
  21. 句型: as is known, …

  sports and health

  a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. as is known, a sound body in a sound mind is important to all. only by keeping ourselves strong and healthy can we feel energetic in studying and working and live a happy life.

  to keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. in taking part in out-door sports, we are nearer to nature and can inhale the fresh air. the beauty of nature blesses our senses so that we have the ease of mind, which is good for our health. besides, sports can increase the circulation of blood and help to expel the waste matter in the body. sports can also sharpen our appetite and increase our digestion. as a result, we can become strong-bodied.

  i benefit a lot from doing physical exercise and take pride in my good health. i seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if i work the whole day long. i shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.

    similar expression

  1) as everyone knows, …

  2) it is well-known that…

  3) we are all aware that…

  4) it is generally agreed that…

  5) it is generally recognized that …

  6) it is common knowledge that…

  22. 句型: sth. affects sth.


  we have two different faces we can show the world. we can smile, or we can frown. the face we choose to put on each day affects us a lot. smiling is, of course, the better way to live.

  smiling keeps us healthy. when we frown, we tighten up our faces and our bodies become tense. our bodies function better when we are relaxed. a smiling face is a relaxed face. smiling makes us feel good, and keeps our bodies working smoothly. smiling also makes us look good. no one likes to look at a person who is frowning. such people make us want to turn and walk away. if we wear a happy face, then the world will be more cheerful. smiling is also important for success in the business world. a smiling salesman will far outsell a competitor who frowns. a smiling doctor will help his patients feel at ease and a smiling lawyer will win the hearts of the jury.

  in brief, smiling improves our lives in every way. as the song says, “ when you’re smiling, when you’re smiling, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.”

   expressing effects

  1) sth. affects sb/sth…

  2) have an effect on sb/sth...

  3) be effective.

  4) sth influences sb/sth…

  5) have an influence on sb/sth…

  6) be influential in doing sth…

  23. 句型:sb. follows sth.

  generation gap

  despite various improvements in all aspects of social life, the generation gap between the grown-up and the young remains unbridged. instead, it grows wider apart.

  nowadays, the youths do not blindly follow what their elders say. owing to widespread education, the influence of western civilization, to certain extent, gives them a new code of philosophy, which is completely different from that of their elders. an invisible wall thus appears between the two generations.

  modern youths are trying to be more revolutionary. they have their own interpretation for different matters; they also have their own ideas. their reluctance to learn old teachings and sayings becomes the constant friction between the two generations. they always introduce new changes. however, the old people, wedded to everything of the past, are hostile to changes. thus, the generation gap becomes wider and wider.

  after all, the young generation, like the old one, is made of flesh and blood. the young also need respect and they also have skills and good ideas. in order to narrow the gap, both groups should respect each other, listen to each other and should discuss their problems patiently.

    similar expression

  1) sb. obeys sth.

  2) accept sb’s advice

  3) be at sb’s beck and call

  4) do a person’s bidding

  5) submit oneself to sth.

  24. 句型: deal with sth; handle sth.

  route to success

  in order to be successful in your dealings with people or in handling business, you must use the right approach. you must always be diplomatic so that you do not put people in a defensive position. when people are forced into a defensive position, they close their minds and will not listen to you. whenever possible, it is better to deal with problems calmly and logically, and without hostility.

  it is rarely helpful to get angry and emotional. people should be more civilized. scolding, accusing, and threatening will only make the person as mad at you as you are at him, and nothing will be solved. in fact, it will probably create even more problems! say things in a way that doesn’t hurt people’s feelings. remain calm and logical on the outside. but inside you must have strength and intensity.

  in dealing with a problem, be nice and understanding. let the other person know that you want to help solve his problem as well as your own, so that everyone will be satisfied and no one will be angry or hurt. try this way and you will be a successful man.

    similar expression

  1) sb. tackles sth.

  2) find a way out of difficulty

  3) solve a problem

  4) overcome a difficulty

  5) settle a question

  6) sth. can only be resolved by sth.

  25. 句型: be out of date

  getting to the world outside the campus

  faced with a rapidly changing world college students should no longer confine themselves to their campuses ---- the “ivory tower”. they should acquire knowledge not only from books, whose knowledge is often out of date, but also from the society ---- always changing and requiring new talented people.

  there are many ways for students to keep themselves well informed about the society: listening to the radio, watching tv, reading newspapers and surfing the internet. taking part-time jobs, such as tutoring, working in a restaurant, is probably a better way to get nearer to the society. various social activities organized by school authorities or student organizations may be the better choice for students to make.

  summer vacation will soon be here. i have already been enrolled as a volunteer to help some high school teachers and students in a village with their teaching and learning. i will receive no pay, but the best reward is that i can learn a lot from those teachers and students.

