八年级英语Not Too Short教案

八年级英语not too short教案
unit 2 not too short
1. award
vt.授予,给予[(+to)]  phil was awarded the top prize. 菲尔获得头奖。
n.[c] 奖,奖品;奖状,奖学金
the novel earned him a literary award.  这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。
2.ceremony  仪式,典礼[c]
the wedding ceremony was held on april fifteenth.  婚礼在四月十五日举行。
n.[c] 运动员,体育家   同义词sportsman player ballplayer
the athlete won two gold medals in the olympics.
4. medal 奖章,纪念章,勋章[c]
she won an olympic gold medal in swimming.  她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。
       【体】奖牌榜medal standings   medal rankings
5. championship
a..   冠军的地位,冠军称号[c]
susan won the spelling championship.  苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名。
b.    锦标赛
the world women's volleyball championships世界女子排球锦标赛
champion n.[c]  (竞赛的)优胜者,冠军,出类拔萃的人(或物)
female adj.
女(性)的sewing is considered a female occupation.缝纫被认为是女性的职业。
n.[c] 女人 , 雌性动物,植物,
6.century n.[c] 世纪;一百年
we live in the twenty-first century.  我们生活在二十世纪。
       in the later twentieth century  在二十世纪下半叶
7.  province n. 省,州[c]    provincial
british columbia is a province of canada.不列颠哥伦比亚是加拿大的一个省。
8.  change one's mind  改变主意
his wife has changed her mind.  他妻子已改变了主意
9. olympics  n.奥林匹克运动会(=olympic games)
the athlete won two gold medals in the olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。
olympic  奥林匹克(竞赛)的;奥林匹克竞赛项目
olympic ideals奥林匹克精神 (亦作 olympic spirit)
10.  train  vt. 训练,培养 [(+as/in/for)]
the firm trained its employees to be more efficient.公司培训员工,使他们办事效率更高。
vi. 接受训练,锻炼[(+as/for)
he is training for the ministry. 他正在接受培训,准备做牧师。
training will enable you to find work.培训将使你找到工作。him ballast.
11. disappointed adj. more disappointed , most disappointed
失望的,沮丧的[(+at/about/in/with),+句子, to do
we are disappointed that you will not be able to come.你不能前来,我们很失望。
       disappointing  使失望的;令人扫兴的;不起劲的
       disappoint  vt. 使失望
       disappointment 失望;扫兴,沮丧[u]; 使失望的人;令人扫兴的事[c]
he left the station in great disappointment, for she wasn't on the train.
the picnic was a disappointment.   那次野餐真令人扫兴。
12. according to    据...所载;据...所说
according to the bible, adam was the first man.据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。
       according to schedule按照预定计划
these operations have been carried out according to schedule.
13. upset  vt.打乱,搅,使心烦意乱
the rain upset our plans for a picnic.  下雨打乱了我们的野餐计划。
losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely.
adj.搅乱的,混乱的心烦的,苦恼的 [(+about/at/over)]
14. for anything 无论如何
he would not go with us for anything.  他说什么也不肯同我们一起去
don't be dependent on anyone for anything.  什么事都不要依赖别人。
15.probably=possibly 大概,或许,很可能
he will probably refuse the offer.  他很可能会拒绝这一提议。
probable a.很可能发生的;很可能成为事实的;很有希望的(+(that)]
he's a probable candidate.他是很有希望的候选人。
16. appear  vi.
a.出现;显露gradually a smile appeared on her face.她脸上渐渐地露出笑容。
b.似乎,看来好像  +to   +(that)句子
it appears they are right.  看来他们是对的。
17.puzzle  v.使迷惑;使为难,使窘困
what puzzles me is why they didn't show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。
a question that has puzzled philosophers一个难倒哲学家的问题
she tried to solve a crossword puzzle.   她试着解答一道纵横字谜。
structure  宾语补足语
1. 由动词不定式充当。多数是带to的不定式,也有不带to的不定式。
1).要求带to的不定式做宾语补足语的动词有tell,ask,invite,force,get,beg,allow,wish,want,like,would like, teach, prefer,intend,expect,encourage,permit,order,warn等。
2).某些动词如make,have,let,see,look at,  watch,notice,,hear,listen to, feel等要求省to的不定式做宾语补足语。
3).某些动词如think,consider,believe,know,find等后面做宾语补足语的不定式常用to be + adj.的结构。
eg. we believed him to be stupid.
he didn’t consider himself (to be) important.
2. 由动词-ing形式或过去分词充当。
eg. he could hear his heart beating fast.
do you smell something burning?
eg. you'd better have the desk painted.你最好请人把课桌漆一下。
i've never heard the song sung.我从未听见那首歌被人唱过。
某些动词call, name, make, elect, think, find, consider, leave 后接名词或代词作其语,再接名词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的身份。
eg. he made her secretary.他挑选她当秘书。
her parents died, leaving her an orphan. 她父母双亡,使她成了孤儿。
they considered paris the brain and heart of the country. 他们把巴黎看作国家的大脑和心脏。
eg. do you like your tea weak or strong? 你喜欢把茶泡浓一点还是淡一点?
you must keep the classroom clean.你应保持教室清洁。


标签:教案   英语   初中英语   八年级英语   奥林匹克   不定式   宾语   分词   代词   扫兴   动词   运动员   名词   失望

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