

韶山导游词 篇1














韶山导游词 篇2

  各位朋友早上好,现在我们离开美丽的星城长沙前往红太阳升起的地方---毛主席的故 乡韶山游览。 韶山位于长沙的西南方,距离长沙 104 公里,车程需要两个小时,呆会儿一路上我们会 看到有许多前往韶山的旅游车, 韶山的旅游热度现在排在湖南旅游区的首位, 她不仅是国家 级重点风景名胜区,同时也是全国青少年革命传统教育基地。今天,全国乃至全世界各族人 民千里迢迢的来伟人生长的摇篮参观,这是人心的一种向往,一种疑聚。 而韶山并不是孤立存在的,正是以毛泽东为中心构成了一个地域意义上的湘中人才群 体,曾有人做过统计,如果以韶山为圆心,以 100 公里为半径,画一个圆圈儿,中国近代 所出的名人绝大部分都出生在这个圈内。 可能大家昨天听小王讲湖南出人才时,会觉得小王在表现湖南人能侃能吹牛的性格,或 觉得小王是湖南人狂妄自大的脾气的流露。其实,湖南人口不到全国的 1/20,却引领中国 潮流 200 年,一部中国近代史半部可以说是由湖南人写成。 现在请大家一块同小王慢慢的分析一下湖南近代人才辈出的现象,我们可把这现象分为 三代,第一代湖南人现象是:“无湘不成军”。“无湘不成军”之说开始于曾国藩创建湘军,曾 国藩是湖南湘乡人,从小出生在豪门地主家庭,祖辈以务农为主,生活比较宽裕,由于家庭 出身不错,从小受到了封建伦理教育,27 岁时曾国藩进士及第并入选翰林院。从此开始他 飞黄腾达的官宦生活,被尊为“曾文正公”。由于种种原因,过去的历史教科书要么将轻轻带 过,要么将他描绘成一个十恶不赦的封建主义的忠诚卫士。然而实际上,曾国藩这个人被许 多人推崇为封建王朝的最后一位精神领袖,毛泽东自称“独服曾文正公”,蒋介石也是曾国藩 的忠实拥瞥,他一生都以曾国藩的家训来训导蒋家后人,时下也非常流行一句话“当官要学 曾国藩,经商须如胡雪岩”。曾国藩做为一个重要的历史人物出现,机缘在于创建了“湘军”, 而他创建湘军是有着偶然性的。从他的身世来看,在受命创建湘军时,他只不过是一个中过 文举进士及第的一介儒生而已, 并无领兵作战的经验, 但他却稀里糊涂的成了一代湘军的开 山鼻祖,他不会打仗,却偏偏指挥打仗,刚开始时他是屡战屡败,然而他却屡败屡战,最后 打出个“无湘不成军”,这也是湖南人一种霸蛮的精神特征。湘军建立的宗旨就是消灭太平天 国农民起义军,通过 10 余年的作战,在 1864 年 7 月,湘军终于攻陷了太平天国的首都天 京也就是今天的江苏南京,摧毁了与清王朝对峙达 14 年之久的太平天国革命政权,拯救

  了 满清王朝覆灭的厄运,创建了“同治中兴”的局面,使清王朝摇摇欲坠的统治又延续了近半个 世纪。人们常常这样评价湖南人“要则不干,干则不成”。时年才 42 岁的曾国藩受命创建湘 军,就是遵循这个原则的。曾国藩组建湘军的重要一步就是改“世兵制”为“募兵制”,清朝的 绿营兵是世兵制,也就是父辈列入军籍之后,其子孙世代相承,都得以兵为职业,也就是人 们常说的“八旗子弟”。曾国藩推行的募兵制以“忠、义、血性”为政治标准,以“能打仗为贵”, 彻底的改变了清王朝的兵源体制,著名的历史学家范文兰曾这样说“以曾国藩为首的湘军, 拯救了满清,同时客观上也削弱了满清”,由于湘军的建军体制改革,以募兵制代替世兵制, 严重削弱了清王朝的中央集权制度,满汉统治之间,势力起着显著的变化,从此满清政权逐 渐向汉族军阀转移。当湘军兴起之后,其他一些省份也想学湖南建立地方军,但他们即使按 照湘军制度来建军, 也不能造就出一支如同湘军一样的的善战军队, 于是不得不从湖南招兵 买马,也就有了“无湘不成军”的说法,然而通过近百年的战争实践证明,能打仗的部队必有 湖南的兵。 “无湘不成军”时代期间湖南第二个重量级人物就是左宗棠,左宗棠是湖南湘阴人,晚清 著名军事家,被誉为湖湘第一怪才,此人足智多谋,性格狂傲,专心研究过兵法,有历史学 家曾这样说过“中国历史上有四个永远打不败的将军:汉朝的韩信、唐朝的李靖,宋朝的岳 飞和清朝的左宗棠, 左宗棠也是湘军的主要首领, 参与镇压太平天国运动, 屡建奇功, 人称”常胜将军“,1866 年被清政府授予陕甘总督,此时,中亚浩罕王国阿古柏侵占了我国新疆 大部分地区,俄国侵占了伊犁地区,日本也虎视眈眈的盯上了中国台湾,我国西北边防和东南边 防都频频告急,由此在清王朝内部引发了一场”海防“与”塞防“的争论,安徽的李鸿章认为两 者不能兼顾,主张放弃塞防,把塞防的经费用来加强海防,而左宗棠坚决反对,他认为收复 新疆,可以保卫蒙古,守卫蒙古,可保卫京城,这短短两句话可见左宗棠分析之精辟,左宗 棠收复新疆就是保卫京城的屏障蒙古, 然而当时蒙古也有被沙俄侵占的危险, 可见新疆和蒙 古对中国是何等的重要。梁启超曾说过:“说到左宗棠和诸葛亮的才华的高下,人们可能还 有疑义,但说到对国家的贡献,诸葛亮可说是甘拜下风了。”当清政府采纳左宗棠塞防后, 由他组建西征军驰上新疆,左宗棠当时命人抬棺材一口,随军从征,以示不收复新疆决不生 还的决心,主将如此,全军

