
TED演讲者:Micaela Mantegna / 米凯拉·曼特纳

演讲标题:How to stop the metaverse from becoming the internet's bad sequel / 如何阻止元宇宙成为互联网糟糕的续集

内容概要:"The metaverse is already on fire, and we haven't even built it yet," says TED Fellow and video game lawyer Micaela Mantegna. She lays out why the metaverse is at risk of inheriting some of the internet's worst traits, like unchecked surveillance -- and shows how we could redirect its fate through new laws grounded in kindness and connection.

“元宇宙已经很火了,但是我们都还没建设它。” TED 伙伴、电子游戏律师米凯拉·曼特纳 (Micaela Mantegna)说道。她解释了为什么元宇宙可能会沿袭互联网的缺陷,例如无人监管,并向我们展示了如何利用充满善意和联结的新法律让元宇宙走上正确的道路。


【1】I hope you like memes, or the next few minutes will get very awkward.

但愿你喜欢表情包, 不然接下来的几分钟会比较尴尬。

【2】(Laughter) Memes are our internet's lingua franca.

(笑声) 表情包是我们的网络通用语。

【3】So as a video game scholar, but also a geek, I will borrow them to talk about something you might probably have heard about.

我作为一个电子游戏学者, 也是一个极客, 就借表情包来说说 你可能听说过的一个东西。

【4】The metaverse.




【6】(Laughter) I'm sorry, I don't have the license for that sound.

(笑声) 不好意思, 我没买这个音效的版权。

【7】I know, I know.


【8】Sci-fi fans will be leaving comments on this video: “The metaverse is not a new idea.” In fact, as a TED premiere,

科幻粉丝会在这个视频底下评论: “元宇宙有什么新的。” 我要在 TED 上首次展示

【9】I want to showcase my research on 30 years of the metaverse, from its inception to its current trajectory.

我所做的关于 “元宇宙的 30 年”的研究, 从它的起点 到它如今的轨迹。



【11】(Applause) That's right, the metaverse is already on fire, and we even have not built it yet.

(掌声) 没错,那时候元宇宙 已经火得不得了了, 但是我们甚至都还没创造元宇宙呢。

【12】That's efficiency.


【13】How can this happen?


【14】Think of the metaverse as a Frankenstein made of different parts of current internet and digital technologies.

我们可以把元宇宙想象成 科学怪人弗兰肯斯坦, 由如今的互联网和 各种数字科技拼凑而成。

【15】Now with 3D visuals and touch.

我们现在又有了 3D 视觉和触觉效果。

【16】Between our physical reality and virtual reality, there are different layers of mixed and augmented reality, where physical and digital objects blend.

在我们的物理现实和虚拟现实之间, 有很多层混合现实和增强现实, 实体和数字物体在此交汇。

【17】The metaverse will be somewhere across this spectrum that I call "the reality gradient."

元宇宙覆盖了 我称之为“现实梯度”的整个范围。

【18】But we shouldn't let the 3D smoke and mirrors distract us from the fact that the metaverse is the internet, and as such, it will inherit the worst traits of its current business models.

但是我们不应该被 这 3D 的镜花水月 混淆了视听,让我们忽视了 元宇宙是互联网的事实, 正因如此, 元宇宙会沿袭许多 互联网现有商业模式的缺陷。

【19】With premium access to our bodies, VR headsets and sensors can extract huge amounts of involuntary data that we can't control, like heartbeats or blinks.

VR 头显和传感器 会直接掌握着我们的身体状况, 可以收集到大量 我们无法控制的非自愿数据,

【20】This will get even worse with neurotechnology, allowing to read and modify our brains creating a capitalism of cognitive surveillance.

搭配上神经技术就更严重了, 可以直接读取、修改我们的大脑, 形成了认知监控的资本主义。

【21】We certainly don’t want the metaverse to become the bad sequel to the internet.

我们当然不希望元宇宙 给互联网狗尾续貂。

【22】So how do we fix it even before we build it?

那在我们建设它之前 该怎么避免这个问题呢?

【23】By avoiding repeating past internet mistakes.


【24】Understanding why we're building it, who can seize control of it and what makes it different.

要理解我们为什么要创造它, 谁掌控它, 以及它有何特别之处。

【25】Huge questions and little time.


【26】So let's focus on one key ingredient for metaverse success: connection.

我们来看元宇宙成功的 一个关键因素: 联结。

【27】As a scholar, connection means that the metaverse needs an architecture linking all the metaverses together in a way that we can travel across them.

作为一个学者, 我认为联结指的是元宇宙需要一个 联结所有元宇宙的架构, 让我们可以在不同的元宇宙间穿梭。

【28】Seems easy because jumping websites is already an internet feature.

