Freedom fighters教案3

unit 14 freedom fighters导案
 class:__________  name:____________
the first period
i. phrases:
  把...投进监狱________________           释放______________________
  携手,合伙_________________            结果_____________________ 
  积极参加…活动_____________            导致,通向________________
  前进,行进_________________            因…而死亡________________
  为…树立榜样_______________            要求_______________________
  从那时起___________________            根据法律___________________
  乍一看_____________________            通过暴力___________________
  获得诺贝尔奖金_____________            为…而战___________________
  为反对…而战_______________            把…与…分开________________
  为…而奋斗 ________________            通过判断____________________
  尊敬地_____________________            把…当作___________________
freedom_____ civil______ murder_______ youth________ revolution________ slavery________ soul________ chorus_________ arrest________ separation_______ race____
marriage______ forbid_______ vote_______ political _______ demand______ boycott_______
racial______ discrimination ________ act________ bill_______ politics______ religion_______
independence_______ unconditional_______ abolish _______ prejudice_______ regardless
chapter______ ridiculous_________
ii. useful expression. translate the following sentences into chinese.
  1. at that time in south states, blacks were not treated as equal citizens.
  2. mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.
  3. by doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.
  4. there black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished.
  5. we find it difficult to wait.
  6. she refused to stand up and was arrested by the police.
  7. freedom fighters can be found everywhere, and they were of all times.
  8. there was a time when women had no rights to vote.
  9. there are already people wondering whether we should fight for the rights of robots and machines.
  10. people struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in.
iii. language points:
the second period

warming up & speaking:
1. form  vt/vi /n 
(1) the unit nations was formed in 1945. ________________ .   我们成立了一个俱乐部。
(2) the boys formed a line._________________             ________________
(3) he forms the habit of getting up early.
form  set up build  found
(4) churches are often built in the form of a cross.
former ________. the former and the latter_______  fill in/out _______
take a form/take the form of the form of _________
2. put in prison from 1962 till 1989
  put/throw/send… in (into) prison 把…投进监狱
 e.g. the pickpocket(小偷) was put into prison for stealing.___________
 拓展:break(escape from) prison____________; come(be) out of prison___________
be in prison_______go to prison_______________ go to the prison ________________
去上学___________ 去学校_____________ 去做礼拜_____________去教堂________
3. judge  vt/vi
(1) who will judge the next case?  _______________________________________.
(2) don’t judge a man by his looks.________________________________________.
 (3) he is going to judge the first race.______________________________.
(4) i judge it safer to travel by air than train._____________________.
(5) judging by/from his accent, he must be from shandong.__________________.
(6) the prisoner was taken before the judge.__________________________.
(7) he was one of the judges at the horse race._________________________________________
4.forbid ( forbade, forbidden)    反义词permit, allow
(1) it was useless to forbid children to play in the park. _________________________
(2) “may i use you car?” “ no, i forbid you to.” _______________________________
(3) her father forbade their marriage.________________________________________
(4) the new law forbids smoking in offices.____________________________________
e.g.    禁止在这块草地上走动。____________________________________________
    parking forbidden!_____________________  god forbid!_但愿不要发生。
forbid doing sth 禁止干某事
forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事
  辨析:forbid & ban 都含“禁止”的意思。forbid 是常用词,指“命令某人不做某事”;ban语气较重,指权威机关“正式禁止”,含严厉谴责之意,只能用事物做宾语  
(1).no one could ___ him to go there.  a. forbid  b. stop  c. keep  d. prevent
(2).i forbid ___ here. who has permitted you ____ here?
      a. smoke; smoking      b. smoking; to smoke   c. smoking; smoking    d. to smoke; smoking
5 .active in women’s rights movement after the war.
  be active in…积极参加…活动;热心于…活动
  拓展: take an active part in…积极参加…
6.the reason why …is that 作主语时,表语从句用that 引导,而不用because; reason 后的定语从句根据引导词在句中的作用分别用why(=in which) that 或which.   e.g.
(1) the reason was that he was having a high fever.
(2) the reason why we are late is that our car broke down
(3) the reason (that/which) he gave was not very sound.
7. soul
(1) christians believe that the soul lives forever.
(2) she puts her whole soul into work.______________________. heart and soul _______
(3) take me to heart ,take me to you soul, give me your hand before i’m old.
8. march  v/n        
(1) the mayor marched at the head of the parade.
(2) the soldiers marched by the reviewing stand(检阅台).