  将士无不愿效死力,左宗棠为西征军制定了“缓进急战,先南后 北”的战略,最后全面收复了新疆,取得了西征大捷。 由于曾国藩创建湘军的崛起,湖南人一派惟我独尊的气势,生发出前所未有的荣誉感和 使命感,似乎只有湖南人才能包打天下,但是很快遭到了打击,1894 年,甲午中日战争爆 发后, 李鸿章率其所创建的淮军,在对日军作战时, 无论是海战还是陆站,屡战屡败。于是, 清王朝又将希望寄托在被太平天国所推翻的湘军身上。 然而面对从“明治维新”中走出的日本 列强的坚船利炮,湘军出战不到 6 天,打太平天国农民军所向披靡的湘军竟然溃不成军, 清庭失望之余只能割让中国台湾并赔款求和,这可说是湖南人的一个罪过,清朝廷割地赔款,是 因为湘军打了败仗,更具讽刺意义的是,据说日本人“明治维新”就是受了湖南人魏源“师夷 长技以制夷”的影响。 第一代湖南人现象的风景线,竟然轻而易举的被日本人无情的撕破了,湖南人开始陷入 深深的反省之中,湖南人经过一番沉重的负罪自责之后,很快又昂起了头,第二代湖南人风 景线开始酝酿产生, 不过, 此时的湖南人现象没有曾国藩、 左宗棠这些德高望重的精神领袖, 第二代湖南人现象变成了勇于冲锋,敢于牺牲而著称,又由于中国随后的几次大的变革,领 袖人物都是广东人,于是第二代湖南人现象变成了“广东人革命,湖南人流血”。 公元 1898 年,即戊戌年,光绪皇帝下召变法维新,学习西方政治文化,然而以慈禧太 后为代表的的封建顽固派反对新政, 湖南浏阳人谭嗣同幻想得到手握重兵的袁世凯对变法维 新的支持, 要他在慈禧太后即将发动的政变中保护皇上的维新变法, 然而谭嗣同被袁世凯出 卖,慈禧太后发动政变,把光绪皇帝幽禁于中南海瀛台,对维新变法派实行残酷的镇压。主 张维新变法的头头儿广东南海人康有为闻风而逃,有人也劝谭嗣同赶快逃跑,然而,谭嗣同 却说:“各国变法无不以流血而成,今日未闻因变法而流血者,此国之所以不昌也,有之请 嗣同始”。好一个心甘情愿做第一个变法流血者的汉子,他就是湖南人谭嗣同,不逃的谭嗣 同被捕后用煤屑在狱中写下“我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”的豪言壮语。以慈禧太后为 首的封建顽固派,怕夜长梦多,也怕人民起而抗议,也怕外国干涉,便很快处决了谭嗣同等 六位汉子,以绝后继,史称“戊戌六君子”,愿做为第一个变法流血者的谭嗣同被砍头前,愤 然高呼:“有心杀贼,无力回天,死得其所,快哉,快哉!”谭嗣同就义时年仅 33 岁,大刀 王五为他收尸。 戊戌变法失败

  了,但湖南人心甘情愿为国为民抛头颅、撒热血的道路仍然在走下去,而 且, 此时他们认定的旗手还是广东人, 他就是中国资产阶级民主革命的缔造者广东香山人孙 中山先生。不过,此时的湖南人不再是被动流血,他们以铁血精神,高举起了武装起义斗争 的旗帜。 1903 年湖南长沙人黄兴,以过 30 岁生日为名,在长沙邀请了陈天华,宋教仁等人集 会,成立“华兴会”成为中国资产阶级革命史上第一批政党之一。 1905 年,在慈禧太后过 70 岁生日时,黄兴领导长沙起义,由于事先泄露秘密,起义 失败,黄兴逃到日本,不久在欧洲流亡的兴中会领袖人物孙中山也辗转来到日本。两个伟人走到一起相识了。 豪爽颇有风度的黄兴毅然提出将自己组织健全、 力量雄厚的华兴会与孙中 山领导的势单力薄的兴中会联合,成为中国革命新团体“同盟会”。而且在湖南人占据同盟会 领导层绝对多数的情况下, 深明大义的黄兴仍然谦逊的将孙中山推上最高领导人位置, 成为 中国同盟会的总理,而他却甘当配角。并且在后来,当参加中国同盟会三团体之一的光复会 浙江人章太炎掀起反对孙中山浪潮及闹革命独立的时候,又是黄兴挺身而出,力排众议,维 护了孙中山的领导地位。 1911 年,黄兴直接参加领导和指挥了孙中山在香港亲自谋划的广州武装起义,这次几 乎集合各省革命党之精英的起义,在广州黄花岗一役中被清军大败,几乎丧尽精英,黄兴好 不容易死里逃生,并且还被枪弹击中,断去了两个手指头,同盟会此次战役以失败告终,事 后收殉死者遗体共 72 具,史称“黄花岗 72 烈士”。这晚,住在万里之遥的美国芝加哥德皇 饭店的孙中山知道消息后,非常叹息的说:“我党精华,付之一炬,下次革命,需在 5 年之 后才能大举”。 然而,年轻气盛年仅 25 岁的湖南革命党人焦达峰,他就在黄花岗起义失败后不到半年, 在武汉同另一个湖南人蒋翊武于 1911 年 10 月 10 日爆发了武昌起义,起义尚未开始又被 清军发现,当天抓去并杀害了几位首脑人物,就在这千钧一发之际,又是湖南人熊康坤,以 大无畏的铁血精神,仅以 150 发子弹和 40 多个人,打响了辛亥革命武昌起义的第一枪, 后又率敢死队攻克总督府,扯下了清庭的黄龙旗,升起了自制的“铁血九角十八星”的旗帜, 后来孙中山给予熊康坤为“熊一枪”和“铁血将军”的美称。 1911 年 10 月 22 日, 最早响应武昌起义的长沙起义爆发, 接着湖南起义军派出 4 批共 8 千人赴湖北支援战争,为了巩固武昌起义的成果,仅援鄂一战,湖南将士死伤达千人,由 于众多的湖南人流血牺牲,辛亥革命成功了。 但革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,1912 年元旦,从欧美德归来的孙中山来到南京,宣 誓就任中华民国第一任大总统,但两个多月之后,迫于北洋军阀袁世凯的压力,临时大总统 宝座让给了一天也没有到过中华民国首都南京的袁世凯, 为了捍卫这颗经湖南人流血牺牲换 来的革命果实,新的铁血保卫战又开始了。 1913 年,中国同盟会元老,国民党创始人之一,湖南桃源人宋教仁因忠心孙中山,反 对袁世凯担任大总统,在上海被袁世凯派来的凶手暗杀,造成震惊中外的“宋教仁血案”。宋 教仁的死惊醒了对袁世凯抱一丝希望的革命党人, 已到日本去的孙中山匆忙赶回, 号召讨袁, 准备“二次革命”。 1915 年被袁世凯软禁于京城的云南都督湖南人蔡锷,在“虽然风尘,不甘堕落”的妓女 浙江人小凤仙的帮助下,秘密逃离北京,躲过袁世凯的几次追杀,安然回到云南,马上通电 全国,宣布云南护国起义,反对袁世凯称帝复辟,并亲任讨袁护国军第一总司令,率 3 千 护国军,迎战 10 万袁氏北洋军,经过半年的浴血奋战,护国军节节胜利,全国各省纷纷独 立,袁世凯仅做了 83 天的皇帝梦便宣告取消帝制,不久气绝身亡。但蔡锷将军也因戎马一 生,积劳成疾,于 1916 年 11 月 8 日,也是另一伟人黄兴逝世后 8 天,病逝日本。 为了革命成功,不惜流血牺牲,成了湖南人的一种新美德,第二代湖南人现象经火与血 的洗礼而独具灿烂夺目的特色。孙中山曾经途径湖南,见到湖南到处是红土地时,感慨颇深 的说:“难怪湖南的土地是红的,这是革命党人的鲜血染红的”。就连当时还没有背叛革命的 蒋介石也说“革命成功,湖南人当推第一”。 第一代湖南人现象湖南人以湘军立威,第二代湖南人现象湖南人用鲜血扬名,第三代湖 南人现象则是“东方红,太阳升,中国出了毛泽东”的毛泽东时代。 辛亥革命成功后,资产阶级革命人士开始了权力的争夺,尤其是湖南地处南冲要塞,是 南北军阀必争之地,再则有贡献的革命党人实在太多,冲突也就格外激烈,在这南北军阀混 乱之际,新一代湖南人又开始创造发展空间。从 1921 年毛泽东参加创建中国共产党至 1935 年遵义会议,这 14 年是毛泽东政治生 涯中最关键的时期, 同样也是中国革命度过最大难关, 终于选准了以湖南人毛泽东为革命之 船的舵手,开始不断的从胜利走向胜利。 1921 年参加中国共产党第一次代表大会的代表有 13 人,湖南人占了 4 位(毛泽东, 李达,何叔衡,周佛海)占 30%左右,当时全国 50 多位共产党员,湖南人有 20 位,也 是 30%左右。

