

  In the West, the last Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day. On that day all the family will have a reunion for a special prayer: They thanks God ,their parents teachers and all those who helped him or supported them.

  在西方,11月的最后一个星期四是感恩节.这一天所有的家庭都会团聚在饭桌旁进行一次特殊的祈祷: 感谢上帝让他们有饭吃,有衣穿,;感谢父母赐予他们生命;感谢老师的教育,感谢所有帮助他、支持过他们的亲人和朋友。

  However, when you are eating delicious meals at home, wearing pretty and warm clothes, whether you thank your parents’ care or hard work? Perhaps some students think it’s the obligation of the parents. But I don’t think so, As a child,we should learn to be grateful to our parents. respect parents and to be a good kid.

  然而,同学们, 当你在家中吃着可口的饭菜,你是否会感谢父母付出的辛勤劳动?当你穿着漂亮暖和的衣服,你是否会感谢父母对你的关心?也许有的同学漠视这些来之不易的东西,认为这是父母应尽的义务.面对父母语重心长的教诲,有些同学会无动于衷会感到厌烦,甚至会无理地顶撞父母,你们说,这样做对吗?作为孩子,要学会对父母感恩,感谢他们把你带到这个世界,感谢他们让你衣食无忧.感谢的方式其实很简单,就是做一个尊敬父母,听话懂事的孩子.

  In school, have we thanked our teachers when you have made progress or criticized or reminded by your teachers because of your mistakes? What they did is all good for us, we should be grateful to our teacher and try our best to be a good student.


  It’s said that a person with a grateful heart is a happy person, we all should be grateful for everything the others have done for us. And it should be everyone's virtue.


  What have to do for giving our thanks is to cherish everything we have now. Therefore, we propose:


  1. Give our thanks to our parents: we should care about our parents , such as saying thanks , reading some books about thanksgivings, doing somehting to help them, studying hard and so on.


  2 Give thanks to our teachers: We have to cherish the labor of our teachers , listen carefully at class, do homework carefully and try to get good grades to pay back our teachers.


  3、Thank our classmates and friends: get along with our classmates every minute and never hurt them because of our own mistakes or selfishness


  Of course, we can do is more than just these, we just want to wake up our students to show our kindness and social responsibility. Let us act and try to be a happy man with a grateful heart



  Thank you!



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