



  When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us confidence. They have a common name, an angel in white.


  Fighting against novel coronavirus pneumonia 17 years ago and fighting the new crown pneumonia today, they treat their patients as their bounden duty, or take the initiative to fight, or take the initiative to work overtime or rush to rush to help. Each fearless figure perfectly interprets the great love feelings of seeing the world and being compassionate to others. A medical staff member of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of science and technology wrote in the voluntary application: "regardless of pay, regardless of life or death!" academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. The picture of him resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered to be the most touching picture since the start of the year 2020. In the face of the epidemic, they know their situation better than anyone else, but they choose to "not retreat". There are many other medical workers who work selflessly under masks, protective clothing and goggles. Although we don't know who they are, I know who they are for. At this moment, they are soldiers and heroes.


  Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work together. Don't complain pessimistically, don't believe rumors, don't panic. What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrow's run.


  "Winter is coming. Can spring be far behind? "No matter how cool it is, spring will come as scheduled. Let's learn from the most beautiful rebels, let's all become a "hero", unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without gunpowder.



  The Spring Festival in 2020 should have been a time for family happiness and friends to visit each other. The sudden attack of novel coronavirus pneumonia has led to the death of some people. Some people are treated in hospitals, others stay at home, and try to avoid contact with outsiders. For a time, the whole country, the wind and the noise, all soldiers.


  However, in this very period, there are a group of people, who charge in front, silently contribute, brave and kind. They are the angels in white who, regardless of their own lives, rescue the patients, the policemen who have been holding on to their posts, as well as the caring people all over the country, who know that the danger is ahead, still do not look back. Each of them deserves our respect, because they are all blooming flowers of kindness.


  In the news, I saw those medical staff wearing heavy protective clothing. In order to treat patients, to race against time, to fight against disease, they could not eat or drink for four or five hours, go to the toilet, or rest. The protective clothing covered their faces with sweat and scars. In order to save patients, they risked their lives and rushed to Wuhan from all over the country. They parted with their families and fought against the virus. Because of the strong infectivity of the virus, some medical staff were accidentally infected. What do you think of the people who destroy the ecological environment and prey on wild animals? Are you not moved by the scene in front of you? Don't you feel ashamed?


  People all over the world are trying their best to fight against the virus. Professor Zhong Nanshan, 84, gave up his annual leave and went to Wuhan to take command. Although no cure has been found, he is still fighting day and night in the front line of scientific research. There is also the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, who has a terminal illness and his wife is infected with the virus. However, he has been fighting for more than 30 days in the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. Some factories work overtime day and night to produce urgently needed medical supplies. Overseas Chinese and caring people at home have donated money and materials to help Wuhan. Not only that, but also many volunteers Send masks, disinfectants, vegetables and other urgently needed supplies, drive to the epidemic area of Wuhan, and some take away boys, for the sake of everyone's eating problems, run back and forth at the risk of being infected. There are so many people like this!


  Isn't the kindness of these people worth learning? I want to learn from them and become a kind person.



  Time is like the merciless water. In an instant, the year of gengzi mouse is coming. Novel coronavirus infection is the whole nation's joyous moment, but the infection of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus has touched the hearts of the whole nation. Under the epidemic, there is love. In the process of epidemic prevention and control, countless selfless and fearless heroes have emerged, which are worthy of our pride and pride.


  One of the most impressive shows in the Spring Festival Gala is "love is a bridge". Although the preparation time of this program is very short, it has not caught up with the formal rehearsal. It is because of the urgency of time that people all over the country are determined to fight the epidemic. In the camera, when we saw a reporter interviewing a female nurse, she said that although she would be worried and frightened, she had to play a good role in her white gown.

  The dinner on New Year's Eve, and one family novel coronavirus, when a family gathered around the table to eat the new year's Eve dinner, and watched the Spring Festival Gala, a group of white angels gave up their family reunion. They arrived in Wuhan on New Year's Eve. They approached the sick side and fought doggedly with the new coronavirus.


  In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the whole people have to rest. He once suggested not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances, but at the age of 84, he went to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. He is Professor Zhong Nanshan. In order to stop the spread of the disease, academician Zhong Nanshan is always busy. When referring to Wuhan, he firmly said that Wuhan is a heroic city, which shocked me.