韶山导游词 篇3



  “韶”乃 虞舜时乐名。《书·益稷》曰:“箫韶九成,引凤来仪。”史载:韶山,相传 舜南巡时,奏 韶乐于此,因名。(《湖南省志·地理志》引《嘉庆一统志》卷354)《辞海》据此诠释韶山:“相传古代 虞舜南巡时,奏韶乐于此,故名”……山有八景,风景优美。虞舜, 远古时代 父系氏族社会后期的部落联盟首领。





  乐舞:韶乐所使用的乐器是严格按文史考证作为远古至明、清宫廷雅乐《韶乐》所使用的乐器制作演奏的。使用的乐器有甬钟、四虎缚钟、歌纽钟、歌缚钟,编馨铜鼓、木鼓、陶鼓、建鼓、悬鼓、鼗鼓、雷鼓、路鼓、灵鼓、古琴、古筝、古瑟、萧、笛、排箫、埙、 笙、枳 、缶(4种)、石、相、铃、土号、角共36种200余件。舞蹈有文舞—长袖舞、羽毛舞、牛尾舞和武舞(盾牌舞)。







韶山导游词 篇4



韶山导游词 篇5






韶山导游词 篇6








































韶山导游词 篇7

  各位朋友早上好,现在我们离开美丽的星城长沙前往红太阳升起的地方---毛主席的故 乡韶山游览。 韶山位于长沙的西南方,距离长沙 104 公里,车程需要两个小时,呆会儿一路上我们会 看到有许多前往韶山的旅游车, 韶山的旅游热度现在排在湖南旅游区的首位, 她不仅是国家 级重点风景名胜区,同时也是全国青少年革命传统教育基地。今天,全国乃至全世界各族人 民千里迢迢的来伟人生长的摇篮参观,这是人心的一种向往,一种疑聚。 而韶山并不是孤立存在的,正是以毛泽东为中心构成了一个地域意义上的湘中人才群 体,曾有人做过统计,如果以韶山为圆心,以 100 公里为半径,画一个圆圈儿,中国近代 所出的名人绝大部分都出生在这个圈内。 可能大家昨天听小王讲湖南出人才时,会觉得小王在表现湖南人能侃能吹牛的性格,或 觉得小王是湖南人狂妄自大的脾气的流露。其实,湖南人口不到全国的 1/20,却引领中国 潮流 200 年,一部中国近代史半部可以说是由湖南人写成。 现在请大家一块同小王慢慢的分析一下湖南近代人才辈出的现象,我们可把这现象分为 三代,第一代湖南人现象是:“无湘不成军”。“无湘不成军”之说开始于曾国藩创建湘军,曾 国藩是湖南湘乡人,从小出生在豪门地主家庭,祖辈以务农为主,生活比较宽裕,由于家庭 出身不错,从小受到了封建伦理教育,27 岁时曾国藩进士及第并入选翰林院。从此开始他 飞黄腾达的官宦生活,被尊为“曾文正公”。由于种种原因,过去的历史教科书要么将轻轻带 过,要么将他描绘成一个十恶不赦的封建主义的忠诚卫士。然而实际上,曾国藩这个人被许 多人推崇为封建王朝的最后一位精神领袖,毛泽东自称“独服曾文正公”,蒋介石也是曾国藩 的忠实拥瞥,他一生都以曾国藩的家训来训导蒋家后人,时下也非常流行一句话“当官要学 曾国藩,经商须如胡雪岩”。曾国藩做为一个重要的历史人物出现,机缘在于创建了“湘军”, 而他创建湘军是有着偶然性的。从他的身世来看,在受命创建湘军时,他只不过是一个中过 文举进士及第的一介儒生而已, 并无领兵作战的经验, 但他却稀里糊涂的成了一代湘军的开 山鼻祖,他不会打仗,却偏偏指挥打仗,刚开始时他是屡战屡败,然而他却屡败屡战,最后 打出个“无湘不成军”,这也是湖南人一种霸蛮的精神特征。湘军建立的宗旨就是消灭太平天 国农民起义军,通过 10 余年的作战,在 1864 年 7 月,湘军终于攻陷了太平天国的首都天 京也就是今天的江苏南京,摧毁了与清王朝对峙达 14 年之久的太平天国革命政权,拯救

