
d. will和would

  1.will和would可用于第二人称疑问句,表示请求和建议等。would比 will委婉客气。
  will you have some tea
  will you share your happiness with us
  would you pass this book to the student in the last row
  willwould you ... 表示请求和建议的答复。
  yes, please. 是的,请。
  certainly. 当然可以。
  sure. 当然了。
  all right. 好啊!

  i'm sorry. i can't. 对不起,不行。
  no, thank you. 不,不行。
  no, i won't. 不,不行。

  i will do anything for you.
  i will never tell you the secret.
  none is so blind as those who won't see.
  they would not let him in because he was poorly dressed.

  he will surf the internet every night.
  the boy will sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by.
  he would be nervous when he met strangers.
  in class he would ask some silly questions, and his classmates would laugh at him.

  i will take the job, and no one can stop me.
  he won't do what he's told.
  the window won't open.
  this glass will not crack under heavy pressure.

  if you will read the book, i'll lend it to you.
  if you will give up smoking, your health will improve.

  the patient took the sleeping pills an hour ago. he will be asleep now.
  it would be about ten when he left home.
  i thought he would have told you about it.
  it would be raining when she went home.
  would you like ...表示邀请
  do you like ...表示习惯
  ——do you like going go the cinema
  ——yes,i go to the cinema a lot.
  ——would you like to go to the cinema tonight
  ——yes,i'd love to.


  shall i carry it for you
  shall we sing a song
  shall they wait outside
  shall the waiter bring meals to your room
  shall i open the window
  will you open the window
  shall he open the window
  you shall do as i say.
  he shall be sorry for it one day, i tell you.
  you shall fall behind in your exam if you keep playing.
  nothing shall stop us from carrying out the plan.
  he shall have the book when i finish reading.
  i shall do my homework after reading this story book.

  children should obey their parents.
  one shouldn't be selfish.
  customers who get bad service should complain, shouldn't they
  ②常与what, how, why等词连用,表示意外、惊讶等情绪。
  how should i know
  why should i fear
  what should she do but cry for help
  i don't know why you should think i did it.
  it should be fine tomorrow.
  he should be taking a bath now.
  it's nearly seven o'clock. jack should be here at any moment.
  the film should be very good as it is starring first-class actors.
  the boys shouldn't be playing football. they should be at school.
  you shouldn't have entered the teachers' office without permission.
f.ought to
  we ought to defend our country.
  you ought to respect your parents.
  oughtn't we to do everything possible to stop pollution
  prices ought to come down soon.
  han mei ought to know his telephone number.
  there's a fine sunset; it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.
  3.ought to和should一样,表示对现在或以前应做的事却没做的责怪、批评。
  you ought to be washing your clothes. why are you playing ping-pong
  you ought to have handed in the exercise last week.
  he ought to have asked me before he took my bike.

  4.ought to 与should的比较。
  ought to 和should的含义较近,但不完全相同。ought to表示“应该”, 是从“义务”或“按理推断”的角度来讲的。should则是从说话人的个人看法这一角度来讲的。
  you are her mother. you ought to look after her.
  we should encourage him for we are his classmates.
  表示“义务”时,我们在口语中可以用had better或be supposed to 来代替should和ought to。
  if you are not well, you had better ask alice to go instead.
  i'm supposed to be there at 8 o'clock.

g.used to
  1.used to表示过去的习惯或过去某时期的状况,但现在已不存在。
  he used to drink tea but now he drinks coffee.
  i know where there used to be a river here.
  when i was a child i didn't use to like tomatoes.
  he is not what he used to be.
  where did you use to live before you came here

  2.would 和used to的用法区别。
  ①used to表示过去与现在或过去某时与后来的情况有不同,强调“现已无此习惯了”,而would只表示过去的情况,与现在无关。
  when he was young, he would smoke a lot.
  he used to live in the country, but now he lives in the city. 他过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。
  ②used to可表示过去的习惯动作或状态,而would只表示过去的习惯动作。
  kate used to be very thin.
  there used to be a building at the street corner, but it has been pulled down.
  ③used to可泛指过去的习惯动作或状态,而would表示过去的习惯动作时,往往要带有一个特定的时间状语。
  【误】we would play hide-and-seek in the fields.
  【正】we used to play hide-and-seek in the fields.
  【正】whenever we were in the country, we would play hide-and-seek in the fields.


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