看似简单,因为跳转网页 早已是互联网的一个功能。

【29】But that is because we don't carry our digital belongings with us.

但是我们不会带着我们的 数字资产一起跳转。

【30】You can't take your Instagram likes to TikTok or your Roblox avatar to Fortnite.

你不能把你 Instagram 上的赞 带去抖音, 或者把你罗布乐思(Roblox)上的虚拟形象 带去堡垒之夜(Fortnite)。

【31】To achieve that, we need content portability, which is a very difficult engineering task, one that requires an object to function and look consistently across different software environments.

如果要这么做的话, 我们需要内容可迁移性, 设计研发会比较困难, 需要内容在不同的软件环境下 运作和显示一致。

【32】But guess what?


【33】It's also a lawyering problem because you need a complex structure of contracts to legally copy a digital object.

这也是个法律问题, 因为如果你要合法地复制一个物体, 你需要一个复杂的合同结构。

【34】Just between ourselves, let me tell you a little intellectual property secret.

我来悄悄告诉你一个 知识产权的小秘密, 不要告诉别人。

【35】Our digital goods are treated differently from their tangible counterparts.

我们的数字财产与它们对应的 实体财产处理方式不同。

【36】Instead of ownership, we have a license to use them, craftily limited by terms of service.

我们没有所有权, 但是有使用权, 由精心设计的使用条款约束着。

【37】In the physical world, something called “copyright exhaustion” allows us to resell our goods.

在物理世界中, 有一种 “版权穷竭” 制度 让我们可以转售资产。

【38】But courts don't agree if that applies to digital content.

但是法院不允许将其 应用于数字内容。

【39】And without this digital exhaustion rule, exiting one metaverse will be like going through very strict customs, one that will confiscate all your possessions if you want to get through.

如果没有针对数字内容的 版权穷竭规定的话, 退出一个元宇宙就会像是 走过非常严格的海关, 如果你要通行, 就得没收你所有的财产。

【40】So connection in the metaverse means interoperability.


【41】A coherent system of legal and technical standards for true decentralization.

一个有着一致 法律和技术标准的系统, 实现真正的去中心化。

【42】NFTs and blockchain can provide the technical tools, but they will never work without the legal counterpart.

NFT 和区块链可以 提供技术上的工具, 但是如果没有法律的保驾护航的话, 这是无法正常运作的。

【43】As an activist, connection means that the metaverse is the people.

作为一个活动家, 我认为联结意味着 元宇宙在于人民。

【44】The communities that will breathe life and populate these worlds.


【45】Without humanity, the metaverse will be just a 3D ghost town.

没有人类,元宇宙就只是 一个三维鬼城。

【46】But not everyone will be there because we are not born equal into the metaverse.

然而,不是每个人 都能进入元宇宙, 因为我们不具备 进入元宇宙的平等条件。

【47】We are promised boundless worlds, but in fact, we will be as free as we can afford to pay.

虽说我们面前是无限的世界, 但是实际上,我们的自由度 是由我们的财富决定的。

【48】We need to find ways to create an inclusive metaverse, one that keeps the best things of humanity online: kindness, creativity, cat memes.

我们需要创造 一个兼容并包的元宇宙, 在线上展现人类美好的一面: 善意、创意、猫猫表情包。

【49】This is not wishful thinking.


【50】Kindness is a power house.


【51】There are initiatives like Leyline creating a blockchain proof of good deeds or charity marathons like Games Done Quick.

有像 Leyline 这样的项目 将慈善行为记录在区块链上, 或者像 Games Done Quick 这样的慈善马拉松。

【52】A game about sending anonymous letter to strangers might seem like a recipe for disaster, but against all odds, over one million letters full of kindness were shared.

给陌生人寄匿名信的游戏 听起来会是一团乱麻, 但是历经万难, 超过一百万封充满善意的信件 传递了起来。

【53】People want to do good.


【54】And now we have the technical means to escalate it to unprecedented levels.

我们现在有了把它推向 更大舞台的技术手段。

【55】The metaverse may still be a work in progress, but that means we still have room and a chance to influence what it will become... open, accessible and inclusive.

元宇宙可能还在建设中, 但是这意味着 我们还有改变元宇宙未来的 空间和机会,让它变得开放、 触手可及、兼容并包。

【56】It's not every day that humanity has the chance to create a new reality.


【57】So my invitation to you: let's make it a good one.

所以,我要邀请你一起 把它建设得更美好。

【58】Thank you, read you in the comments.





标签:特纳   宇宙   兼容并包   区块   续集   善意   笑声   糟糕   表情   现实   数字   内容

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