  了 满清王朝覆灭的厄运,创建了“同治中兴”的局面,使清王朝摇摇欲坠的统治又延续了近半个 世纪。人们常常这样评价湖南人“要则不干,干则不成”。时年才 42 岁的曾国藩受命创建湘 军,就是遵循这个原则的。曾国藩组建湘军的重要一步就是改“世兵制”为“募兵制”,清朝的 绿营兵是世兵制,也就是父辈列入军籍之后,其子孙世代相承,都得以兵为职业,也就是人 们常说的“八旗子弟”。曾国藩推行的募兵制以“忠、义、血性”为政治标准,以“能打仗为贵”, 彻底的改变了清王朝的兵源体制,著名的历史学家范文兰曾这样说“以曾国藩为首的湘军, 拯救了满清,同时客观上也削弱了满清”,由于湘军的建军体制改革,以募兵制代替世兵制, 严重削弱了清王朝的中央集权制度,满汉统治之间,势力起着显著的变化,从此满清政权逐 渐向汉族军阀转移。当湘军兴起之后,其他一些省份也想学湖南建立地方军,但他们即使按 照湘军制度来建军, 也不能造就出一支如同湘军一样的的善战军队, 于是不得不从湖南招兵 买马,也就有了“无湘不成军”的说法,然而通过近百年的战争实践证明,能打仗的部队必有 湖南的兵。 “无湘不成军”时代期间湖南第二个重量级人物就是左宗棠,左宗棠是湖南湘阴人,晚清 著名军事家,被誉为湖湘第一怪才,此人足智多谋,性格狂傲,专心研究过兵法,有历史学 家曾这样说过“中国历史上有四个永远打不败的将军:汉朝的韩信、唐朝的李靖,宋朝的岳 飞和清朝的左宗棠, 左宗棠也是湘军的主要首领, 参与镇压太平天国运动, 屡建奇功, 人称”常胜将军“,1866 年被清政府授予陕甘总督,此时,中亚浩罕王国阿古柏侵占了我国新疆 大部分地区,俄国侵占了伊犁地区,日本也虎视眈眈的盯上了中国台湾,我国西北边防和东南边 防都频频告急,由此在清王朝内部引发了一场”海防“与”塞防“的争论,安徽的李鸿章认为两 者不能兼顾,主张放弃塞防,把塞防的经费用来加强海防,而左宗棠坚决反对,他认为收复 新疆,可以保卫蒙古,守卫蒙古,可保卫京城,这短短两句话可见左宗棠分析之精辟,左宗 棠收复新疆就是保卫京城的屏障蒙古, 然而当时蒙古也有被沙俄侵占的危险, 可见新疆和蒙 古对中国是何等的重要。梁启超曾说过:“说到左宗棠和诸葛亮的才华的高下,人们可能还 有疑义,但说到对国家的贡献,诸葛亮可说是甘拜下风了。”当清政府采纳左宗棠塞防后, 由他组建西征军驰上新疆,左宗棠当时命人抬棺材一口,随军从征,以示不收复新疆决不生 还的决心,主将如此,全军

  将士无不愿效死力,左宗棠为西征军制定了“缓进急战,先南后 北”的战略,最后全面收复了新疆,取得了西征大捷。 由于曾国藩创建湘军的崛起,湖南人一派惟我独尊的气势,生发出前所未有的荣誉感和 使命感,似乎只有湖南人才能包打天下,但是很快遭到了打击,1894 年,甲午中日战争爆 发后, 李鸿章率其所创建的淮军,在对日军作战时, 无论是海战还是陆站,屡战屡败。于是, 清王朝又将希望寄托在被太平天国所推翻的湘军身上。 然而面对从“明治维新”中走出的日本 列强的坚船利炮,湘军出战不到 6 天,打太平天国农民军所向披靡的湘军竟然溃不成军, 清庭失望之余只能割让中国台湾并赔款求和,这可说是湖南人的一个罪过,清朝廷割地赔款,是 因为湘军打了败仗,更具讽刺意义的是,据说日本人“明治维新”就是受了湖南人魏源“师夷 长技以制夷”的影响。 第一代湖南人现象的风景线,竟然轻而易举的被日本人无情的撕破了,湖南人开始陷入 深深的反省之中,湖南人经过一番沉重的负罪自责之后,很快又昂起了头,第二代湖南人风 景线开始酝酿产生, 不过, 此时的湖南人现象没有曾国藩、 左宗棠这些德高望重的精神领袖, 第二代湖南人现象变成了勇于冲锋,敢于牺牲而著称,又由于中国随后的几次大的变革,领 袖人物都是广东人,于是第二代湖南人现象变成了“广东人革命,湖南人流血”。 公元 1898 年,即戊戌年,光绪皇帝下召变法维新,学习西方政治文化,然而以慈禧太 后为代表的的封建顽固派反对新政, 湖南浏阳人谭嗣同幻想得到手握重兵的袁世凯对变法维 新的支持, 要他在慈禧太后即将发动的政变中保护皇上的维新变法, 然而谭嗣同被袁世凯出 卖,慈禧太后发动政变,把光绪皇帝幽禁于中南海瀛台,对维新变法派实行残酷的镇压。主 张维新变法的头头儿广东南海人康有为闻风而逃,有人也劝谭嗣同赶快逃跑,然而,谭嗣同 却说:“各国变法无不以流血而成,今日未闻因变法而流血者,此国之所以不昌也,有之请 嗣同始”。好一个心甘情愿做第一个变法流血者的汉子,他就是湖南人谭嗣同,不逃的谭嗣 同被捕后用煤屑在狱中写下“我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”的豪言壮语。以慈禧太后为 首的封建顽固派,怕夜长梦多,也怕人民起而抗议,也怕外国干涉,便很快处决了谭嗣同等 六位汉子,以绝后继,史称“戊戌六君子”,愿做为第一个变法流血者的谭嗣同被砍头前,愤 然高呼:“有心杀贼,无力回天,死得其所,快哉,快哉!”谭嗣同就义时年仅 33 岁,大刀 王五为他收尸。 戊戌变法失败