  In the face of the epidemic, not only professor Zhongnanshan, but also more people are involved in the fight without gunsmoke. There are public security, military and medical staff, who are all day and night to protect our safety and health. It's their selfless dedication and silent devotion that make us feel that the disaster is not so terrible. At the same time, all walks of life have also taken action, some working overtime, some donating money, some on duty, some transporting materials. While we praise these heroes, we should also do our own things well. Wash hands frequently, go out less, wear masks when going out, go to places with more people as little as possible, and pay attention to food. I believe that we can win the battle.


  As long as we are all of one mind, there will be no mountains that can't be turned over and no ridges that can't be crossed. I believe that with the joint efforts of countless heroes, the epidemic can be controlled as soon as possible.


  Come on, Wuhan! Refueling China.



  2020! 2020! This number is a perfect one, which is very popular. However, the Spring Festival in 2020 is not perfect, because the discovery of a virus called "new Guanzhuang virus" in a seafood market in Wuhan has caused new Guanzhuang pneumonia. Soon there were many people infected in the whole country. At that time, the medical staff came forward and became the most beautiful rebel in the front line.

  在他们其中有着八十四岁的钟南出院士,不具 年龄的界线,奔赴在疫情的第一线。他曾经在新闻里严厉的提醒老百姓”千万不能去武汉,危险”可他刚刚转过身就去往武汉。他争分夺秒,没有飞机,买动车,没有坐票买站票。他在动车餐车里办公,到了那里一个憔悴的身影,让多少年轻人的心为之动容。

  Among them, there are eighty-four year old academician Zhong Nan, who has no age boundary, and has rushed to the front line of the epidemic. He used to remind people in the news that "never go to Wuhan, it's dangerous" but he just turned around and went to Wuhan. He competed against the clock. He didn't have a plane, a bullet train, or a station ticket. He worked in the dining car of the bullet train, where a haggard figure moved the hearts of many young people.


  Zhang Dingyu, President of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, was suffering from progressive frostbite. His hands and legs were atrophied and his legs were limping. The doctor said: "his life span was only eight to ten years, but he still ran inside and outside the hospital" at night and in the morning ". What's more, Zhang's wife, who was also a medical staff member, was also infected with the new crown when he was busy saving people day and night Virus, in another hospital more than ten kilometers away, president Zhang's spirit of "putting down the ego and achieving great love" is really tearful.


  There are many unsung heroes, including the police, doctors, nurses, and volunteers. They are not afraid of sacrifice, they give up their small homes, work hard for everyone, and those construction workers who build a hospital in a few days, drive vegetable drivers and so on. After that, I also want to study hard and grow up to be a "rebel" who makes contributions to the country.


  Through this event, I learned that we should cherish the nature and protect the wild animals. I believe that with these unsung heroes, the virus will be defeated. I want to salute them, come to Wuhan! Come to China!



  A new virus broke out in our county during the Spring Festival. What is it? The novel coronavirus is the name of the new virus.


  Let's not look down on him. He is even worse than the previous SARS.


  We also need to pay attention to it at ordinary times, especially for our students. We need to wear masks at ordinary times, because if you wear masks repeatedly, the virus may be adsorbed on the masks. We must also wear masks correctly. When wearing masks, don't touch the inside of the masks with your hands. Just take the masks with both hands and put them on your ears. Although I don't like wearing masks very much, in order to ensure safety, I must go out and wear masks. We must pay attention to it. We should wash hands and change masks frequently. We should also ventilate the house frequently to make the air in our house flow better and fresher. There will be no virus infection when we breathe.


  Although novel coronavirus has been introduced this Spring Festival, it has not been bustling in the past. However, we hope that our angels in white will make great efforts to treat patients and let people suffering from the virus get rid of the pain of the virus early.



  The Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be a memorable memory forever. The novel coronavirus's raging force makes the bell ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on people's faces makes the Spring Festival feel cold.


  This winter, the plum blossom is still quietly open; this winter, the blue sky is still bright and clean; this winter, Wuhan is very difficult, but the people of the whole country are very difficult. On this special day, we will follow the doctor's advice and stay at home quietly. We are worried about Wuhan, we are happy with the increase of cured cases, and we are worried about people in Wuhan.


  At the same time, there are a group of people, they are rushing forward, using their ordinary bodies to build a fortress for the hundreds of millions of Chinese people behind them. They leave their small homes for everyone, sleepless, fighting in the forefront of this battlefield without smoke of gunpowder. They are the most beautiful rebels from all over the country. They are the most beautiful pioneers in the new era. They are amiable and respectable angels in white.


