



  This is the novel coronavirus, once again faced by the Chinese people. Only 17 years have passed since the last SARS outbreak in 2003, just at the time of the Spring Festival.


  The novel coronavirus is a new type of coronavirus which has not been found in humans.


  If the patients initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, dry cough, and gradually dyspnea and other manifestations, severe respiratory distress or sepsis shock, or even death, it is currently considered that the disease is mainly transmitted through droplets and contact, and no specific treatment method and virus vaccine has been found.


  The cause of the disease was due to eating a wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat and civet cat. Human beings are at the top of the food chain, but not all things can be eaten. The traceability analysis results point to the South China seafood market in Wuhan. The form of the virus may be severe. Coronavirus belongs to RHA virus, which has strong variability. At present, the epidemic situation is in the early and middle stage, and virus variation and super patients may appear in the future, which will enhance the difficulty of prevention and control. This is a serious crisis. As human beings, we should not reflect on it. If the epidemic can not be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, we will not be greedy to eat game?


  Dont overindulge in our victory over nature. For every such victory, nature retaliates against us.


  I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands in fighting this crisis and stay at home and not run around. Wuhan xiaocute, dont be afraid. With the motherland, we can definitely get through this crisis. Many medical staff have given up the chance to go to the front line of the epidemic field with their family members. We should trust them more!


  Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, may the beauty of the world be connected with you.



  In 2020, we have officially entered the 1920s of the 21st century. We have undoubtedly grown up since we bid farewell to the decade. But the new year has arrived, and the days when the relatives had a happy party and were full of laughter and laughter are full of haze.


  Novel coronavirus is jittery in the beginning of 2020. The unexpected death of basketball superstar Kobe and her beloved daughter is one disaster after another, which makes people lose their expectation for 2020.


  Many people have written "2020, but the year I dreamed many years ago" on social networking sites, which shows that everyone has been disappointed in 2020, which seems to be quite different from their ideal 2020.


  But There is disappointment, there will be greater hope.


  This Spring Festival let me know academician Zhong Nanshan, let me see his academic spirit, understand his great contribution to China, he was in the first line of anti SARS in 2003, and now he is 84 years old, he is still in the first line of anti SARS, which let me understand the profound meaning of "the old hero is in the limelight, ambitious". This Spring Festival, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan taught me a lot


  This spring festival also made me feel the solidarity and friendship of the Chinese people. On many social software, under the real-time situation of the epidemic from the official account, someone will always comment: "come on, Wuhan, China." Maybe its just a small move by commentators, but its enough to move peoples hearts. Every day, there will be a lot of news about donations and materials, which shows that the Chinese people are trying to make the most contribution to the country, pay attention to the epidemic situation all the time, and hope that their mothers health can be restored as soon as possible.


  This Spring Festival made me understand that the dedication to the country doesnt care about the size, but the intention. I saw the notice posted by each village, asking people not to eat together and not to go out. I saw the circle of friends sent by relatives, all of which were helpless to squat at home, but also included the hope of the country to control the epidemic. See, how can the people have no effect if they follow the direction of the state, dont eat together, dont go out and unite as one?


  This years winter vacation is not as cold as the previous two years, there is no snow, it is a warm winter, but the rainy days are very long, but finally it turns back to a sunny day, sunny, so that the earth is full of life.


  It is believed that this epidemic will be like the weather, sunny after rain and finally sunny. Whats more, its hard to start everything. Although the beginning of 2020 is not so beautiful, the next days in 2020 will be full of joy and everyone will be surrounded by happiness.


  Finally, I hope Wuhan and China come on!



  It is said that to see a sea of people in Wuda is the dream of every cherry blossom.


  I cant remember the moment when the quiet and peaceful life in Yushe Town, 952 kilometers away from Wuhan, was broken. The atmosphere changed from relaxed to tense. Everyone was involved in the war without gunpowder.


  People call the novel coronavirus the arch criminal of this war.


  Put on your mask and walk in Yingchun street. Although the neon of this town is still the same, it has lost some noise, some bustle and some comfort. Everyone cant wait to put aside the troubles of 2019. Everyone is looking forward to 2020. But at the beginning of the new year, this small town is in sync with Wuhan, no noise, no traffic jam, 7:00 p.m. is like 1:00 a.m., everyone is far away from everyone, like being pressed the pause key.


  The epidemic has spread from Wuhan to the whole country, and support from the whole country to Wuhan. I am an ordinary high school student among the 1.4 billion Chinese. Before the epidemic, the word "patriotic" never appeared in the mind after watching a movie, listening to a song praising the motherland, or learning about a grand event of Chinas championship. I never thought that when I heard the words "come on Wuhan" in the Spring Festival Gala, my nose was sour and tears suddenly filled my eyes. At one command, they are the most beautiful rebels. They charge ahead and protect the lives and health of hundreds of millions of people with their weak arms. Call, return, and win! Listen to the soldiers in white from all over the country, and the support troops rush to Wuhan with strong slogans. Look at the angel like figure in a circle and press the petition fingerprint on the war letter with the God of death. I know that they are fulfilling their commitment to the country and striving to the glorious title of "peoples hero".


  I want to pay tribute to those ordinary luminaries. They dont ask for return, they dont ask for praise, they just want to use their meager power to prepare their own vegetables for the medical team, donate the masks they bought anonymously to Wuhan, and send some bottles of disinfectant to the cadres who stick to their duty I think they let me find an example in my ordinary life. I even feel sorry that I cant grow up quickly and do so little when Im in the motherland. Maybe in such a big China, we think our power is very small, but in the long night, the little light we ignite is enough to gather into the flame of a prairie fire; the stars in our hearts are connecting into a big circle; our scattered hearts are calling each other; Our thin shoulders, in front of the devil closely together, because of our unity, because of our tearful smile, in the suffering has moved.


  Love and hope spread faster than viruses. In the 20 days since the outbreak, there have been tears, helplessness, resentment and emotion, but I have seen more kindness and courage. These kind and brave people persist all the way. They say, "in peacetime, my life is the peoples; in times of crisis, my life is the motherlands.". In fact, there are no heroes who have come down from the sky. Some are just unknown people who have come forward one by one. "Dont be afraid, wait for the city to press the play button again, wait for too many people in the subway to squeeze into this shift, wait for too many people in the big stalls to talk loudly, wait for more people to go to Wuda to see cherry blossoms than flowers, wait for too many people to wait for the bowl of hot dry noodles in the morning, we can laugh and say" I believe in your evil! "This is Wuhans propaganda to us. Then, I want to say to Wuhan and the people fighting in the front line: we are waiting for you!


  When the winter leaves, the snow melts, the grass is green, and the cherry blossoms are blooming all over the campus of Wuda, we meet for peace and a reunion. Wuhan, I want to tell you that its also my dream to see a flower sea at Wuda.


  2020, love you, love Wuhan, love China, love the ordinary and kind people in the world, love the coming spring.



标签:作文   英语   高中英语   高考英语   11600字   樱花   武汉   疫情   中国   祖国   危机   春节   病毒   冠状病毒   国家

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