  了,但湖南人心甘情愿为国为民抛头颅、撒热血的道路仍然在走下去,而 且, 此时他们认定的旗手还是广东人, 他就是中国资产阶级民主革命的缔造者广东香山人孙 中山先生。不过,此时的湖南人不再是被动流血,他们以铁血精神,高举起了武装起义斗争 的旗帜。 1903 年湖南长沙人黄兴,以过 30 岁生日为名,在长沙邀请了陈天华,宋教仁等人集 会,成立“华兴会”成为中国资产阶级革命史上第一批政党之一。 1905 年,在慈禧太后过 70 岁生日时,黄兴领导长沙起义,由于事先泄露秘密,起义 失败,黄兴逃到日本,不久在欧洲流亡的兴中会领袖人物孙中山也辗转来到日本。两个伟人走到一起相识了。 豪爽颇有风度的黄兴毅然提出将自己组织健全、 力量雄厚的华兴会与孙中 山领导的势单力薄的兴中会联合,成为中国革命新团体“同盟会”。而且在湖南人占据同盟会 领导层绝对多数的情况下, 深明大义的黄兴仍然谦逊的将孙中山推上最高领导人位置, 成为 中国同盟会的总理,而他却甘当配角。并且在后来,当参加中国同盟会三团体之一的光复会 浙江人章太炎掀起反对孙中山浪潮及闹革命独立的时候,又是黄兴挺身而出,力排众议,维 护了孙中山的领导地位。 1911 年,黄兴直接参加领导和指挥了孙中山在香港亲自谋划的广州武装起义,这次几 乎集合各省革命党之精英的起义,在广州黄花岗一役中被清军大败,几乎丧尽精英,黄兴好 不容易死里逃生,并且还被枪弹击中,断去了两个手指头,同盟会此次战役以失败告终,事 后收殉死者遗体共 72 具,史称“黄花岗 72 烈士”。这晚,住在万里之遥的美国芝加哥德皇 饭店的孙中山知道消息后,非常叹息的说:“我党精华,付之一炬,下次革命,需在 5 年之 后才能大举”。 然而,年轻气盛年仅 25 岁的湖南革命党人焦达峰,他就在黄花岗起义失败后不到半年, 在武汉同另一个湖南人蒋翊武于 1911 年 10 月 10 日爆发了武昌起义,起义尚未开始又被 清军发现,当天抓去并杀害了几位首脑人物,就在这千钧一发之际,又是湖南人熊康坤,以 大无畏的铁血精神,仅以 150 发子弹和 40 多个人,打响了辛亥革命武昌起义的第一枪, 后又率敢死队攻克总督府,扯下了清庭的黄龙旗,升起了自制的“铁血九角十八星”的旗帜, 后来孙中山给予熊康坤为“熊一枪”和“铁血将军”的美称。 1911 年 10 月 22 日, 最早响应武昌起义的长沙起义爆发, 接着湖南起义军派出 4 批共 8 千人赴湖北支援战争,为了巩固武昌起义的成果,仅援鄂一战,湖南将士死伤达千人,由 于众多的湖南人流血牺牲,辛亥革命成功了。 但革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,1912 年元旦,从欧美德归来的孙中山来到南京,宣 誓就任中华民国第一任大总统,但两个多月之后,迫于北洋军阀袁世凯的压力,临时大总统 宝座让给了一天也没有到过中华民国首都南京的袁世凯, 为了捍卫这颗经湖南人流血牺牲换 来的革命果实,新的铁血保卫战又开始了。 1913 年,中国同盟会元老,国民党创始人之一,湖南桃源人宋教仁因忠心孙中山,反 对袁世凯担任大总统,在上海被袁世凯派来的凶手暗杀,造成震惊中外的“宋教仁血案”。宋 教仁的死惊醒了对袁世凯抱一丝希望的革命党人, 已到日本去的孙中山匆忙赶回, 号召讨袁, 准备“二次革命”。 1915 年被袁世凯软禁于京城的云南都督湖南人蔡锷,在“虽然风尘,不甘堕落”的妓女 浙江人小凤仙的帮助下,秘密逃离北京,躲过袁世凯的几次追杀,安然回到云南,马上通电 全国,宣布云南护国起义,反对袁世凯称帝复辟,并亲任讨袁护国军第一总司令,率 3 千 护国军,迎战 10 万袁氏北洋军,经过半年的浴血奋战,护国军节节胜利,全国各省纷纷独 立,袁世凯仅做了 83 天的皇帝梦便宣告取消帝制,不久气绝身亡。但蔡锷将军也因戎马一 生,积劳成疾,于 1916 年 11 月 8 日,也是另一伟人黄兴逝世后 8 天,病逝日本。 为了革命成功,不惜流血牺牲,成了湖南人的一种新美德,第二代湖南人现象经火与血 的洗礼而独具灿烂夺目的特色。孙中山曾经途径湖南,见到湖南到处是红土地时,感慨颇深 的说:“难怪湖南的土地是红的,这是革命党人的鲜血染红的”。就连当时还没有背叛革命的 蒋介石也说“革命成功,湖南人当推第一”。 第一代湖南人现象湖南人以湘军立威,第二代湖南人现象湖南人用鲜血扬名,第三代湖 南人现象则是“东方红,太阳升,中国出了毛泽东”的毛泽东时代。 辛亥革命成功后,资产阶级革命人士开始了权力的争夺,尤其是湖南地处南冲要塞,是 南北军阀必争之地,再则有贡献的革命党人实在太多,冲突也就格外激烈,在这南北军阀混 乱之际,新一代湖南人又开始创造发展空间。从 1921 年毛泽东参加创建中国共产党至 1935 年遵义会议,这 14 年是毛泽东政治生 涯中最关键的时期, 同样也是中国革命度过最大难关, 终于选准了以湖南人毛泽东为革命之 船的舵手,开始不断的从胜利走向胜利。 1921 年参加中国共产党第一次代表大会的代表有 13 人,湖南人占了 4 位(毛泽东, 李达,何叔衡,周佛海)占 30%左右,当时全国 50 多位共产党员,湖南人有 20 位,也 是 30%左右。

韶山导游词 篇8

  OK, now please pay attention. We are going to enter Shaoshan soon. Let'ssee, there is a couplet in front of us. The left couplet says how ambitious itis to sacrifice. The right couplet says: dare to call the sun and the moon tochange the sky. As we all know, China has four big stoves: Changsha, Nanjing,Wuhan and Chongqing. Besides the four furnaces, where is the hottest place? Yes,Shaoshan! Because Shaoshan is the place where the red sun rises.

  Shaoshan tourist area is located in Xiangtan City and Shaoshan City. In1994, it was designated as a national scenic spot by the State Council. With atotal area of 214 square kilometers and a population of 98000, people surnamedMao account for 70%. The whole terrain of Shaoshan is gradually inclined fromnorthwest to Southeast. In the East, there are hills and relatively open areas.In the west, there are mountains surrounded. Due to the long-term closing ofmountains for afforestation, the peaks are lush. Shaofeng, the highest peak ofShaoshan mountain, is the 71st peak of Hengshan Mountain, and the 72nd peak isYuelu peak. Shaoshan is a treasure land of geomancy, and its legends arebeautiful. It is said that Emperor Shun visited Hunan and Shaoshan during hissouthern tour. He was very happy to see the beautiful scenery. Then he made hisentourage play Shao music (a kind of palace music at that time). Suddenly, allof a sudden, a hundred birds were jubilant, and all the birds and animals nearbywere singing and dancing. Because the surrounding area is full of mountains andforests, people later according to the story that Emperor Shun used Shaoyue toattract hundreds of birds, this place is called Shaoshan. Shaoshan's Shao iscalled by Yin, which is exactly what it means. Shaoshanchong, Shaofeng andShaohe are also named after Shao. There are many legends about Shaoshan.Besides, there are also stories about Qianlong. It is said that Qianlong of theQing Dynasty once asserted that Shaoshan was a treasure land of geomantic omen.Within 520__ years, there would be a son of destiny, whose surname must be"backhand in charge of heaven and earth". As expected, in 1893, our great manMao Zedong was born, which also happened to verify the words of Qianlong. Youcan try to write what is the last stroke of the "hand" in the palm of your hand.The backhand palm is Mao.

  Chairman Mao's mother, Wen, is a native of Xiangxiang. Wen ranks theseventh in her family. Others call her Wen Qimei. Because the ancestral grave ofWen's family is in Shaoshan, in order to have a place to stay when they go tothe grave on Tomb Sweeping Day, Wen's father married Wen Qimei to Shaoshan andMao Shunsheng, Chairman Mao's father. Wen's family is three years older than MaoShunsheng's. as the saying goes, "a woman's junior, hold a BRIC". In the localMao Shunsheng's family, the conditions are OK. The night before Wen gave birthto Mao Zedong, Mao Shunsheng had a strange dream that a flying dragon looked upand refused to leave. In December 26, 1893, a dark night, lightning, thunder,strong wind, a great generation was born. Mao Zedong received his grandmother'shouse when he was young. There was a huge stone in the back of the mountain thatlooked like a human being. People called it Shi Guanyin. His grandmother tookhim to Shi Guanyin and worshipped him as a godmother to protect him from growingup. From this, Shi Erya came.

