

保洁员自我评价 篇1


保洁员自我评价 篇2






保洁员自我评价 篇3



保洁员自我评价 篇4

  一年来,我做了一定的工作,也取得了一些成绩,但距领导和同志们的要求还有不少的差距:工作创新意识不强,创造性开展不够。在今后的工作中,我将发扬成绩,克服不足,以对工作高度负责的态度,脚踏实地,尽职尽责地做好各项工作。多关心同事,团结班组所有成员共同努力工作,不辜负领导和同志们对我的期望。20xx年,我们在公司领导的指导与大力支持下,按照公司的工作要求,本着您的满意,是我们永远的追求的物业服务宗旨, 以人为本,以客为尊,以诚为源,以质为先 的公司管理理念,以上水平,创效益,树品牌作为公司的发展目标,服务第一、客户至上作为每一位员工的信条。

保洁员自我评价 篇5

  You are good! I have since this year May 18 entry as the property unit in charge of cleaning. Responsibilities responsible for the park A, B, D daily cleaning, regular disinfection, garbage removal work, and property and office and reception area at the end of E, F, G group wasteland and daily cleaning service health regulatory management. A wide range of management, staff more scattered distribution, which has given the management of great difficulty, but did not change my passion for the work, which is both a challenge and a rare opportunity to exercise. We will work report this year are as follows:

  First, the land reclamation work

  At the beginning of the work, the focus is the public face of land reclamation area ABD group, pressed for time, maintenance work, and this has brought great difficulties to the land reclamation work, basically the entire time is a large-scale land reclamation work and maintenance work synchronization carried out, which resulted in the completion of land reclamation area there and repeat the cleaning secondary pollution problems. As owners of the water system centralized processing before moving still not opened, which is the work of pioneers came undoubtedly a huge impact, but in coordination with the Ministry of Wang's property, after careful communication, try to contact the total package chunks of construction waste clearing away the remaining part of the small amount of construction waste from the clean-up I arranged for pioneers who, in addition to coordination by temporarily borrowing the use of fire and water do wasteland. Daily site supervision and inspection procedures before the owners go through occupation, corrective rework, one by one, to ensure the successful completion of land reclamation work. Similarly at the end of takeover EFG group, cold, in the case of water most of the time can not overcome difficulties to complete the land reclamation work.

  Second, the daily cleaning work management

  Cleaning contractors as fieldworkers widespread be older, low educational level, staff mobility and other issues. Because this project for villa project, the working environment only park and garage, conditions are relatively poor, and the area under the jurisdiction of each person is also a great and heavy task. In addition to regular property company company background, management system, the company's corporate culture and leadership in-depth training, training to work with the company's own cleaning system cross-cycle training. And internal cleaning company cleaning tool for practical operation, cleaning knowledge skills training, regularly organized by one oral examination, survival of the fittest, to ensure that everyone can be improved as soon as possible. Also in the cleaning staff during their daily work, for the rest of them, and so be more concerned about the food problem, contact the engineering department of construction cleaning lounge in the garage during the summer heat paid summer cooling medicines, so that we can work without distraction. In effect from October, due within the construction side indoor cleaning dismantling my property department staff under tense circumstances, officers deployed within two months after the cumulative time home cleaning construction garbage, cleaning up 175 times in the home, clean up public area maintenance huddle during construction waste more than 200 times, to ensure that after the end of construction, the owner occupancy within the first indoor public areas and health requirements.

