


  The Wuhan epidemic affected the hearts of every Chinese, but there were a group of people who made every effort to race against the time, devoted themselves to another battle, let the world witness the "Chinese speed", let us see the rise of Wuhan huoshenshan hospital.

  Come and see the cutest builders! Just after the wedding ceremony, some designers rushed in and some migrant workers left their wives and children. They worked day and night to build the huoshenshan hospital in ten days. In the eyes of foreigners, this is almost impossible, but in China, they have done it! On the first day of January 24, the construction of huoshenshan hospital was started, and various large-scale equipment arrived at the scene. People all over the country began to pay attention to this big project on the network. The next day, the hospital officially started, the third day, the fourth day Until the official delivery of huoshenshan hospital on the 10th day of February 2, all we saw were busy figures in the pictures, staggered back and forth excavators, forklifts, cement tankers, etc., while the real construction scene must be very shocking and hard. Builders are risking all kinds of risks, working all night long. Some of them are indomitable, some are tired, and they are brave and strong. What is their purpose? I think it's for the country, for the people, a sense of mission and responsibility that unite them to complete this battle of speed.

  Huoshenshan hospital let people all over the world see the speed of China, it is not magic, it is Chinese builders with sweat and tears in exchange. Huoshenshan hospital also let us remember a sentence: "the epidemic is the order, the scene is the battlefield, time is life". May we win this battle as soon as possible. Let's go to Wuhan to climb the Yellow Crane Tower, enjoy the cherry blossom and eat hot and dry noodles





  2019 passed quickly, novel coronavirus broke through the new 2020 Spring Festival, breaking the original auspicious New Year's atmosphere. This epidemic, which originated in Wuhan and spread across the country, affects everyone's heart.

  I don't know when the new year's red envelope turned into a pack of masks? The horror virus locked us in our home. Tiktok, who taught our wills unite like a fortress. I used two different pictures of "fighting against the epidemic". I know that everyone should be a part of helping our country defeat the virus, "one more prevention, one less loss". As a primary school student, I should do: 1. Wash hands frequently. 2、 Wear a mask. 3、 More ventilation. 4、 No game. 5、 Don't go out. 6、 Enhance self immunity.

  Turn on the TV and it's full of news about the epidemic. The words of a post-90s nurse aunt: "the epidemic is not only persistent, we will not disperse", which moved countless Chinese people to tears. In addition, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who is more than 80 years old, arrived in Wuhan at the first time to protect the lives of those infected with the virus and cheer for Wuhan! In addition, the most courageous running in the epidemic situation is not towards home, not towards safety, but towards the dangerous battlefield. They are the most beautiful reversers. There are also flour, vegetables, masks donated by people all over the world to Wuhan Whenever I see these news, I always feel like crying. My father told me that this is "patriotism"!

  It's really "one side has difficulties, eight sides support". Therefore, on behalf of Wuhan, I would like to say "thank you" to all the warm-hearted people. As a young pioneer, I want to learn from you. I believe that with the joint efforts of the whole nation, the epidemic will soon pass. After the epidemic, Wuhan is still the hero city, and China is still the vibrant China.



  打开电视,播放的都是关于疫情的新闻报道。一位90后护士阿姨的话语:"疫情不止,我们不散",让无数国人感动泪目 。还有八十多岁的钟南山爷爷,在第一时间到达武汉,为病毒感染者保命,为武汉加油!还有疫情中,最有勇气的奔跑——不是朝家的方向,不是朝安全的方向,而是朝着危险的战场,他们是最美的逆行者。还有全国,全世界人民向武汉捐赠的面粉、蔬菜、口罩……每当我看到这些消息,总有一种想哭的感觉,爸爸告诉我这就是"爱国精神"!



  A novel coronavirus named "coronavirus" was named after the Spring Festival during the Spring Festival of 2020. The virus is spreading rapidly. It ravaged Wuhan and even spread across the country.

  In this extraordinary period, the situation is extremely critical. If we don't do a good job in prevention and control, we are likely to be infected with the virus. Therefore, we must keep away from wild game, pay attention to health, and pay attention to health and safety. Pay attention to keep indoor sanitation and air circulation. Try not to go to the enclosed place, where the air is not circulating, or where the flow of people is relatively dense. When necessary, it is necessary to wear a good mask and do a good job of protection.

  In this special battlefield, there are countless capable people and different people. Among them, there are selfless soldiers in white, brave people's soldiers, journalists who are charging ahead, and social volunteers who ask for people's lives They are all fighting in the front line of disease and love. They are all great heroes! We should pay tribute to them!

  As a member of the Chinese nation, when the country encounters difficulties, we can't be indifferent. Although we can only make such a small contribution to the country, we can't cause trouble to the country. I believe that the Chinese nation can win the battle without gunsmoke!






  In the dead of night, maybe you have fallen asleep, and walk into the sweet dream with the expectation of tomorrow. But in that night's Hospital, at the end of the corridor, beside the suffering patients, with the doctors and nurses who are committed to fighting the epidemic and devote themselves to the vast number of patients.

  China is a big country with a long history. It has accumulated profound knowledge and culture, wealth and jewelry. After a long time of tribulation, they all saved their lives. So many disasters mercilessly brought their fire to the children of China, but they did not fall down. They persisted. Maybe some countries can't resist the surging tide and sink in the sea, but China is different. Even if it falls for a while, it will try its best to stand up. It has this spirit and perseverance, which makes it always stand in this dangerous "sea".

  The novel coronavirus novel coronavirus is harmful to people's health and life. Many people would like to see it disappear completely, but some people complain about its appearance. But this is inevitable. In the unknown and worth exploring future, this harm is essential. No country can live in comfort forever, they must undergo some "big tests", new coronavirus. That's it. Novel coronavirus is a novel coronavirus. Some people curse it. But some people feel that the appearance of a new coronavirus is a good thing. Some countries may be gradually declining because of this epidemic. But I believe China is different. It can survive the epidemic, and then become stronger through the new coronavirus test, showing its male and female prestige in many countries. 。

  Why am I so sure? Because I believe that China is the most united group, it is not a common country, it has cultural accumulation, long history, but the most important of its unity, its spirit, its unyielding temperament! The hearts of the Chinese people are always connected, and they are always the most united. They always think calmly at the time of crisis. In the face of these crises, no one will shrink back. They will all stand up bravely and face the epidemic together. There have been so many hardships since ancient times. Which time has China not been saved? I believe that China can survive this time.

  The key figures in this epidemic are those doctors and nurses, who are committed to the front line, sleepless all night, and actively and optimistically striving for China. China is so rich and strong, and such people play a key role. After repeated trials, such people bring China to victory and have such heroes. How can China fail?

  As long as there are such people, China's future only success!

  Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!










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