  Mao Shunsheng, Chairman Mao's father, is a shrewd businessman. He is verydisgusted with his father's practice, so he often contradicts his father. Once,his father invited his business friend to his home and asked Mao Zedong to treathim. But Mao Zedong died and ran out of the house. His father Mao Shunshengchased him out. Mao Zedong ran to the pond and threatened his father: "if youforce me again, jump down." Mao Shunsheng was very worried at that time becausehis two eldest sons died young and he was afraid of losing another one, so hehad to do it Let's go. Chairman Mao is very filial to his mother. Once he foughtwith his father and didn't speak to him for more than ten days. When his mothersaw him, she couldn't persuade him to kneel down and admit his mistake to hisfather. Mao Zedong knelt down and said, "mother, this leg is kneeling foryou."

  Well, later, one of the scenic spots we will visit is Chairman Mao's BronzeStatue Square. The bronze statue of Chairman Mao is 10.1 meters high and weighs3.7 tons. 10.1 meters means October 1, the founding day of the people's Republicof China. Therefore, the bronze statue of Chairman Mao is taken from an image ofthe founding ceremony. The chairman is holding a speech, wearing a Zhongshansuit and smiling. The meaning of shaoshanchong is a flat land in the valley, soChairman Mao's Bronze Statue Square is in the center of shaoshanchong. Thebronze statue of Chairman Mao was made by Nanjing Chenguang factory and carvedby famous sculptors Liu Kailiang and Cheng Yunxian in China. It lasted 120 days.The bronze statue of Chairman Mao left Nanjing on December 6, 1993, and enteredHunan through Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi. When the car team carrying thebronze statue of Chairman Mao drove to Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, the carsuddenly stalled. The drivers repeatedly checked and found nothing wrong. Atthis time, an old watch in his 70s said: "Jinggangshan is the first place whereChairman Mao went out of the mountains and took up his gun to make revolution.He wants to stay here for a night to have a look." The next day, without anymaintenance, the car miraculously started. On a "Ren" shaped hillside at thejunction of Jiangxi and Hunan, it was raining cats and dogs. The road intoJinggang Mountain was very slippery. More than 100 cars were injured to varyingdegrees. Some of them could not walk at all. Only the car carrying the bronzestatue passed Jinggang Mountain smoothly and safely. When a reporter asked aboutthe driver, the driver said, "I think it's Chairman Mao's blessing." So now manydrivers hang a little portrait of Chairman Mao in front of their cars in orderto have a safe journey.

  There are a series of strange things about the bronze statue of ChairmanMao. I don't know how much you know from the news media. Here, let's talk aboutit. The unveiling ceremony of Chairman Mao's bronze statue was officially heldon December 26, 1993, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Chairman Mao'sbirth. __ personally arrived in Shaoshan from Beijing to unveil the bronzestatue of Chairman Mao. It was sunny and cloudless, but strangely enough, themoon came out around 10:30 a.m. The left side of the bronze statue is the sun,and the right side is the moon. The sun and the moon shine on each other, makingthe whole sky bright. Thus, a once-in-a-lifetime and very rare astronomicalspectacle, the sun and the moon, came into being. At that time, it was December,and the azaleas all over the mountain were in full bloom, especially the onebehind Chairman Mao's former residence. As we all know, Rhododendron usuallyblooms from March to April every year, but this time it blooms in the coldwinter months, a few months earlier than the previous flowering season. Can't itbe said that it is against the law of nature? At that time, Emperor Shun'ssouthern tour and Qianlong's prophecy were just legends, without any historicalbasis or evidence. And the sun and the moon and the azalea bloom, is people seewith their own eyes, at the same time, there was a grand occasion photographedat that time. So people say: Chairman Mao is so great, he can make the skychange with people's will, flowers bloom with God's will. Chairman Mao is a realGod. His glorious name and great achievements will coexist with the sun and themoon and heaven and earth! Later, we will see the photos and live videos of thesun and the moon and the azalea blooming in Shaoshan. It wasn't just thesestrange things. On December 26, 1993, when the lottery was unveiled, six largecolored butterflies danced around the bronze statue of the chairman and refusedto leave for a long time. The onlookers were amazed. An old man introduced sixrelatives of Chairman Mao: Yang Kaihui, Mao Zemin, Mao zecui, Mao anying, MaoChuxiong and Mao Yingjian.

  Members of the group, it's nothing if such a strange thing or strange thinghappens alone, but a series of strange things or strange things happen at thesame time, in the same place and in the same person, we have to admit that it'sreally strange. After all, the chairman is a great man. Although he left us, hestill lives by our side and in our heart. Therefore, the bronze statue ofChairman Mao is called "an Oriental God.".

  When you visit Shaoshan, you must bring some souvenirs, such as chairman'sbadge, chairman's necklace, key chain, Chairman Mao's stamp album and so on.These are very common, very common. So which is the best and most valuable? Ithink as a tour guide, Xiao X has the obligation and responsibility to guideyou. The most precious souvenir in Shaoshan is the bronze statue of Chairman Maoapproved and issued by the State Central Archives Bureau. This small bronzestatue was issued on December 10, 1999 to celebrate the return of Macao. (theimage of the small bronze statue is reduced by 100 times) so far, four versionshave been issued. The bronze statues are numbered by the Central ArchivesBureau, from 0001 to 9999, with a total of 9999. Why only issue 9999 instead of9998 or 10000? Because Chairman Mao had a special affinity with 9 in his life.You may as well recall with Xiao X that on September 9, 1949, he led thepeople's Liberation Army into Beijing; on September 9, 1976, Chairman Mao died.Then there is another 9 words, which means "respect of __", and also symbolizesthat Chairman Mao's position is unshakable and irreplaceable. As soon as thebronze statue of Chairman Mao was issued, the first number 0001 and the lastnumber 9999 were immediately invited by Wang Maolin and __X, former secretariesof Hunan provincial Party committee. Because 0001 means the starting point.Chairman Mao was born in Shaoshan and Hunan. Of course, the No. 0001 bronzestatue will stay in Hunan. Now Wang Maolin donated the 0001 bronze statue to theProvincial Museum for preservation. 9999 means the respect of __. Of course,only the chairman can have it. If you are careful, sometimes you willoccasionally see a small bronze statue of Chairman Mao on __'s desk on TV, whichis No. 9999.

  Later, when you invite the bronze statue, you must pay attention to thefollowing points: first, the small bronze statue of Chairman Mao was issued byShaoshan Tourism Administration in the state-owned Shaoshan former residenceshopping mall. There is no unique collection number for the small bronze statuesin other places. The real little bronze statue of Chairman Mao is made of redcopper. Others are glass, copper, porcelain and lime. Second, when you inviteChairman Mao's small bronze statue, you must pay attention to "please" insteadof buying it. Using the word "buy" is disrespect for Chairman Mao. Shaoshanpeople are very unhappy to hear that. Third, if you want to buy ordinarysouvenirs, you can buy them in the hands of small vendors. They don't have topay taxes and the price is very cheap.

