

Heart disease risk could be affected by one surprising factor, new study finds. Hearts that are rounder shaped could be more prone to future cardiac disease, artificial intelligence indicates.


The shape of a person's heart could be a predictor of future cardiac disease, a new study from Stanford University in California found. Specifically, a heart that has a more spherical (round) shape could have a 47% higher likelihood of developing cardiomyopathy, which is a "disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body," according to the Mayo Clinic.


Using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze more than 38,897 MRIs of healthy hearts from the UK Biobank, researchers examined a large biomedical database that includes information from 500,000 U.K. participants.


In the study, published in the journal Med on Wednesday, the researchers measured the roundness of the left ventricle, a typically cone-shaped chamber of the heart that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body.


Next, the researchers analyzed the participants’ health records to identify which ones had certain genetic markers for heart conditions.

They found an overlap between the rounder-shaped hearts and a predisposition for heart disease.

斯坦福大学医学院医学和儿科讲师、预防性心脏病专家Shoa Clarke博士在宣布这一发现的新闻稿中说:“大多数从事心脏病学的人都很清楚,当一个人患上心脏病后,心脏看起来会更球形”。

"Most people who practice cardiology are well aware that after someone develops heart disease, the heart will look more spherical," said Dr. Shoa Clarke, a preventive cardiologist and an instructor in the Stanford School of Medicine’s departments of medicine and pediatrics, in a press release announcing the findings.


The lead author was Milos Vukadinovic, a bioengineering student at UCLA. The research team was surprised by the strong link between heart roundness and the risk for future cardiomyopathy, Clarke told.


"It was possible that heart shape may not have told us anything different than measurements of heart size or strength," he said. "But it turned out that heart shape provides additional information about risk and genetics that is not picked up by other measurements."

圆形可能表明心脏受到压力。纽约大学朗格尼医学中心临床医学教授、福克斯新闻医学撰稿人Marc Siegel博士表示,如果使用得当,人工智能在评估心脏健康时可以成为“临床医生的朋友”。

Rounder shape could indicate stress on the heart Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, said that when used properly, AI can be "a clinician’s friend" when evaluating heart health.


"In this instance, AI appeared to show a correlation between roundness of the heart and development of cardiomyopathy, where the heart balloons out and is a less effective pump," Dr. Siegel told Fox News Digital. "This makes some sense, because the heart is typically more oblong," he explained.


"A rounder shape could conceivably put more stress or pressure on the valves and walls, potentially leading to this outcome." If the new study is confirmed, it would add another element to how cardiologists examine patients' echocardiograms (ultrasound of the heart), said Dr. Siegel.


Medical imaging could hold more insights, researchers say. "A key takeaway of our work is that current strategies for assessing the heart are good, but they were established decades ago, before the era of big data," Clarke told. "When used properly, AI can be a clinician’s friend."


"We now have the opportunity to think more broadly and ask what other features of the heart can tell us about the risk and the biology of disease."


"We expect that our results will generalize broadly, but it will be important to show that these findings replicate in other populations," he said. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the U.S. — with someone dying from the condition every 34 seconds, per data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



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