(3) she's been on a few marches lately.
 a wedding march 婚礼进行曲, the long march __________on the march ________
1. they broke into ____ prison and _____all the political prisoners free.
a. / , set      b. the ;made       c. the ;set        d. / ; got 
2.—our players were all the time on good _____ in athens XX olympics.
  —no wonder they won 32 gold medals.
    a.condition   b. health         c. form         d. state 
3.  mr. brown ______a hospital with the money he made from business.
a. finds       b. found        c. founded      d. finding
4.amost nobody could recognize him because he _____for over years.
   a. had been put in prison.       b. had gong to prison
c. had been taken in prison      d. had been in prison.
5.______from the appearance, it is very peaceful.
a. judge     b. judging        c. having judged  d .to judge
6. _____innocent, he was set free.      a. judging b. judged c. to judge d. judge
7.the police forbade ______here.      a. to park b parked c parking d to be parked
8. —why did he drink wine?
   —he was in poor health, so the doctor ____him to do so.
   a.prevented b. forbade     c. stopped    d. suggested
9. he was thrown into prison for being _______the march the day before.
  a. by         b. for          c. on
10. smoking is bad for health. it is _______in many public places.
   a. refused    b. rejected      c. forbidden   d. prevented.
the third period
1 when martin luther king, jr gave the speech “ i have a dream”, the slavery had already ended in the usa for about _____years.     a.64    b.100  c.90  d.55
2. when martin luther king, jr received the nobel prize for peace, he was only_____ years old.        a.35      b. 26      c. 34      d. 36
3. after the death of martin luther king, jr , ________.
a. there were still few jobs to employ black.
b. there were still “white-only” sections in the buses.
c. his struggle had been forgotten by black people.
d. black people gained equal rights as white people in the usa.
task 1 fast reading 
please read the whole text quickly and list the important events in time order
time  important events
task 2 details reading
read the whole text carefully and answer the following questions
1. when did slavery end in the usa? does that mean there was no separation of blacks and whites?
2.  how were the blacks in the south not equally treated?
3.  what did martin luther king believe in?
4.  rose parks was arrested for refusing to stand up for a white man. how did king support her ? 
5. how about the speech he made during the “ march on washington dc” in 1963?
6. how did king’s struggle change the whole society in the usa?
task 3 find the following words or phrases in the text.
give a speech _______  march on _________ vote________ treat…as_________ forbid______
race ________ fight for________  set an example to__________ separate_______
give sb the chance to do _____________lead_________  arrest________
demand__________ refuse_________   non-violent__________

the fourth period
1. give a speech= make / deliver a speech (on/about…)
2.march on 继续前进
march on science________________; march against the enemy___________________
march from victory to victory_________________________.
on the march行军中,在发展中;the long march______________________;
a rapid march ____________; a forced march _________;
a march of ten mile_______________
[谚]march comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. 三月天来如猛狮,去如绵羊
3.  treat…as…
(1) we treat them as our brothers. ___________________________.
(2) are they able to treat this disease?_________________________.
(3) i’m going to treat myself a holiday in spain next year._______________________.
(4) it’s my turn to treat. _________________ 
与as 搭配类似结构:
take …as…把…理解为…;consider…(as)…认为…是…; regard…as…把…看作
  think of…as…认为…是…; describe… as…把…描述成…; use…as…把…作为…来使用  act as担任,充当
4 mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law._________________________
  *介词短语by law 相当于according to the law, 意为“根据法律”
   eg. 据法律,你可以得到这房子。_________________________________________.
      i do everything by law.______________________________________________.
*race(n)人种,血统,赛跑 (v) 和…赛跑
e.g. john came first in the 100 meters race._________________________________
the british are a sea-going race.______________________________________
in the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise(乌龟).__________________________
5. vote vi
(1) i vote we eat out tonight.我提议我们今晚出去吃饭.
(2) most of the republican   voted for /against the measure.
(3) the government voted a sum of money for education to the flooded area.
(4) now we will vote on this question.
(5) we voted to accept the proposal.
(6) the committee voted that the game (should) be put off.
(7) the captain of the team was elected by the vote of the members.
(8) there are still countries in the world where women do not have the vote.
(9) the law was passed by 205 votes to 112.
6. king fought for political rights for black people._________________
 fight for…为…而战;fight against…为反对…而战;fight with…与…并肩作战;
  struggle for…为争取…而挣扎/奋斗;struggle against…为反对…而抗争
 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来
(1) who’ll fight with you for better working conditions?______________________
(2) the slaves were fighting for their freedom.____________________________.
