each of you should make some notes while talking.
ask some of the students to report their work to the class.
t: now, who would like to report your group’s work?
s1: besides the listed three ones, the other important things are: more holidays, good working conditions, good chances for promotion, wise leaders, many chances to go abroad, free meals, etc.
s2: the things we consider important are: good housing conditions, more spare time, free trips every month, free flats, more human rights, more prize money, more gifts for birthdays or festivals, more safety measures and so on.
t: good! you all have good imaginations and i hope you can find such a good job in the near future. now, do you know what an expectation means to a good job? here is frederick herzberg, a famous psychologist. we will read the passage about his theory of motivation on page 267 and then we will have a further discussion about his theory. now, please begin.
ask the students to discuss each of the factors on page 268.
t: the passage mainly tells us about the two groups called the hygiene factors and the motivation factors and how useful they are. do you agree? ok, let’s look at the content of the factors listed in exercise 3 and discuss what you think each factor means.
suggested answers:
factors meanings
working conditions the present state of the things needed for working. 
eg. offices, computers, telephones, cars, air-conditioners etc.
salary usually monthly payment for regular employment on a yearly basis i.e. how much money you get every month.
status person’s legal, social, or professional position in relation to others  i.e. your post or job in the company.
security something that provides safety, freedom from danger or anxiety.
eg. warning system, doorkeepers or other safety facilities in the company.
relationships with other personnel particular connection, what one person or group has to do with another i.e. how you get on with others in the company.
achievement something done successfully with effort and skills i.e. you have chances to succeed after your hard work.
recognition knowing, being prepared to admit or acknowledge
i.e. you are always admitted or rewarded after hard or successful work.
responsibility being legally or morally liable for carrying out a duty i.e. you find the company trustworthy and you can rely on it.
opportunities to advance good chances to move, put or help forward
 i.e. you have chances to get promoted for your good work in the company.
growth development, increase in value, i.e. you can make progress while you are working in the company.
t: now, please look back at question 1 and work out how similar your list is to herzberg’s. then tell your partners which are hygiene factors and which are motivation factors on your list.
ask the students to read the diagram and talk about it.
t: next, please look at the diagram on page 268 and talk about what situations b and c would be. look carefully and pay attention to the direction of the arrows. share your decisions with your partners when you have finished.
check the answers.
s1: i think as to situation b, employees have few complaints and are highly motivated.
s2: in situation c, employees have a lot of complaints and are not highly motivated.
t: very good! so you have known much about the great theory of herzberg and when you look for a job, i am sure you will do more research about the ten factors in the companies until you find the best one.
step v  homework
1. tell the other students your wishes and expectations in finding a proper job in the future.
2.do reading and speaking on page 267. each one will be asked to talk about the factors for a desirable job.



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