  Among these people, there is an 84 year old academician named Zhong Nanshan. 17 years ago, the old academician fought in the forefront of anti Africa and made great contributions to the fight against SARS. 17 years later, he was ordered to take the high-speed railway to Wuhan and go to the front line of fighting the epidemic again. Professor Dong zongqi, 86, sat in a wheelchair and saw more than 30 patients in the morning. He said, "my life is to save people"; Professor Li Lanjuan, 73, knew that the country was in trouble. She did not hesitate to go to Wuhan and firmly said her oath: "I intend to stay in Wuhan for a long time and fight with the medical staff there!"


  There is no time in this world that is quiet, just because someone is carrying the weight for us. There is no natural hero in this world. Only because people need, can someone be willing to sacrifice themselves to become a hero.


  Although I don't know who they are, I know who they are for. They may not be rich, or even poor; they may not be tall, or even thin; they may not be bright, or even a little humble, their image in my heart is so fuzzy, but their spirit in my heart is so bright; regardless of life and death, do not ask for return, they stick to silently, guard health, protect life.


  Ordinary we can't reach the front battlefield to fight against the virus. We can only do our logistical work well, not going out, not going out, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, so as not to give them trouble, and wish them a safe and early victory.


  Rainbow as evidence, eternal, I want to sing. For the joy of life, all things sing of your love, and the earth speaks of your kindness.


  Salute the angel in white! Salute the most beautiful rebel! Pay homage to everyone fighting the epidemic.



  The year 2020 is a new beginning, but just as the Spring Festival comes, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: the new coronavirus, only 17 years since the last SARS in 2003.


  I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the source of infection spread to the whole country. According to statistics and analysis, the people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the country respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, Nanning, Guangzhou and other places. This is an acute infection of pneumonia.


  The cause of the disease is that people eat wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat civet. This is a serious crisis. As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it? If the epidemic can't be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, will this happen?


  As for how to protect yourself, first of all, although the virus has become a focus, don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will, scientifically prevent and control the sources of infection, cut off the transmission channels, and call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to crowded places, wear medical masks in public places, and pay attention to fast food hygiene.


  Wash hands frequently and drink more water. Try not to eat out and go out less. If you have fever or cough, please see a doctor in time.


  I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fight against this crisis and stay at home and not run around. We can certainly survive this crisis from our motherland. It's very important that medical staff have given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families and rushed to the front line of the epidemic field. We should believe them more!


  Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, may the beauty of the world be connected with you.



  Novel coronavirus infection is the most popular day in January 2nd. But in response to the new outbreak of coronavirus infection, there are still a large number of medical staff taking the initiative to fight against the epidemic.


  They have the spirit of iron and steel, and the dedication of the family to everyone. They burn themselves like candles to light up the whole land of China. When we are reunited, we should think that some soldiers are still on the front line of the group countries and make their own contributions to the peace and stability of the motherland.


  This Spring Festival, they are busier and more arduous than ever before. The pneumonia of novel coronavirus infection harbour evil designs, and they are the first warriors to guard life. They take the sick man from the devil's manual and escort him with the death of God. What they hand over is life, what they guard is the doctor's promise to the patient.


  The novel coronavirus pneumonia has ignited war against us this Spring Festival, but we must not be afraid.



  We are in the new year, but they are passing the customs. In the fear of the virus, they are fearless all the way.


  In front of the novel coronavirus, they rushed to the front line, and they were not afraid of difficulties. They are the angels in white from all provinces and cities, and they are the reversers on the road of anti-virus.


  Grandfather Zhong Nanshan, 83, could have avoided the danger of the virus and lived in his old age, but he stood up when the people needed him most, just like when the SARS virus broke out 17 years ago. Seventeen years ago, he said firmly, "send all the patients to me!" the firm words shocked the whole world. Over the past 17 years, this heart of serving the people has never changed, and its retrograde aspiration to serve the people's security has never changed.


  There are many doctors and nurses. On the new year's Eve, when we have family reunion dinner and the whole family is happy, they leave their families and set foot on the battlefield in Wuhan. These rebels fight for people's safety in the hospital field.


  Pay homage to the rebellious, revere nature and guard life. They interpret "dedication of love" and "sincerity of great doctors" with persistence and perseverance. We sincerely salute them. Let's fight this war without gunpowder together, and look forward to their early return and family reunion. Let's go to the streets together and share the flowers!



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