(3) you should be ready to fight against difficulties._______________________.
(4) the slaves fought against/with the slave owners for their freedom._________
(5) england fought with france against germany in the first world war.
7. by doing this he set an example to the rest of the world. ______________
 *set/give an example to sb=set/give sb an example  
   拓展:follow sb’s example=follow the example of sb照某人的样子学
     take sb as an example 以某人为榜样
         take sb/sth for example 以某人/某事为例
         for example例如
         without example 没有先例
8. separate   adj / vt     翻译下面五个句子,注意划线部分
 1) although slavery ended in the usa in 1865, almost a hundred years before, the south had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.
 2) there were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals, and on buses and trains.______________________________
 3) black children were educated in separate schools._______________________
 4) his message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people.___________________________
 5) in the end the government lawyers in the capital said that the bus company was wrong to separate blacks from whites.____________________________
在1)句中,separation 为可数名词,表示____________;在2)3)句中,separate 为形容词
表示________________;在4)5)句中,separate 为及物动词,表示____________________强调把原来结合在一起的或混杂的东西分离开来。常与介词from连用。
eg. his separation from his family made him very sad._____________________
 theory should by no means be separated from practice.__________________
(1) the children sleep in separate bed. _________________________
(2) the yangtse river separates hankou and wuhan. _____________________
(3) please separate the white shirts from the colored ones._____________________________
比较 he pided the cake among the children.______________________________________
this island is pided into two parts.___________________________________________
the taiwan straits separates taiwan from fujian. _________________________________
9 . the same …as   the same … that ,the same with , the same to
 (1) the same …as 用来表示前后两者的相同或相似。as 是关系代词引导一个定于从句(常用省略结构),as 不能换成that 或which.  e.g.
i have the same idea as you ._____________________
  this is same pen as i used yesterday.__________________________________
(2) the same …that 用来表示前后的事物为同一事物,that 是关系代词,引导一个定语从句。 e.g.
this is the same pen that i lost yesterday .__________________________________.
(3) the same with 后跟sb 表示后面某人的情况与前面所讲相同  e.g.
  he is diligent and gets up early. it is the same with me./ so it is with me.
he is not good at maths but he is good at english .it is the same with me./ so it is with me.
(4) the same to 常用于别人祝贺你回敬对方的用语(双方都有共同的情景),也可以表示“无关紧要之意。 a: happy new year to you ! b: the same to you !
 it is the same to me whether he will come or not.
10. demand  vt
(1) this work demands your attention._____________________.
(2) the teacher demands an immediate answer from/of the student._________________.
(3) she demanded to see the headmaster___________________________.
(4) i demand that john should go there at once.
(5) we demanded an apology from him.
n : (6)the workers’ demands for higher pay were refused by the employers.
(7) there is little demand for this goods._________________.
相关搭配: in (great)demand ______________.make demands of/on______________
meet the demand _________  on demand______________  payable on demand_____
demand of/from _________________supply and demand_____________.
11. she refused to stand up and was arrested by the police._________
refuse  vt/vi
(1) he refused my offer of help.______________________.
(2) martin refused to discuss the matter.
(3) it never occurred to me that you would refuse.我从未想到你会拒绝。
(4) the engine refused to start.引擎怎么也发动不起来。
refuse to do sth
类似的有些动词后面只能接to do,如:agree, decide, expect, hope, long(渴望), manage, plan, pretend, wish等。
 12. king led a boycott of the bus company.  _______________________
  lead (led; led) ( vt/n) 领导,带领,带头; leading(adj)最主要的;leadership(n)领导
  拓展:lead sb to some place带领某人去某地
        lead sb in doing sth领导某人做某事
        lead to(prep)通向,导致
        lead a ….. life过着…(某种)生活
        under sb’s leadership=under the leadership of sb在某人的领导下
        take the lead带头
        gain/have the lead in the race在赛跑中领先
        with him in the lead在他的带动下
  e.g. 他带领我们来到楼上的房间。_________________________________.
      [谚]  all roads lead to rome.___________________________________.
 under the leadership of the party we have had great changes in our hometown.
   1. diligence ___ success and failure often ___ laziness.
     a. lies in; leads to  b. lies to; leads to  c. leads to; lies in  d. lies for; leads to
   2. what a hard life they ___! you should have helped them.
     a. has  b. led   c. played   d. made
   3. it’s sleeping late in the morning that ___ being late for work.
     a. devotes to   b. sticks to   c. refers to   d. leads to
1. the policeman stopped him and _____ the number of his driver’s licence.
a. asked  b. hoped   c. demanded  d. ordered
2. the teacher demanded kate ______him.   a obeyed  b. obeys  c. to obey d. obey
3. england _______france by the channel.
a. separates from b. is separate from c. is separated with d. is separated from.