  Working in conjunction with the actual rules I went to summarize and constantly revised the cleaning class rules in their daily work. Has updated the company's "cleaning operating instructions" has formulated a series of regulations to modify the rules and specific measures, the management a clear pision of responsibility to the people. And according to the situation developed cleaning staff positions zoning, work processes, responsibilities, safe working practices, contingency plans and so on. Similarly to always check the work of the staff, fill out the "working report" and fill my daily  "cleaning inspection checklist" double patrol inspected by competent contractors. I daily staff performance, identify problems and rectification, and communication with other departments and working log consolidation in a piece of paper, reducing me a lot of paperwork, but also through communication with the security officer in charge and green in charge of , mutual supervision Bulletin, to cover the status of only one person visits to check the cleaning sector. By recording and checklist to understand how they work and the quality of the situation, be aware of, well documented, and organize your records. Closely with the Customer Service Department, the door handle two cleaning complaint, and in a timely manner the corresponding actions, giving top priority to avoid the same problem again. With sales offices and staff exchanges with the club, the successful completion of all times superiors to visit the check reception tasks.

  Third, periodic disinfection work

  In regular disinfection four pests work, the company proposed purchase their own medicines equipment, personnel arrangements by collecting information and consulting professionals, and explore multiple comparison, sorting out the list of processes and equipment for the project status of a pharmaceutical operation, cost savings, in conjunction with the installation of anti-mosquito lamp garage and weekly disinfection frequency, achieved the desired effect, and make written records archive. Gradually improve the park garage mosquitoes and more environmental problems.

  Fourth, garbage removal

  Garbage removal company since July 1 officially admitted, in order to pre-garbage-based, with the increase in the amount of owner occupancy, and an increase in household decoration, construction garbage piling up in the garage of each household, so the daily work and in addition of a trash patrol. Do not hesitate to contact estimated vehicle removal approach. Part of the decoration company construction materials and garbage stacked together, in order to prevent accidental removal, I designed a form to sign it by the removal personnel and on-site person in charge, and I also inform the front desk to contact the owners, so that double insurance.

  Looking back more than six months of work, the superiors of help and care Despite some achievements, parks and clubs pre-cleaning work on the right track. But leaders at all levels of the company's requirements there is a gap in the management level, there is a lack of the ability to communicate, sometimes failing when cool enough, sometimes anxious often counterproductive. These shortcomings need me to strengthen their own learning, to guide their work with the knowledge, strive for better results with the leadership to return confidence in me.

  They enter the new year I will have more enthusiasm and positive attitude and strive to do the following:

  1. Strengthening business knowledge and corporate culture of learning and improving, innovative methods of work, and improve various regulations.

  2. strengthen communication with the contractors in charge of cleaning to improve the quality of service, efficiency, strengthen all aspects of training.

  3. The provisions of the combined company gradually establish and perfect from contractors for the assessment management system to improve the level of efficiency of the outsourcing company.

  Please report over the leadership given to the Authority and correction.

保洁员自我评价 篇6



































保洁员自我评价 篇7

  Busy year for an instant be over, we will usher in a new year 20xx, 20xx years of review and looking forward to a better 20xx.

  I am in the company under the guidance of competent leadership, adhere to the cleaning line of work as a monitor cleaning work can be proactive, serious and responsible, fully involved in cleaning work among all obey the leadership arrangements, work hard working, do not care about work personal gains and losses, to the letter of the completion of various tasks assigned by the leadership. Help support the leadership, colleagues, and actively mobilize employees at work the maximum mobilization of staff enthusiasm, in the "C" period to lead the staff organized labor, not to drag the company. Overall work throughout the year has made some achievements, get good grades at the same time, I will continue to redouble our efforts to work with colleagues to plot owners who have a clean, comfortable work environment .

  At the same time get a good, there are many shortcomings, I will strive to improve in the new year, to improve, to overcome the deficiencies, for better results.

  By the results we work hard work, but I personally can not do it, this also sincerely thank the leadership and colleagues help and support.

保洁员自我评价 篇8

  Over the past year, I am responsible for # 1 to the work environment, leadership support in the company under the leadership of the company in accordance with the work requirements, in line with the intentions of the purpose of service, "service first, customers first" as every employee creed. Through the joint efforts of all staff, we launched a series of services working in this for years of work to do with a brief summary. Sum up experience and lessons learned, identify shortcomings, to lay the foundation years of work.