    similar expression

  1) be out of fashion

  2) be not in fashion

  3) be fashionable

  4) be not popular

  5) be outmoded

  6) be. antiquated

  26. 句型: there is a heated discussion these days…

  on-campus marriage

  there is a heated discussion these days since chinese on-campus students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses. some people applaud this new development while others have expressed their concern.

  on the one hand, college students will inevitably have less time and energy for their academic life because married students have more realistic problems to deal with than those unmarried ones. on the other hand, a number of students do have a desire for an ideal marriage. they are old enough to take the responsibility and if they handle it well, marriage can bring them happiness and a sense of security.

  in my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married; however, it shouldn’t be encouraged either. the reason is that, for on-campus students, their main task is to acquire knowledge. if they get married, the family chores might distract them from studying. thus they may not graduate favorably and accordingly may not be capable of future works. i believe almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasonably.

   introducing a topic

  1) currently there is a general attitude towards…

  2) in recent years, there is a growing concern over…

  3) nowadays…has become an important issue.

  4) there is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of…

  5) with the development of…, … is becoming increasingly popular among many people.

  6) with rapid economic development …has found its way into campuses.

  7) it is reported that…

  8) there is no consensus of opinion among people as to whether…should…or not.

  9) there are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of…

  10) one of the hottest topics many people talk about now is…

  27. 句型: the reasons can be listed as follows.

  it pays to be honest

  it is true that honesty, as a virtue of mankind, has been challenged in the modern society as we encounter more and more dishonest people and things. however, when asked the question of whether we need to be honest, my answer is “yes”. 

  i think that it pays to be honest. the reasons can be listed as follows. firstly, honesty is essentially important in establishing trust among people. secondly, to be honest brings benefits to people around you. for example, your classmates may find it easy to communicate with you. thirdly, you yourself will benefit from being honest. you will be blessed with a stable marriage, many friends and more importantly, a peaceful heart.

  it goes without saying that being honest is of great benefit to both the community and inpiduals. your life will be meaningful and you will be appreciated and remembered as an honest person. in conclusion, it is definitely rewarding to be honest because you will get more than you pay.

    explaining reasons

  1) the reason why… is that…

  2) the reasons/causes for… are chiefly as follows.

  3) the reasons why…can be traced to…

  4) this phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.

  5) why did this happen? perhaps the primary reason is…

  6) there are many causes for… for one thing… in addition… perhaps the prime reason is that…

  7) a number of factors contribute to…

  8) …is mainly due to the following…reasons.

  9) there are many factors leading to…

  10) …can be accounted for by a number of factors. first… another factor is that…finally, owing to…

  28. 句型: …is a good case in point; take…as an example.

  practice makes perfect

  it is well-known to everyone that practice makes perfect. this self-evident proverb means that the more we practice, the more likely we are going to do things perfectly.

  learning a foreign language like english is a good case in point. you must practice listening, speaking, reading and writing so as to acquire the language. otherwise, you will clean forget about it. take my classmate, xiao wang, as an example. he seldom spends time in learning english. as a result, his english is very poor and he begins to hate english now. unlike him, i spend more than five hours each day learning english. so the natural consequence is that i have a good mastery of the language and my interest in it grows.

  a lesson that we can draw from the above examples is obvious. practice is crucial to our success not only in study but also in our future work. only through repeated practice can one be good at doing things.

   pointing out examples

  1) for example/ instance…

  2) …such as…

  3) an example of this is…

  4) take the case of…

  5) take…for instance…

  6) let me illustrate with an example.

  7) let me cite a few instances…

  8) to exemplify…

  9) to illustrate my point…

  10) there are many examples to prove…

  29. 句型: it is suggested that…; it is advisable to…

  my opinion on campus love

  campus love isn’t a newly-born phenomenon. some people are strongly against it while others take it for granted. as far as i’m concerned, i object to the campus love. my reasons are as follows.

  first of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. if they indulge in it, the students may not pay close attention to their study, which isn’t rare. additionally, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposal, etc.. what’s more, some change dating “partners” frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience. thirdly, the proportion of successful couples is too low. instead, the overwhelming majority reach the same end – parting just before graduation, as a result of the reality.

  so it is suggested that students should “look before you leap”, and it is advisable to discard campus love and focus on our attention and efforts on our studies.

    making suggestions

  1) i propose that we should….

  2) people have figured out many ways to solve this problem. my suggestion is ….

  3) the best way to solve the troubles is….

  4) it might be better for people to….

  5) stricter policies should be made to eradicate this phenomenon as soon as possible.

  6) more measures still need to be taken to solve the problems.

  7) people should be further educated to recognize the importance of….

  8) every effort should be made to….

  9) it is high time that we put great emphasis on….

  10) there is no easy solution to the problem of…, but…might be useful.



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