  Wait a minute, we will have a special announcer to explain to you when wearrive at the designated distribution office. Well, please don't forget later.If you are interested, please take the chairman home. Please take a statue ofthe chairman with a little aura, and bless your family peace, happiness andhealth!

韶山导游词 篇9

  Dear friends, now our tourist bus is going to Shaoshan, the hometown ofChairman Mao, the great leader of the Chinese people, where the red sunrises!

  Nowadays, we are all talking about the Chinese dream. What is the Chinesedream? The Chinese dream is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and thedream of generations of Chinese people. We have never been so close andconfident to this grand goal as we are today. You know, today's situation is noteasy. Who is the earliest pioneer of this glorious road? Mao Zedong! Mao Zedongis the first person to realize the Chinese dream.

  A great man must have something great. He began to read outlaws of themarsh when he was a child, hiding the light of the window (for fear that hisfather would find him), until the evening of September 8, 1976, only eight hoursbefore he died, and he was still reading the last document of his life.Throughout his life, Mao Zedong kept his promise and fought for the independenceand strength of the country and nation. Now, we should evaluate Mao Zedong inthis way. He is the hero of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and thehero of which the whole nation is proud!

  __ once said this with deep feeling. He said: there are two historicalperiods before and after the reform and opening up when our party leads thepeople in socialist construction. These two periods are interrelated and havesignificant differences. But in essence, they are both practical explorations ofour party leading the people in socialist construction. The two are connectedwith each other. __'s words highly affirm the great historical achievements ofrevolutionaries in Mao Zedong's period. We are very moved by this remark. As anAmerican scholar said, without the foundation laid in Mao Zedong's era, we couldnot find an object for reform.

  Mao Zedong, as a child who went out from the ordinary peasant family, builtthe largest party, the largest army and the largest country in the world emptyhanded in 20__ years, realizing the complete independence of the nation and thebasic unity of the country. Chairman Mao said one of the loudest words, as weall know, that is "the Chinese people have stood up since then.". In fact,Chairman Mao also said a more wonderful sentence: "the Chinese people not onlystand up, but also organize themselves. It's not easy for the Chinese people tobe provoked. It's not easy to be upset.". That is to say, the Chinese people areorganized, not just standing up.

  When Mao Zedong was 17 years old, in order to go out of his hometown andrealize his ambition of saving the country and the people, he wrote a poem tohis father, expressing his lofty ambition: if the child is determined to go outof the country, he will swear not to return if he can't become famous, whyshould he bury his bones, and there are green hills everywhere in his life.Looking back on Mao Zedong's life, there is basically no personal life, and hehas been committed to serving the people wholeheartedly. It is precisely becauseof his wise leadership and selfless dedication that he has left our country aninfinite treasure.

  In military affairs, the super weak won the super strong, and thoroughlyplayed out the prestige of the Chinese people. The reason why Premier Zhou Enlaiwas highly respected at the Bandung meeting is that those Asian and Africancountries especially admire China, because even the number one imperialistcountry, the United States, has been defeated by us.

  What is left for us in agriculture? We may as well think about it. If thereis no land reform and equal rights, there will be no great liberation ofproductive forces; if there is no cooperation, there will be no large-scalefarmland construction and large-scale water conservancy construction. Sincethen, the development of agriculture is definitely not the result of the policyof piding land into households and the responsibility system of contract withoutput.

  In industry, not to mention, Mao Zedong left behind a complete industrialsystem. Only with the solid foundation of yesterday can we talk about today'sgreat achievements.

韶山导游词 篇10

  Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:  Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan,the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100kmsouthwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with some fairly beautifulscenery and a once typically Hunan village atmosphere, Shaoshan has beenirreparably changed by history. On the 26th December 1893, a baby was born in alittle house in this village, to a relatively wealthy peasant couple. The childwas to grow up to become China's Great Helmsman, Chairman Mao Zedong, and it wasin this region that he spent his childhood and youth, attending school andhelping his father with his work.  As the hometown of the great man of thegeneration, now Shaoshan is one of the important tourist zones in Hunanprovince. The major tourist sites including the Former residence of ChairmanMao, Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, Water-dripping Cave and Steles Forest of Mao'sPoems,and so on.  The former residence of Chairman Mao is the most interestingsite. Entered through a courtyard, the house is of a sunny yellow, mud brickwalls, with a nicely thatched roof, and is found on a wooded hillside, abovesome lush paddy fields. There are 13 and one half rooms in the Former residence,which include one and half central room, a kitchen, a dining room, three familybedrooms and a guest room. Within the rooms are various personal effects of Maoand his parents, as well as photos from Mao's life.  This is the central room,it was used by two families: Mao’s family and their neighbor. So we said thatthere is only one half of the central room belongs to Mao’s family. And this isthere kitchen, where Chairman Mao often helped his mother doing some houseworkin his childhood. Go through the kitchen was Chairman Mao’s parent's bedroom,there are two photos of Chairman Mao’s parents on the inner wall, and it was inthis room where Chairman Mao was born.  The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 kmnorthwest of the village, is a very popular destination, possibly because of thefact that Mao allegedly spent 11 days here in the early days of the CulturalRevolution Years (1966-76), contemplating the unknown.

韶山导游词 篇11

  Welcome! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. In order tofacilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. .

  The origin of place names

  Shao was the music name of Yushun. "Book Yi Ji" said: "Xiao Shao 90%, bringphoenix to instrument." Historical records: Shaoshan, according to legend, whenShun was on a tour to the south, Shao was happy to play here because of hisname. (volume 354 of Jiaqing unified annals is quoted from Hunan Provincialannals · geographical annals) Cihai interprets Shaoshan according to this: "itis said that Shao was happy to play here when Yushun was on a tour to the southin ancient times, so it was named" There are eight scenic spots in the mountain.Yu Shun, the leader of tribal alliance in the late patriarchal clan society inancient times.

  The surname is Yao, the surname is Yu, and the name is rebirth, which isknown as Yushun in the world. He is another emperor of the Ming Dynasty who hasbeen respected by the Chinese nation for generations after Yao. He was highlyvalued by Yao, who not only abdicated the title of the leader to him, but alsobetrothed two beloved daughters, e Huang and nu Ying, to him. After Shunsucceeded to the throne, in order to benefit mankind, he explored the advantagesand disadvantages of mountains and rivers and planned the grand plan ofreclamation. On the way to the south, Shun and his attendants camped inShaoshan. The attendants sang and danced for Emperor Shun. With the beautifulmusic and dance, the cliffs played back and forth, the mountains sang and thevalleys echoed, the sound shook the trees, the Phoenix heard the music, spreadits wings, and sang harmoniously. Mountain scenery, a grand gathering in theworld, has been handed down from ancient times. After a long time, people calledthe music that Emperor Shun enjoyed Shao music, and called the mountain that heenjoyed Shao music Shaoshan.

