Myth of dog meat and chicken

The most creative creatures on the planet are chickens; there are even more chickens than people, and most of them live in cages, they don’t need to move their legs and wings. Food and water comes automatically into their throats, wastes are collected. Their world is a high-tech cage, dozens of eggs are hatched ruthlessly, and they will soon become a whole new generation of creative chickens. Their deaths are also impressive, shiny carousels shift them to their death, from electric shocking, beheading, befooting and molting. The final guardian is a high-tech anal cleaner, with a fuzzy tentacle poking in their butts, guts and other organs are well purged. These beautiful corpses of chickens are wrapped with sterile plastic film, they are always tight like rubber suits in sadomasochism. Yes, and we see these lovely chickens every day in the markets.     I just described the process of the feeding and slaughtering of chickens in a frank, and slyly way,and of course, chickens are not creative at all. On the contrary, they are the most unfortunate animals on this planet. It’s true the total amount of chickens is larger than human, but it’s because many people are eating several chickens in a day! We people are omnivorous animals, we can fill our stomachs with dogs, cats, rats, bats, other people, tigers, lions, snakes, literally everything, from birds flying in the sky to whales ping in the deep sea. We people are the real species standing on the top of the food chain.     Although, sometimes, they are also eaten by other creatures like wolves,tigers, crocodiles and pythons, most times it’s we people eating others. Ironically, people from different cultures created some clueless prohibitions for their diets, like Indian never eat beef, Muslins never eat pork, and some people don’t even eat fish. There was a joke, saying once the Chinese government was holding a feast serving guests from all over the world, however, they all have different food intolerance. The pressed chef then made a whole chicken dinner for those distinguished guests. And yes, everybody eat chickens! There were roast chickens, fried chickens, chicken braised in soy sauce, chicken dipped in spiced salt, sesame chicken, orange flavor chicken, chicken with cashews and Moo Shi chicken, and a Ginseng-chicken soup. Yes, even Americans-worst cooks on this planet, know there’s a dish called” chicken noodle soup”。 There are so many ways and demands for chickens to die, we people need to create, we need to enjoy and please ourselves, so we sacrificed chickens. Ironically, we never feel pitiful for those chickens, feeling they are born to be eaten.     There is another kind of animal called dog. Because of their     loyalty, and cuteness (for some dogs), they became “our best friends), whomever want to eat dogs will be put in the denunciation immediately by dog lovers, especially females. Just like this person suddenly lost his humanity.     Interestingly, there is no religion prohibiting people from eating dogs, unlike pigs and ox, dogs are seemed to be born with a pardon. You eat me and my friends I will call my parents, occupying the moral high ground and kick your ass off.     That’s right, only wild beasts eat dogs, people cannot.I am also a dog lover, but the more I thought of it, the more     confused I am. What on earth is the difference between eating chickens and dogs? Why chickens are so unlucky that people are never punished even if they eat 10 chickens a day, and dogs are so lucky that people are cursed to be beasts for taking a bite of them? Yes, it’s the morality. It’s the morality     telling us not to eat our friends, even if I don’t’ know how these creatures became my friends. I just can’t.     When those Japanese searching for communists in your village,     your earliest choices, without doubt, are your enemies. If they need some more traitors, you choose someone you are unfamiliar with. If they still need a partisan, and there was your nephew and you. There you go nephew. Fates of dogs are the same, because chickens and cows are not extinct, we will never eat our     lovely friends. If one day comes the famine, people will eat all those Chihuahuas and Samoyeds before eating their parents. They would regret not eating their best friends several days before, maybe they weighed several pounds more.     Therefore, we have no friends on this planet. At this moment     I suddenly remember there is a puppy living in my house now. Due to its loyalty and cuteness, I decided to switch my dog with the fat Persian cat next door before eating it. Even at the last minute, we would still hold our loyalty, the humanity itself can never be defined moral or immoral anyway.


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