  First, years concentrating on tasks: a good grasp of the overall quality of construction cleaning team to strengthen ideological education of employees. Pay close attention to employee service awareness, and establish "owner first, service first" and "customer is God," so that each employee in the service can put ourselves for the sake of tenants - "would like to think tenants, the owners of the worry worry "before opening the owners satisfied with the owners, tenants deeply feel the warmth of home. Also focus on training some professional skills and knowledge, because only in continuous learning and strive to forge ahead in development. So that every employee always summon the strength to keep the morale.

  Second, to further build the whole of the rules and regulations. With relevant rules and regulations to strictly regulate the daily work of each employee code of conduct, so that "people given posts of responsibility to the people" so that each employee can recognize their shortcomings, and actively seek to improve and progress.

  Third, pay close attention to the instrument, appearance and image building cleaning staff, pay close attention to the staff's courtesy management, and uniform dress code, always check the staff of the instrument appearance, inspection staff courtesy, so that the cleaning team did dress neatly, have courtesy courteous, full of energy, so that service with a smile.

  Fourth, it is people, posts, positioning, responsibility to the people. According to the actual situation of the park, based on each employee's ability to work and expertise, dash-dot, dicing, zoning, building planning, set people, posts, positioning, so that everyone something to do, personal responsibility area, according to the pision area of responsibility, the daily inspection and found the problem immediately noted immediately corrected, and always maintain the district, each building sanitation clean and tidy.

  Second, there is the question:

  1, professional skills to master is not comprehensive enough. With an endless stream of high-tech materials, we can not conduct a comprehensive knowledge on methods to clean thoroughly cleaning work for future work that may cause errors leaving a hidden danger, we have to continue to learn in the future work, efforts to enrich their knowledge for the smooth working of the future expansion paved road.

  2, all kinds of records are not standardized, incomplete. Lack of professionalism of the various systems of records, imperfect, no professional record forms, records lack uniformity, aesthetics.

  Third, the corrective measures:

  For at least the shortcomings, I will be in the coming year to focus on learning and training in professional skills and knowledge on the strengthening of each employee's service standards, so that our "personalized service" to develop better go out, adapt to different needs, so the owners satisfaction, satisfaction Party, a strong professional performance culture, warm and thoughtful service, to fight tough cleaning team to return the company to our cultivation, let us continue the family's prosperity, continue to grow.

  In years, some cleaning work on improving overall, but details of the work, there are still insufficient cleaning costs as well as potential. Under the guidance of the company's leadership, under the direct leadership of the Fund Manager, in all the efforts of the cleaning staff, we will have a better performance in .

  Fourth, -year work plan and standards, goals.

  According to the work of years, according to the company's requirements, root out detailed work content, work plan years, standards, goals.

  First, the cleaning work standardization.

  1, standardized training staff. Efforts to cultivate and foster a strong technical expertise, work style, high-quality team. It is to do the cleaning work of premise, only professionally trained team to adapt to the modern Czech special company management and specialized cleaning requirements. To establish good working order, and improve staff quality and efficiency, we will have a comprehensive plan of organization staff training. Implementation classes for new employees more reality speaks theory, training in the process of post demonstration. Monitor taught; older employees pass, to help with play monitor business skills, mobilize the enthusiasm of older employees. Such new employees easy to accept and master. That improves employee skills and shortened the distance between colleagues. Off strict training, operating essentials clarifying points, so deft eye ground (namely: the eye ground look deft do); fine after the first rough, step, people walking was clear (ie: time to do a thorough, people walking garbage, miscellaneous material, tools, took it all). The training of employees as an indicator of daily work tasks, using appropriate time once a week, every intensive training, training includes: "Clean basic skills", "job responsibilities", "operational safety" Performance "and detergents use "," use of equipment "and so on. At the same time in their daily work ongoing guidance and training, training throughout the year, finished training to conduct the assessment, evaluation criteria: assessment of the actual operation of 100 percent qualified, 95% of the theoretical examination pass.

