

我们大多数人对动物的理解要么来源于长辈们的传授,要么来源于书籍、动画或电影,要么来源于自己的观察和想象力……然而这些来源也有不可靠的时候,某些有关动物的说法我们深信不疑,可它们其实不过是一传十十传百、以讹传讹的谬论。 此时,某地有位大人在旁征博引,拈来一条实际上是从旧漫画或其他不靠谱的渠道得来的动物“趣闻”。这就是为什么虽然蝙蝠其实看得见,但诸如“瞎如蝙蝠”之类的说法却经久流传的原因。总而言之,动物这一群体尤易遭到人们荒谬可笑的错误解读。

1. Cut an Earthworm in Half, You Get Two Worms

You''''re in the back yard and you find an earthworm. You cut it in half, and look at that! Both halves are still alive! Then some helpful grownup comes along and says, "You know, eventually both ends will heal and grow back, and you''''ll have two worms!" To a kid, the logic is sound: If lizards and such4) can regenerate5) new tails they''''ve lost, and worms are nothing but tail-shaped things, they can probably regenerate thEir whole bodies.

The Problem ...

The whole thing is a lie.

Try this. Buy yourself a cow. Now sever6) the cow straight down the middle. How many cows do you now have? Did each half grow a new half cow? Didn''''t think so.

If you think we''''re being silly by picking such a completely different animal, fine. Try it with a fly, or a cockroach7), because earthworms are as biologically complex as any insect. They, too, have heads and tails and entire systems for eating and metabolizing8) food. They have brains, and hearts, the whole bit.

So the idea that if you cut the head off the ass end of the worm will just grow a new head is just as insane9) as thinking a cow or a dog can do it.

So How''''d It Get Started? 2. Camels Store Water in Their Humps

The very first time you were shown a drawing of a camel in kindergarten, you were told two things: They have humps and they live in the desert because they can go a long time without drinking.

The teacher or parent probably also put two and two together14) and said that the very reason the camels can go on those long trips through an oven-hot desert is that they store water in those humps. The idea made its way into old-time science books, and to this day has been purported15) by "experts" like Bear Grylls who claim to have gotten water via a camel''''s humps. So it must come as a surprise when they find out that camel humps don''''t actually do any such thing.

The Problem ...


In reality, camels don''''t store water in thEir humps; they store fat. Fat works much better than water in the desert, because it provides camels with the energy they need to keep up their metabolism16) and keep moving.

Some of you are saying, "Well, duh17), they store water in the fat!" and it''''s true that when camels metabolize all that fat in their humps, they actually yield18) some water. But the yielded water is lost in the body, and the camel never gets to use it for nourishment.

But don''''t camels need water so they don''''t dehydrate19)? Well, yes, of course. But camels work differently from people. Camels can cool down, and stay cool, much longer than we can. They also have special cells that don''''t allow blood pressure to drop when body volume drops. All of it adds up to a creature that can go a long time without dehydrating.

So How''''d It Get Started?

The origin of this myth is probably twofold. Ancient Roman philosopher/naturalist Pliny the Elder is recorded as having hypothesized that a camel has two stomachs: one made to hold water, and another to hold food. The community at large20) accepted this as fact, and assumed that those two stomachs must be in the two humps.

There are also stories which say that traveling Muslim armies would split open a camel''''s belly and drink its water. Well, that''''s likely because food and water pide into two separate sections of the camel''''s stomach before digestion, allowing one to get a hold of the portion of the stomach filled only with water.

3. Bulls Are Enraged by the Color Red

The Problem ...

Not exactly. As anyone who works with bulls will tell you, full-on24) bulls can''''t tell the difference between colors. In reality, bulls get enraged by the flapping motion of the cloth, which, in retrospect25), would piss off anyone, human or animal, that''''s been starved and thrown into a ring.

So How''''d It Get Started?

The myth probably comes from another simple misunderstanding. The matador show is pided into three portions: in the first two, the matador utilizes a yellow cape. The purpose of these stages is to basically frustrate26) the bull long enough until the show reaches its third stage. In this stage, the matador brings out the signature red cape and enrages the bull into attacking. At this point, the bull is mad enough that the cape could be purple, blue or rainbow with sparkles on it; the bull couldn''''t care less. He just wants a matador sandwich.

1. 一条蚯蚓一切为二后会长成两条蚯蚓









2. 骆驼用驼峰蓄水













事实并非完全如此。任何和公牛打过交道的人都会告诉你,急性子的公牛无法分辨颜色。实际上,公牛是被甩摆的披风激怒的。仔细想来,不管是动物还是人,在饥肠辘辘还被扔进斗牛场的情形下,看到那样甩摆的布条都会发怒吧。 那么,这一说法从何而来?


1. blind as a bat: <口>完全看不见东西的

2. persist [p??s?st] vi. 持续;存留

3. vulnerable [?v?ln?r?bl] adj. 易受影响的

4. and such: ……之类

5. regenerate [r??d?en?re?t] vt. 再生,重新生长出,生长出新的以取代(受损或损失的器官、组织)

6. sever [?sev?(r)] vt. 切断,割断;把……割下

7. cockroach [?k?kr??t?] n. 【昆】蟑螂

8. metabolize [m??t?b?la?z] vt. (使)新陈代谢

9. insane [?n?se?n] adj. 蠢极的;荒唐的

10. stunted [?st?nt?d] adj. 矮(或小)的

11. wriggle [?r?ɡl] vi. 扭动,蠕动;蜿蜒行进

12. shoot through: 突然撤离

13. decapitate [d??k?p?te?t] vt. 杀……的头;除去……的顶端

14. put two and two together: <口>根据现有的事实推断,综合起来判断

15. purport [p??p??t] vt. 声称

16. metabolism [m??t?b?l?z?m] n. 【生理】代谢(作用),新陈代谢(作用)

17. duh [d??] int. = doh [d??] int. <口> <谑> [用于意识到自己做错事或说错话]哦

18. yield [ji?ld] vt. 产生,带来

19. dehydrate [di??ha?dre?t] vi. 脱水,失水

20. at large: 大多数;整个

21. piss off: 使厌烦;使恼火;使失望。Pissed-off为复合形容词。

22. mesmerize [?mezm?ra?z] vt. 迷惑;完全迷住

23. matador [?m?t?d??(r)] n. 斗牛士

24. full-on: 完全的;彻底的,绝对的

25. in retrospect: 回想起来,事后看来

26. frustrate [fr??stre?t] vt. 使恼怒而又不知所措



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