
近日,勇士队冠军成员追梦格林想顶薪续约并觉得自己值得,8月3日起有资格签4年1.38亿的提前续约合同。随后,勇士记者Anthony Slater补充报道,迹象表明,勇士不打算给追梦提供顶薪续约合同。尽管格林希望留在勇士,但据说追梦愿意探索从其他球队获得顶薪。对于卫冕冠军来说,续约冠军阵容核心成员是这个赛季不可避免的难题,今天凌晨,美媒NBACentral发问:如果你是勇士队(管理层),你不会续约哪位球员?引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Does Draymond Green deserve a max extension?


Only answer is Andrew Wiggins. He’s aging and he’s he’s not as good as the other 3. He’s not that good of an offensive player and isn’t an overall better player than these 3 guys.


he was just the second best player on that championship run lol


Can keep all of them if they all take pay cuts which I can see Dray and Klay doing idk if Wiggs and Poole would.


Quadruple Single ain’t gettin an extension


Klay or Wiggins

Depends if Klay bounces back or not.

Green is too important for the system

Poole is the future



Man I love Poole but I don’t think he’s the future. A nice addition piece to a team but that’s about it. I’d like to see the Dubs keep all of them


I think it’s gotta be Klay. Wiggins and Poole are young so you want to hold onto them. Draymond is the heart and soul of this dynasty and what he brings from a playmaking and defensive standpoint is too important for them. Klay seems to be the “outlier” here if u had to pick 1

我认为这一定是克莱。威金斯和普尔还很年轻,所以想留下他们。德雷蒙德是这个王朝的核心和灵魂,他从进攻组织和防守的角度带来的东西对他们来说太重要了。如果你要选一个的话,克莱似乎是这里的 "异类"。

Anything other than Draymond is wrong


How about the guy coming off two major leg injuries whos declining? Draymond is the heart and soul of the team why would you get rid of him


Don't know why everybody's saying other answers, Klay's skillset is def the easiest to replace


Gotta keep Wiggins and Poole for youth/defense/scoring. Klay and Dray take pay cuts and we can keep four, but they both won’t (dray’s most likely the one who demands the max still) so unfortunately the more replaceable guy is Klay. Moody/Poole can replace. Rather Dray leave tho.


If you say dray then who’s manning the paint and giving curry his off all time to run around the court? Klay has played like 40 games in 3 seasons, and Poole is literally his replacement. I’m surprised more people aren’t saying klay.


I would not extend Klay, Poole can replace him.. but let’s be real, they going to keep the core of curry/klay/green due to being loyal


Lend some money to Warriors front office we want all 4


Wiggins because you have to keep the big 3 together and Poole is the future. Wiggins is a luxury but he isn’t extending the Warriors championship window. Poole with Wiseman and Kuminga could keep it going when the big 3 retire.


Draymond and Poole. Wiggins is at least a 20 ppg player on a bad team. Poole or draymond would not be. Draymond in his mid 30s and we saw what he did when he was the guy with klay and steph out. He was like super bad.


Tbh the only replaceable one right now is Klay. Draymond is the heart of their defense. Wiggins is the 3&D wing every contender needs and Poole can sorta step into Klay's role as a secondary scorer.


Give everyone 80 percent of what their values really are to keep them, then let's see who won't accept it Poole $90M 4 years Draymond $130M 5 years Andrew $120M 4 years Klay $130M 5 years


普尔4年9000万美元,德雷蒙德5年 1.3亿美元 ,维金斯4年1.2亿美元,克莱5年 1.3亿美元。

Draymond averaged 8 points with 4 fouls and 3 turnovers on terrible shooting during the playoffs and thinks he deserves a max… he’s not THAT good defensively to make up for that in a guard/wing centric league


Draymond and Klay are both 32. Wiggins 27 and Poole 23. So it’s got to be Dray or Klay. Dray will only get to be more of an offensive liability, his defense will deteriorate and he thinks he is worth a max deal so he is the right answer.

德雷蒙德和克雷都是32岁。 威金斯27岁,普尔23岁。所以必须是德雷或克莱。 德雷只会承担更多的进攻责任,他的防守会恶化,而且他认为自己值得一份顶薪合同,所以他是正确的答案。

Draymond thinks that hes him


I hate to say it but Klay. You can’t take him over Poole anymore because his defense isn’t elite anymore. Wiggens and dray are our defense so we can’t get rid of them and Klay kinda useless now cuz of Poole


klay's worst defense, it's still 100 times better than poole's, well poole just stands there, he doesn't even raise his arm


It really hard to choose but I will say wiggin because 3 legend trios Klay green and curry never go away and Poole already too good young 24 year old also future curry





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