  2, according to standardized do, posts, will be people, fixed floor, responsibility to the people, jobs to people, sign posts of responsibility. Let the hearts of the staff standard, are arranged on the order sheet date, the operation specification. The entire work area no dead ends, no omissions.

  3, according to standardized to check, supervisor, team leader is not going through the motions in the inspection work, we must adhere to the standard examination, self-examination, peer review, monitor inspection, the competent inspection, sampling and other inspection system combined with the test results effectively linked to wages and salaries . Adhere to daily inspections, supervise cleaning work, identify problems promptly corrected.

  Second, the implementation of elements of management normalization

  1, infrastructure management normalization. Usually double-check facilities, identify problems and Times repair the fault but the night.

  2, materials management normalization. Picking process and procedures are complete, strict implementation of approval system, root out potential cleaning costs, eliminate waste, for companies to save costs and improve efficiency.

  3, the working methods of normalization. Develop various positions working standards and processes, and constantly improve vulnerable place to ensure proper use of the methods of work to guide employees so that all work in a controlled state. Develop various positions according to the actual situation, "Post Practice" and "inspection procedures", "training regulations," "Language Code of Conduct" and the relevant work skills. And let the cleaning staff to heart.

  4, occupational health and safety management and standardization. For each cleaning job at risk to identify, develop measures against hazards, and employees work in self-protection education. High-profile, 3 high windows, outdoor, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment as a key educational content and tips to ensure safe and accident, so security services.

  5, monthly, weekly commentary, week, the attendance regularized. Various reports in a timely manner, and to formalize procedures.

保洁员自我评价 篇9

  Hello everybody morning! My name is , is in charge of the cleaning work of deputy director. Today, the company held a cleaning work annual awards ceremony concluded, take this opportunity to report that all the leaders, and I a year's work, the problems and deficiencies identified in the work, please leaders to criticism and correction.

   is an extraordinary year for the 29th Olympic Games was successfully held in Beijing, so we feel very honored and proud. As the cleaning staff, we are responsible for the environmental cleanup town village work, well aware of their responsibility. Town and village leaders and leaders in charge of the work environment of the company attached great importance, which requires us to strictly follow the rules and regulations established by the company, serious and responsible to do their job.

  I am a village town, from May to August as the village team leader since the cleaning, I unite colleagues, serious and responsible work, obey the leadership. I also have responsibility for their own health segment, at the same time to complete their work and then check the other cleaning staff work. Strictly in accordance with the company's leadership, the organization of work, the completion of the village cleaner cleaning zones and cleaning work. end of August, due to the good performance in my work, I was promoted to deputy director of the leadership of the company, in charge of arrangements Zhendong sheet 13 villages and the town government road before cleaning hygiene management. Job changes, along with heavier responsibility, under the leadership of the company's encouragement, I took to overcome the psychological stress of this job and gradually into the role. At work, I try to do the following:

  First, efforts to consult experience to the old leadership, seriously study the company's rules and regulations, grasp the understanding of environmental health situation of the village, identify problems and timely rectification and report to superiors.

  Second, the team leader and team members with timely communication, understanding and psychology work cleaning staff.

  Third, the timing of the cleaning staff were held in the village meeting to promote the company to develop the rules and regulations, safety production responsibility system. Seriously implement the requirements of the cleaning staff, especially the cleaning team leader to take the lead, strict management. The health cleaning work to a new level, to create a beautiful environment for our town and make due contributions.