  In 20__, Shaoshan City opened 12 free training courses for children's art,2 free training courses for the backbone of the city's Square Dance literatureand art, and 3 popular square dance classes, benefiting 3000 people. Themunicipal library has handled more than 1500 free borrowing cards, and the newlibrary has received nearly 20000 readers since its free opening. More than 740public welfare films were shown free of charge, benefiting 6000 people. Guangxinsports station in 7 townships and 61 rural libraries are all open to the publicfree of charge. More than 20__ people participated in the national fitnesssquare dance competition, and participated in Xiangtan sports meeting. In themountaineering competition, they won two inpidual gold awards, threeinpidual silver awards, the first prize of women's group and the second prizeof men's group.


  Shao music is a perfect music and dance that praises and publicizes EmperorShun's nine virtues and integrates poetry, music and dance. From Shao music inXia Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Zhonghe Shao music was lost. Shao music has ahistory of more than 4000 years. Shao music is mysterious and wonderful. It is"the first movement of China".

  Music and dance: the musical instruments used in Shao music were made andplayed strictly according to the textual research of literature and history asthe musical instruments used in Shao music from ancient times to Ming Dynastyand Qing Dynasty. The instruments used include Yongzhong, sihujie, geniuzhongand Gejie. There are 36 kinds of instruments, including Xintong drum, woodendrum, pottery drum, Jiangu, Xuangu, Cuan drum, Leigu, Lugu, Linggu, guqin,guzheng, Guse, Xiao, flute, panxiao, Cuan, Sheng, Zhifu, fou (4 kinds), Shi,Xiang, Ling, tuhao and Jiao. There are three Dances: long sleeve dance, featherdance, oxtail dance and martial dance (shield dance).

  Shun culture

  Emperor Shun is one of the five emperors in the history of the Chinesenation. The standard title of Emperor Shun in Hanshu gurenbiao is "Emperor Shunis Yu Yue". Shun is the embodiment of filial piety. He "worries about people"all his life and "only for the common people, not for the body". He has beenadmired and praised by people for more than 4000 years. Shun is the originatorof Chinese moral culture. The soul of Shun culture can be called "moralityfirst, emphasis on education". Shun died in the field of Cangwu and was buriedin Jiuyi mountain, Hunan Province. Emperor Shun's two concubines, E-Huang and nuYing, were Yao's two daughters. Hearing that Shun was dead, they rushed toJunshan of Dongting Lake and wept bitterly. Then they threw themselves into thelake to sacrifice for the festival and became Xiang goddess.

  Hunan is the main area of Emperor Shun's southern tour, and its main routeis around the Xiangjiang River Basin, leaving a lot of moving stories andbeautiful legends. Shaoshan was the main area of Emperor Shun's southern tour.Shaoshan got its name because Shun played shaole here to resolve a fiercebattle.

  Mao Zedong culture

  Mao Zedong established his cultural view on the basis of the dialecticalrelationship between social existence and social consciousness of Marxism. Itemphasizes that the people are the creators of history and the main body ofculture. Therefore, the nature and direction of cultural development is to servethe people; the attitude towards the people is the standard to judge theorientation of cultural values. It emphasizes the guiding position of Marxismand the leading position of the proletarian party in the cultural field, andclarifies the dialectical relationship between inheritance, reference,criticism, innovation and development in the cultural field.

  China's traditional China principle is critically inherited from MaoZedong's cultural view. Guided by Marx's philosophy, the principle of Marx'suniversal principle and the reality of Chinese revolution and construction arecombined to form a socialist ideology of Marx's China. It guides and promotesthe development of China's socialist general culture.

韶山导游词 篇12

  Shaoshan martyrs cemetery is located in Swan mountain, Qingxi Town. A new40 meter wide and 1020 meter long Boulevard named hero road has been built atthe east foot of Shaofeng.

  The north end of the road is connected with the Statue Square of MaoZedong's youth, and the south end is the cemetery.

  In order to commemorate the heroic martyrs of Shaoshan and let the realityremember history forever, the people of Shaoshan built a magnificent Shaoshanmartyrs cemetery in the centenary of Mao Zedong's birth.

  Shaoshan martyrs cemetery covers an area of more than 160 mu, which can bepided into nine parts

  The middle part of the gate tower is 19.93 meters, and the wing doors onboth sides are 12 meters high and 26 meters wide, forming a series of meaningfulfigures of "December 16, 1993".

  In the middle of the gate tower, two square gate pillars are like couplets,holding up a light yellow round door emblem.

  The door emblem looks like a flaming torch from a distance, and looks likeflowers in front of the martyrs from a close view.

  Tears spring is the first scene of the martyrs' cemetery, "suddenlyreported that the world had been subdued by tiger, tears flying down pour rain",the artistic conception comes from the scene.

  There are two swimming pools, high and low, in the form of falling water.Each pool is 28 meters long and 17 meters wide, symbolizing Mao Zedong's 28years as a leader of the party and the state since the founding of the people'sRepublic of China (Mao Zedong's three character traditional style is 28paintings, and he once named himself 28 painters); it also symbolizes that theCommunist Party of China has gone through 28 years of hard work to establish newChina.

  "17" is Mao Zedong's age when he left home.

  The swimming pool is equipped with 122 nozzles and 496 shadow

  In front of the low swimming pool, there are two springs in the shape ofwine cups, named osmanthus spring, which implies "Wu Gang holding osmanthuswine"; in the back of the high swimming pool, there is a large fountain.

  When the fountain started, the colorful water droplets, mist and watercolumn with different sizes and heights turned into neon and colorful clouds. Astainless steel sculpture in the middle of the pool was like "lonely Chang'e,comfortable and broad sleeves, dancing for loyal souls in the sky".

  The flag platform of the martyrs tower in Shaoshan martyrs' cemetery passesthrough a 10 meter wide and 200 meter long granite stairway with hundreds ofsteps, and reaches the top of Swan mountain 109 meters away from Shanghai. It isthe main building of the martyrs' cemetery, the martyrs' tower.

  The height of the tower is 26 meters, the diameter of the round hall of thetower body is 12 meters, and the diameter of the round hall of the tower base is6 meters. The shape of the tower is silver halberd, and the red flag is rolled,which is taken from the poetic scene of Mao Zedong's Qilu. To Shaoshan.

  There are four groups of granite reliefs on the top of the outer wall ofthe round hall, which are Shaoling Yuxiu, revolutionary kindling, agriculturaltransport tieliu and dare to change the new sky.

  The north and South groups are the scenes of Mao Zedong's former residence,red sun rising to the East and majestic Shaofeng.

  Carved figures on both sides of the East and the West are lifelike.

  The black granite in the upper part of the hall is engraved with the namesof 146 martyrs in Shaoshan.



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