Unit 2 Travelling

unit 2 travelling
1.去..旅游                               go on a trip to..
2.我已经去过那儿许多次。     i have been there many times.
3.肯定是有趣                          must be fun
4.带你出去几天                      take you out for a few days
5.想把每样东西带在身边        want to bring everything with sb
6.感到如此兴奋                      feel so excited
7.全世界不同的地方               different places around the world
8.自由女神像                          the statue of liberty
9.加入我们                             join us
10.去徒步旅行                  go hiking
11.看美丽的风景              see beautiful view
12.日本的一种象征           a symbol of japan
13.受欢迎的旅游胜地       popular tourist attractions
14.写信给                         write a letter to
15.度过一个真正地美妙的时光have a really fantastic time
16.花一整天做                 spend the whole day doing sth
17.最著名的主题公园       the most famous theme park
18.包括四个不同的公园    include four different parks
19.在入口处的鲸鱼喷泉前拍照take photos in front of the whale fountain at the entrance
20.景点之一                     one of the attracions
21.以高的速度移动           move at high speed
22.在整个游程中尖叫欢笑scream and laugh through the ride
23.在一家快餐店吃午饭    eat lunch in a fast food restaurant
24.对做..感兴趣                be interested in doing
25.午饭后冲往那儿          rush there after lunch
26.遇到了许多我特别喜欢的迪斯尼人物meet many of my favourite disney characters
27.忍不住不停地干某事    can’t stopping doing sth
28.看起来如此美丽和可爱look so cute and lovely
29.迪斯尼人物的大游行    a parade of disney characters
30.下午的晚些时候           later in the afternoon
31.一天中最精彩的部分    the best part of the day
32.穿着不同的戏服           wear different costumes
33.向人们挥手致意           wave to people
34.往前穿过公园              march across the park
35.高兴地拍手尖叫起来    clap and scream with joy
36.象魔法一样                  be like magic
37.呆在那儿看狮子王秀    stay there to watch ‘ lion king’ show
38.为我的侄子买些文具    buy stationery for my cousin
39.在这一天结束的时候    at the end of the day
40.在睡美人城堡前看烟火watch fireworks in front of sleeping beauty
41.看起来闪闪发光                  look shiny
42.总共                                   in all
43.呆在公园12小时                stay at the park for 12 hours
44.把他们展示给你看             show them to you
45.变得激动                           get really excited
46.那听起来不错                     that sounds great
47.以中国风                            in chinese style
48.带着激动尖叫                    scream with excitement
49.无尽的队伍                        endless line
50.在队伍等是无希望的          it’s hopeless to wait in the line
51.真的是一个高兴的假期      a really delightful holiday
52.足球俱乐部成员之一           a member of the football club
53.会议结束                           the conference is over
54.观看有趣的电视节目           watch an interesting programme
55.一个重要的一天                  an important day
56.庆祝他们XX年的结婚纪念日celebrate their fifteenth years of marriage
57.在商店碰面                         meet at the shopping mall
58.喜欢收集纪念品                  love collecting souvenirs
59.在那个时刻                         at that time
60.世界之窗                            window of the world
61.水上运动                            water sports
62.在任何季节                         in any season
63.整年                                   all year round
64.计划去国外旅游                  plan to travel abroad
65.在五一节假期                     during this may day holiday
66.乘飞机去那儿                     take a plane there
67.不错的天气                         pleasant weather
68.我们去香港的日子终于到了。the day of our trip to hong kong finally arrived
69.关于这次特别旅行很激动   be very excited about this special trip
70.三个半小时                         three and a half hours
71.相当不同                            be quite different from
72.在第三天                           on the third day
73.观看海豚秀                        watch dolphin show
74.对香港全景的俯瞰              a bird’s view of hong kong
  a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening
76.买东西的好地方                 a good place to buy thins
77.在海滩玩的愉快                  have great fun at the beach
78.前天                            the day before yesterday


标签:教案   英语   初中英语   八年级英语   睡美人   迪斯尼   全景   香港   午饭   假期   激动   有趣   队伍   公园

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