  In the correct leadership of the company leadership and the strong support and assistance, through the hard work of nearly four months, town village health cleaning situation has radically changed, work cleaning staff initiative to improve the sense of responsibility and safety awareness significantly strengthened. Among these, I also put in a lot of effort, in order to more than a day to several villages to check health cleaning work, I specifically bought an electric bike, every day from morning to evening. Sometimes, inpidual colleagues do not understand my work, in the back of some small talk, plus the family does not understand, I once wanted to give up, but I insist on living. For work, I can not live up to the leadership and colleagues I trust and love, I am only working harder to repay them. It turns out that my work has been recognized by everyone, even some of the hard work is worth it.

  New year, under the leadership of the company, I have to work harder, serious and responsible, strict requirements, your peers, the cleaning job done for my town striving for national civilized eco-town to make a contribution.

保洁员自我评价 篇10




保洁员自我评价 篇11

  Busy year for an instant be over, we will usher in a new year 20xx, 20xx years of review and looking forward to a better 20xx.

  I am in the company under the guidance of competent leadership, adhere to the cleaning line of work as a monitor cleaning work can be proactive, serious and responsible, fully involved in cleaning work among all obey the leadership arrangements, work hard working, do not care about work personal gains and losses, to the letter of the completion of various tasks assigned by the leadership. Help support the leadership, colleagues, and actively mobilize employees at work the maximum mobilization of staff enthusiasm, in the "C" period to lead the staff organized labor, not to drag the company. Overall work throughout the year has made some achievements, get good grades at the same time, I will continue to redouble our efforts to work with colleagues to plot owners who have a clean, comfortable work environment .

  At the same time get a good, there are many shortcomings, I will strive to improve in the new year, to improve, to overcome the deficiencies, for better results.

  By the results we work hard work, but I personally can not do it, this also sincerely thank the leadership and colleagues help and support.

  1, the staff at different levels of training, development objectives for employees, encourage employees to self-learning and self-development, and strive to improve their overall quality.

  2, once again strengthen the management of cleaning staff. Directed to buildings, dispersion corridor, an area of large, complex nature of the public areas, large population movements and other characteristics, years need to increase the intensity of management, making systematic, standardized, benign operational.

  1) strengthen the work of quality supervision, the better. Strengthen staff awareness of service, flexibility in handling problems at work, active service and other aspects of management.

  2) emphasis on staff training and education, improve staff ethics and sense of service.

  3) to strengthen the squad on the basis of management capabilities.

  4) working standard to quantify and operable.

  5) daily training, so that employees are familiar with the work processes and service standards, service quality sublimation.

  3, for some unexpected events develop emergency contingency plans and staff training, and constantly improve and perfect satisfaction. Such as burst pipes, leaks, ice and other conditions so that employees master respond freely, not panic.

  4, to further improve the efficiency and quality of work of the cleaning staff, excellence, strengthen supervision and inspection efforts. For cleaning staff awareness training for active service, to adjust staff thought, encourage employees to take the initiative to develop the habit of self-examination, learn to identify and solve problems. Only good plan to work step by step, in an orderly manner; be good at summing up, found insufficient, job performance to a virtuous circle.

  5, years also oversee Taiyuan Street Wanda basement all the way to the sales office of management and the North, and West Wanda same standards, high standards and strict requirements, so the owners satisfied, Party satisfaction.

  Fourth, the owner, check the satisfaction of the Party.

  Higher levels of inspection for a high degree of importance to the timely organization of human and material resources, improve the work, let the party satisfaction, the company assured.

  Fifth, the vertical relationship of harmony.

  Correctly handle the relationship with the Party, correctly handle the relationship with employees, to normalize relationships, harmonization, and create a harmonious environment for good work.

  No pain, a harvest, long way to go. We should conscientiously sum up past experiences and lessons, consolidate the achievements, overcome the shortcomings, under the guidance of the Corporation, under the direct leadership of the Fund Manager, Mo Bing Li Ma, spare no effort, threw himself into work, cleaning work for Wanda Plaza to a new level, as the Czech Republic, a special brand image, to make greater efforts.

