The 31st Guangzhou International Travel Fair kicks off

The 31st Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition (GITF for short) will be held from May 19th to 21st in Zone C of the Canton Fair Complex.

An area of 22,000 square meters presents a global tourism feast

TheGITF is known as the "Canton Fair for Tourism". The opening day of this year's event coincides with the 2023 China Tourism Day on May 19th. And the GITF will offer a global tourism event for the industry and the public for three days in a row. This year's exhibition covers an area of 22,000 square meters and attracts exhibitors from 55 countries and regions.

The GITF will eye more on the latest trends in global cultural tourism development, with a main theme on the high-quality development of integration between culture and tourism. The exhibition layout, topics arrangement, and professional forums have been upgraded with a joint booth for V-MICE (Venue, Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition) already set up to promote the cross-border integration of professional forums, explore the potential of cultural tourism in the Greater Bay Area, and cultivate new cultural tourism model. Several domestic travel agencies will also offer consumers more cost-effective travel experiences.

68% of International exhibitors opening up a global "friend circle"

Sri Lanka, famous as the pearl of the Indian Ocean, will be the guest country of honour at the 2023 event, accompanied by nearly 20 of its key destination management companies, hotel groups and local tour operators to present a new image of a quality destination for tourism.

Numerous countries such as Germany, the UK, the US, Canada, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, and Saudi Arabia were present as exciting guests, with 68% of international exhibitors.

In addition, the series of forums at this year's event was more perse compared to previous years, including the GITF 2023 China Outbound Tourism Forum, the TECT·Tech Enabling Culture and Tourism & Metaverse Hall of GITF, and the Global Inbound Tourism Destination Forum.

A better life in Guangzhou inside and outside the fair

In this event, the B&B Zone was carefully decorated with a layout showing the yearning for life in Guangzhou style, gathering 16 quality B&B models from the city.

In Intangible Cultural Heritage Zone, traditional craftsmanship such as Guangcai porcelain, Guangzhou embroidery, Canton Biscuit, China paper cutting, Lingnan flower pressing and so on, with inheritors interacting with visitors to tell the stories of these crafts.

At the 2023 Spring China (Guangzhou) International Tea Expo on May 21st, the Canton Tea Ceremony Zone will present the charm of tea drinking in Guangzhou. One Cantonese teahouse called "Huacheng Teahouse" will create a new tea-tasting space in Lingnan, and launch activities such as the China-Chic flash mob, tea-tasting game and stage drama.

Experience the young culture of the GBA and look forward to a sustainable future

The GITF this year holds the theme of "Gathering for a Sustainable Future." The "GBA Creative Cultural and Tourism Experience Zone" also highlights the features of cultural tourism in GBA cities. Starting with the "wow moment" experience entrance, visitors can feel the surge of young cultural trends in the GBA, with over 10 creative experiential spaces, the giant book for life notes over six meters long, and more than 1,000 surprise blind boxes given away. All these show the youthful energy of the GBA and its sustainable future.





本届展会着眼全球文旅发展最新潮流,以文旅高质量融合发展为主轴,在主题策划、展会布局和专业论坛等方面全面升级,首次设立“会奖旅游 V-MICE”联合展台,更注重专业论坛跨界融合,注重探索大湾区城市文旅发展,注重文化旅游新业态培育。国内多家旅行社还将为消费者带来更高性价比的出游体验。











“大湾区创意文旅体验专区”汇聚大湾区城市文化旅游亮点。从湾区“wow moment”体验入口开始,观众即可感受到众多潮流涌动的湾区年轻文化,10多项创意体验空间、6米多长巨型旅行手账共创、1000多个惊叹盲盒……展现年轻主题,全面展示湾区活力。

文 羊城晚报全媒体记者 刘星彤 通讯员 穗文广旅宣

图 穗文广旅宣

翻译 陈萱

来源 羊城晚报·羊城派

责编 王瑜瑛

校对 赵丹丹



标签:花城   创意   广州   展区   国际旅游   全球   文化   旅游   国际   论坛

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