4. as we joined the big crowd i got  _______from my friends.
a. separated  b. spared c. required  d. missed 
5. he _______whether the articles exhibited at the back of the department store were for sale.
integrating skills:
1. freedom fighters can be found everywhere, and they are of all times.
  __  of all times 在句中做表语,这种be 后加of +名词,相当于形容词,表示主语的性质特征
 eg. his invention is of great use.__________________________________________________
  关于time 的其它短语:   in ancient/old times____________; in modern times_____________;
(1) he may be very rude sometimes but at the same time he is very kind.有时候他可能很粗鲁,然而他还是很善良。  (2) at one time they met frequently.  一度他们经常见面。
(3) at no time should you give up studying.在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。
(4) we hope you'll have a good time at the party.我们希望你们在宴会上玩得愉快。
(5) everyone may make mistakes at times.每个人不时都会犯错误。
(6) they were just in time for the bus.他们及时赶上了公共汽车。
(7) will the train arrive on time?火车会准时到达吗?
(8)she'll be all right in no time.她很快就会好的。(9) we can’t do two things at a time.
(10)you may use my library at any time.     (11) i got there ahead of time。
(12) she kept crying all the time.   (13) he got better for a time.
(14) . let's share the room for the time being.我们暂时合住一个房间吧!
let's do it just for the time being.我们暂时这么做吧。
at one time曾经;一度;  at no time在任何时候都不;决不(位于句首时,句子常倒装);
at the same time然而;同时   take one’s time__________;
have a good time过得愉快;玩得高兴         at a time 一次,同时,连续的
at any time 随时       ahead of time 提前;提早at times有时,间或;
in time及时;  on time准时;以分期付款方式  in no time很快;立即  at all times老是,时常;
for a (some) time 短时期;一时for the time being暂时;眼下,目前in one’s spare time______
all the time始终;老是
eg. in ancient times, man lived on wild plans and wild beasts._________________________
2. people struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe.
(1) you can’t believe him ,he is always telling lies.
(2) i believe him to be honest= i believe that he is honest.
(3) it is believed that the president is seriously ill=the president is believed to be seriously ill
3. in 1893, new zealand became the first country in the world to give women the right to vote.  _______________________________________________________________________
  句中不定式to give women the right to vote作定语。the first, the last. the next 等常可在后面跟不定式作定语,这时要注意the first, the last 可作代词来使用。
  e.g. he is always the first to come ,and the last to leave.
      he was one of the first (people) to know about it.
4 in common 共同 共有 公用  in common with  和……一样  have something /nothing in common
(1)in common with many young people ,he likes this kind of dance.
(2) we are good friends because we have many things in common.
(3) mr and mrs smith own the store in common.
(4) smith is a very common last name in england     (4) he is an ordinary teacher
5 regardless of
they decorated their house regardless of cost.
regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.
6 no matter what /who /when /where/ how/whether 引导让步状语从句时=whatever /whoever/whenever/wherever/however
 (1) no matter what he says, i won’t believe him.
(2) he left a bad name no matter where he stayed.不管到了哪里,他总是臭名远扬。
  whatever  whoever 等还可以引导主语从句、宾语从句
whoever wants to go there can sign here.
=any one who wants to go there can sign here.
e.g. it is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.
a. however b. whatever    c. whichever d. whenever first sight 乍一看
  拓展:lose one’s sight____________; catch sight (of)_____________------lose sight (of)
 in/within sight_________out of sight; have neat/short sight________________
        have good sight__________------have bad/poor sight
dear mr. brown ,
i am writing to thank you with your kind help.                 76.__for______
before you came to teach us ,i had not interest in                   77.__no_____
english .my pronunciation was terribly . i could          78._terrible__
only speak a few words .but one and a half year later.        79.__years__        
i now think english fun to learn .i got a lot from your   80.___is_____
encouraging words. i will always remember what you 81.___ _____
said, “if you try to ,you can be no. 1!” i hope you’ve 82.___to_____
had pleasant journey home and will come to china         83.____a____
again sometimes in the future .i will write again         84.__sometime__
and send you the photos we take together.     85._took____
 yours sincerely ,  li min



标签:教案   英语   高中英语   高二英语   表语   不定式   宾语   介词   从句   代词   定语   主语   榜样   监狱

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