保洁员自我评价 篇12














保洁员自我评价 篇13


















保洁员自我评价 篇14


  首先感谢公司领导能给我这次机会,在这次活动上发言。很荣幸来到集团宁德分公司担任一名保洁员,这份工作对于我来说来之不易,从上岗的第一天开始,我就以严谨的态度来对待这份工作,我将为公司的发展出一份自己微薄力量而努力奋斗。 做保洁工作在很多人眼里都是不值得一提的工作,我原来也是这么想的,可是自从真正的接触到实际工作中的时候,才发现并不简单。看似每日重复、机械、单一的保洁工作其实是有技巧的,甚至是可以从中找到乐趣的:按照事先制定的保洁计划(流程)做基本的保洁,这就要求对基本的工作流程、标准理解准确;其次要对责任区域的情况了如指掌,知道哪些地方是重点区域,哪些地方会造成盲点,根据这些情况在工作中适当确定流程中的关键环节;


保洁员自我评价 篇15




  我们办公室里还有一位值得我学习是:办公室主任,我们都叫她张姐,有时候我都开玩笑说:‘张姐,你就是女人中的精品,交给你一个作恶多端的土匪,或许都能把他改造成热心肠’。她总是笑笑说:‘我那有那么好’?张主任在我眼里,她为人亲切,说话温和又有耐心。做事认真、仔细、负责任。一丝不苟用在她身上是恰如其分。这样说吧! 但凡她经手的事情,和她接听过的客服电话,无一没有记录的。谦虚、谨慎而仅仅有条是她的风格。在保洁管理方面她辅助我做了许多工作,如:招聘、岗前培训、保洁用品的购买与发放等。在我的工作中还有工程部师傅们,同样也给了保洁服务工作很多帮助,每次高空作业时帮我们开升降梯和接通水源,小到修理尘推、捆扎墩布、和玻璃刮子等。这些都是工程经理的配合与协调我部门的工作,我非常感谢他们对我的支持与帮助。





保洁员自我评价 篇16


  回顾过去的一年,我负责1#地的环境工作,在公司领导支持领导下,按照公司的工作要求,本着用心服务的宗旨,以“服务第一、客户至上”作为每一位员工的信条。经过全体员工的共同努力,开展了一系列的优质服务工作, 在此对xx年的工作做以简要总结。总结经验和教训,找出不足,为xx年的工作打好基础。

  第一、xx年主抓的几项工作: 一、认真抓好保洁队伍的整体素质建设,加强员工的思想教育工作。狠抓员工的服务意识,树立“业主至上、服务第一”、“客户就是上帝”让每位员工在服务中都能设身处地的为住户着想——“想住户之所想,忧业主之所忧”,在业主开口前让业主满意,让住户深刻的感受到家的温馨。同时还着力开展一些专业技能知识的培训,因为只有在不断的学习进取中才能力求发展。使每一位员工始终鼓足劲、保持最旺盛的斗志。






  2、 各种记录的不规范、不齐全。各种制度记录的专业程度不足、不完善,无专业化的记录表格,记录缺乏整齐性、美观性。














  4、职业健康安全管理正规化。对保洁各岗位存在风险进行识别,针对危险源制定措施,并对员工进行工作中的自我保护教育。高台、 3高窗、室外、电气设备使用、机械设备使用作为重点内容进行教育和提示,确保安全无事故,做到安全服务。


  三、 人力资源管理规范化

  1、 对员工进行不同层次的培训,为员工制定工作目标,鼓励员工自我学习和自我发展,努力提高自己的综合素质。








  4、 进一步提高保洁员的工作效率和工作质量,精益求精,加强监督检查力度。对保洁员进行主动服务意识培训,调整员工思想,鼓励员工养成主动自查习惯,学会发现问题,解决问题。只有善于计划,工作才能按部就班,有条不紊地开展;只有善于总结,发现不足,工作绩效才能良性循环。







保洁员自我评价 篇17





















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